Fermentation Flashcards
What type of yeast is strain #7?
Reliable fermenters
What type of yeast is strain #6?
Reliable fermenters
What type of yeast is strain #14
Low acid ginjō yeast
What type of yeast is strain #1801
Low acid ginjō yeast
What type of yeast is strain #9
Early ginjō yeast
What type of yeast is strain #11
Reliable fermenters
What type of yeast is strain #10
Early ginjō yeast
What does ‘01’ at the end of a yeast number indicate?
It is a low-foaming yeast
Why do brewers prefer to use low-foaming yeast?
Foaming sake yeast create a thick layer of a sticky foam on the top of the fermenting liquid that can take up as much as half of the volume of a fermentation tank. This foam leaves a residue that takes a lot of time to clean. Low foaming yeast reduce the time and effort involved in cleaning and allow the brewer to fill the tanks fuller and therefore make more efficient use of their fermenters. There is also no risk of overflow which could contaminate other tanks
In what format are most purchased yeast supplied to breweries in Japan?
Glass ampoules
How does the temperature affect the behaviour of yeast?
The warmer it becomes the faster the yeast work. The colder it is the slower they ferment. At around 3-5C (37-41F) they stop fermenting altogether.
How does the cold help a brewer?
Microorganisms that could spoil the fermentation starter are less active and therefore present a reduced risk at low temperatures
What can a brewer use to cool a fermentation starter
Daki, pipes that circulate cold water, insulation or ice wrapped around the outside of the vessel
What equipment can be used to warm a fermentation starter should it be too cold?
Daki, heat jackets, heat lamps or foot warmers
How big is the fermentation starter compared to a main fermentation batch?
The starter is typically 6-10% of the size of the main fermentation batch
Why is an acidic environment important for a fermentation stater?
Sake yeast are able to tolerate an acidic environment whereas other microorganisms that might spoil the fermentation starter struggle in this environment. This gives the yeast a competitive advantage in the fight to form a dominant population and ‘gain control’ of the sugar and other yeast nutrients.
Is the percentage of kōji used in the fermentation starter different to the percentage of kōji in a main fermentation batch?
Yes. Typically, 30-33% of a fermentation starter is kōji, whereas kōji makes up 20-23% of the main fermentation
Describe the sokujō-moto fermentation starter method.
Describe the kimoto fermentation starter method.
Describe the yamahai fermentation starter method
How long does sokujō-moto typically take to complete?
14 days
What is added at the start of sokujō-moto?
Water and kōji
What is the temperature at the start of sokujō-moto?
18–25°C (38–77°F).
What is added next after water and kōji in sokujō-moto?
Lactic acid, steamed rice and yeast