Fermi Questions Deck #1 Flashcards
Familiarize yourself with some basic statistics about the human body, our home planet of Earth, etc. in preparation for the Science Olympiad Fermi Questions event.
Men’s Average Height
69.4 inches
Men’s Average Weight
194.7 lbs.
Men’s Average Weight Circumference
39.7 inches
Women’s Average Height
63.8 inches
Women’s Average Weight
164.7 lbs.
Women’s Average Weight Circumference
37 inches
Average amount of water in the human body
40 liters
Average percent of body weight made up of water
Amount of body fluid that is intracellular fluid
25 liters
Amount of body fluid that is extracellular fluid
15 liters
Amount of extracellular fluid that is plasma fluid
3 liters
Amount of extracellular fluid that is interstitial fluid
12 liters
Amount of extracellular fluid that is transcellular fluid
Average human heart beats per day
Average human heart beats per year
35 million
Average human heart beats per lifetime
3 billion
Gallons of blood pumped by the heart in a lifetime
48 million
Lung breathes per day
Gallons of air produced per year
80 million
Urine produced each day by kidneys
1.5 quarts
Urine produced in a lifetime by kidneys
10,000 gallons
Blood processed each minute by kidneys
1 quart
Blood processed each day by kidneys
423 gallons
Blood processed in a lifetime by kidneys
1.3 million gallons
Amount of food consumed each day by average human
3.5 pounds
Amount of food consumed in a lifetime by average human
53 tons
Saliva produced in a lifetime
10,000 gallons
Average time it takes food to travel from mouth to stomach
7 seconds
Number of cells that compose the body
100 trillion
Number of cells that die and are replaced each minute
300 million
Blood cells that die every minute
15 million
Muscles in the human body
Bones in the human body
Square feet of skin in the human body
20 square feet
Miles of blood vessels in the human body
Number of scents detected by the nose
Number of eye blinks each year
6 million
Number of diseases that affect the human body
12,753 km (7,926 miles)
5.98E24 kg (6.5E21 tons)
5.52 g/cm^3
Minimum distance from sun
146 million km (91 million miles)
Maximum distance from sun
152 million km (94.5 million miles)
Surface Gravity
9.78 m/s^2
Tilt of axis
23 deg. 27”
-128 F to 136 F
Average surface temperature
Population, United States
313,229,000 (March 23, 2012)
Population, World
6,840,507,003 (2010)
Population, China
1,347,350,000 (December 31, 2011)
Population, India
1,210,193,422 (March 1, 2011)