Feminists Flashcards
What is meant by the key word patriarchy?
Men dominate women in most areas of society
What is meant by the key word triple shift?
Three roles women are expected to perform:
1. Emotional support
2.domestic labour
3. Paid work
What is meant by the key word duel burden?
Two traditional ways women are expected to play in society
1. Emotional support
2. Domestic labour
What are the four social policies?
- 1932- women given the vote
2.1970s- contraceptive pill available on the NHS - 1972- divorce reform Act- more accessible
- 1990s- rape within marriage illegal
What do radical feminists believe?
Absolute division in society and men are the enemy as they benefit from unpaid domestic labour and sexual services
What do radical feminists say is the only way to achieve separatism
Women live separate to men.
What do liberal feminists believe?
That in society there should be equality between genders with parents socialising children wether it’s a son or daughter similarly e.g chorse not gender specific
What are liberal feminists concerned over?
Concerned with campaign against sex discrimination and equal rights
Women oppression slowly overcome due to these changes in law
What do difference feminists believe?
That not all women are the same as other feminists only focus on experience of women in the nuclear family as not all are nuclear
Shows they believe that you can’t generalise womens experience
What do difference feminists say about the lives of black women in the family?
That family is a possible support against racism
What do Marxist feminists believe?
Family is a tool of capitalism that oppress and not men
What are the three ways that Marxist feminists say that the family oppresses women and support capitalism
- Women reproduce workforce and socialise them
- Absorb anger of men who are frustrated due to to alienation and exploitation
- Reserve army of labour but are let go when not needed e.g ww1
What does Ansley say about women?
They are the takers of shit
How does Somerville criticise radical feminists?
Claims to fail to see improvements as their has been to the women family experience.
Have control over fertility and access to divorce
What is one criticism of liberal feminists?
That it overstates the amount of progress as the triple shift is still a thing
How do Marxist and radical feminists criticise liberal feminists?
Claim it fails to challenge underlying cause of women oppression as a change in law won’t bring equality there needs to be a fundamental societal change
What is a criticism of difference feminists?
Women are no longer a reserve labour
Equal rights at work and as likely as men to be a breadwinner
What does the liberal feminist Jennifer Somerville state and when?
2 reasons
In 2000,
Family no longer patriarchal institution it was in the 19th century as there are social policies of benefit women
Also argues greater equality as women have choice to work although potentially in not all areas
What does the liberal feminist Oakley state?
Gender role socialisation and patriarchy:
Some parents use gender role socialisation to teach children males are dominant
What does the radical feminist Greer state and in what year?
Heterosexual families are the number one source if women suffering. Should be all female households
What does the radical feminist Kate Millet state and in what year?
Gender role socialisation in the family is the main source of patriarchal ideology.
e.g boys see inequality natural and normal between men and women
What does the radical feminist Delphy and Leonard state and in what year?
Rejects functionalist idea that men and women performs roles of equal importance
Husbands exploit women and have little contribution to housework and kids