Feneck Topic 1 Flashcards
Murdock (1949)
- Nuclear family is universal and the best type of family for society
4 functions:
- Stabilisation of the sex drive
- Reproduction
- Socialisation
- The economic function
Parsons (1951)
- functional fit theory: the family changed from extended to nuclear with industrialisation
-The nuclear family has 2 essential functions:
The stabilisation of adult personalities
Primary socialisation
Engels (1884)
- Primmitive communism
- Development Monogamous nuclear family
-this ensured that wealth was passed down to a legitimate heir and maintained the wealth of the bourgeoisie
Zaretsky (1876)
- Proletariat feel alienation in the workplace and the family is an escape from exploitation where men can feel valued
- This maintains false class consciousness as it stops workers from seeking change in the work environment
Althusser (1971)
- Ideological state apparatus which spreads ruling class ideology
- The family encourages children to be obedient and respect adults which benefits the capitalist system as it means the bourgeoisie have obedient workers who are productive
Oakley (1974)
Liberal Feminist
- Conducted interviews with housewives in London
- Found that women did most housework - 15% of husbands has high level, of participation in housework
-25% had a high level of participation in childcare
- Argued against the idea that the division of labour in the home was equal
Ansley (1972)
Marxist feminist
- Women are “takers of shit”
- The emotional support provided by women absorbs the anger that men experience in a capitalist society
- Women subconsciously prevent men from directing their anger and frustration at the real cause (captialism)
Greer (2000)
Radical feminist
- The role of the mother is undervalued by society
- Separatism can solve patriarchy- the creation of female only households
Firestone (1970)
Radical Feminist
- Main cause of gender inequality is biological fact if childbirth which puts women at a physical disadvantage to men
- believes we need to develop an artificial womb so that women can be free from the necessity of childbirth
Smart (2007)
Personal Life Perspective
- focuses on the meanings people attach to their relationships and the range of personal relationships that are important to people
- eg: fictive kin (people who aren’t related by blood/marriage but are important to you)
Nordqvist & Smart (2014)
Personal Life perspective
- carried out instructed interviews with parents who had donor conceived children
- Parents emphasised the importance of social relationships over genetic ones
- Also revealed concerns emailed over donors identity and possible donor siblings
- Lesbian couples had concerns over equality between genetic and non genetic mothers
Stacey (1996)
Post Modernist
- Family diversity is permanent (no one dominant family type)
- Researched family life in California in the 1980s
- Dotty and Pam moved from living in traditional nuclear families bc they were unhappy in their marriages and created alternative family structures
- Gay/lesbian families develop family forms that best suit their interests
Tipper (2011)
Personal Life Perspective
- conducted research with children and found that they frequently described their pets as “part of their family”