Feminist views of the family Flashcards
What is the Feminist view of the Socialisation role?
The family passes on the norms and values of patriarchy. For example, the father is usually the head of the household, meaning children are raised seeing a same-sex role model which reinforces stereotypes
What are some AO3 points for the Feminist view of the Socialisation role?
Feminists assume that families are influenced by the structure of society to recreate patriarchy. Postmodernists would disagree, saying that individuals have choice in creating their own family relationships
What is the Feminist view of the Economic role?
Women provide free domestic labour by being the expressive housewife. This work is low status and low/no pay
What are some AO3 points for the Feminist view of the Economic role?
This viewpoint doesn’t account for progress which has been made for women’s rights, such as female educational success and the feminisation of the economy (more women in the workplace)
What is the Feminist view of the Reproduction role?
Women are expected to bear and raise children (which some women won’t want to do), which limits their career opportunities
What are some AO3 points for the Feminist view of the Reproduction role?
This ignores the positive aspects of family life. There is a lot of joy, happiness, and purpose to be found in family/having children
What is the Feminist view of the Sexual Regulation role?
Marriage controls women’s sexual behaviour by expecting them to only have 1 sexual partner. This standard does not exist for men
What are some AO3 points for the Feminist view of the Sexual Regulation role?
Black and Difference feminists argue that white feminists who consider the family as a source of oppression ignore the positive aspects of black families, which can act as a source of support and resistance to racism
What is Liberal Feminism?
Believe there is a patriarchy, but laws and attitudes towards womens rights are getting better. There has been a March of Progress
How can we evaluate Liberal Feminism?
Radicals criticise this as a ‘rose-tinted’ view which ignores the negatives that still exist in society
What is Radical Feminism?
Believe that men are the enemy and the source of women’s oppression. They dominate the family through domestic violence and the threat of it. The only way to prevent this is through separatism; getting rid of the idea of the family and keeping men and women separate
How can we evaluate Radical Feminism?
Liberals criticise this as ignoring the positive changes that have occurred. Hakim (1995) also says this ignores the fact that some women choose domestic roles
What is Marxist Feminism?
Believes the nuclear family meets the needs of capitalism:
- Women reproduce the labour force, creating the next generation of workers
- Women absorb the anger of men (myth of warm bath) so that they don’t start a revolution against the bourgeoisie
- Women are a reserve army of cheap labour, for example during times of war
How can we evaluate Marxist Feminism?
Difference Feminists criticise this viewpoint for assuming that all women are exploited equally under capitalism. All women have different experiences from each other
What is Difference Feminism?
Believe that we can’t generalise women’s experiences. Not all women face the same problems or have the same needs. For example, middle class and working class women, or straight and gay women
How can we evaluate Difference Feminism?
Other Feminists argue there are some experiences which all women share, e.g. all women face a risk of domestic violence