Feminist View Flashcards
Features of feminism?
Feminism is a structural conflict theory.
They note that there is a hierarchy within society in relation to gender, there is inequality between men and women- patriarchy is evident.
What are the 4 strands of feminism?
1) Liberal Feminists
2) Radical Feminists
3) Marxist Feminists
4) Intersectional/Difference Feminists
Liberal Feminists viewpoint:
Feminists who recognise the progressive changes women have experienced in modern day society.
Examples of a progressive changes for women:
April 2021- the Domestic Abuse Bill became a part of the Domestic Abuse Act. The bill helped to promote awareness and help to catch the signs of an unhealthy/toxic relationship. This helped to free women of the control they once used to face within the family; before it would’ve been considered a taboo topic to talk about however now it is being normalised.
1948- Women’s Service Act was passed meaning they could get nursing roles within the army however only in 2016 was it allowed for women to fulfil combat roles. This allows women to serve in an occupation- subverting the gender expectations of women within the family (staying at home + cleaning).
What is a criticism of Somerville’s view on feminism?
Sommerville ignores that many women are still subject to domestic abuse due to patriarchal ideologies- the ideas that men should have control.
Only some women (particularly in westernised countries) have benefitted from this “March of progress”; religion and culture still restricts women to the private sphere whereby patriarchy is evident (man’s world).
In less economically developed countries policies which have liberated women in the U.K. do not exist which Summerville does not recognise.
Identified women have experienced a “March of Progress”, this is due to changes within social policies and societal attitudes towards women.
Delphy and Leonard
Delphy and Leonard suggest that women are subject to patriarchal oppression within the family unit- men should be viewed as the enemy.
They suggest that processes that women go through to become a family- marriage and having a baby are considered to be oppressive.
What 2 processes are considered oppressive for women according to Delphy and Leonard?
- Arranged marriages the father gets the final say of who they will marry (highlighting gender inequalities)
- Vow: “I take thee… to be my lawfully wedded wife” highlights the ownership and dominance men have over women within marriage.
- Dad walks their daughter down the aisle as though he is giving her away for another man to be in charge (again highlighting patriarchal control).
Having a baby:
- Is a binding factor (women are more likely to stay with a man because of a baby/children)
- Women have longer maternity leave therefore become financially dependent on the father
- Having a son used to be the preferred sex during older generations
Criticisms of Radical Feminists:
- Marriage is no longer an oppressive process because it is accepted for couples to cohabitate- leading to equal roles within the household.
- Divorce Reform Act 1969- you can now leave your marriages (accepted within modern day society).
- Fathers now get paternity leave (equality).
Ainsley suggests that women are subject to being ‘takers of shit’ as a result of experiences women have in the patriarchal family institution.
Validated by Dunscombe and Marsden- women are being subject to the triple shift in the family unit. (House cleaning, mothering and working)
Examples of women being the ‘takers of shit’:
-They are subject to physical, financial and emotional dominance through domestic violence
- Men are the primary earners therefore women have to be submissive
- Parson’s Warm Bath Theory, it is the women’s job to stabilise adult personalities therefore have to withstand whatever their partners frustrations are.
Marxist feminists viewpoint:
Marxist feminists believe that women face double oppression- due to capitalism and patriarchy. The reason why women are oppressed by capitalism is because they are considered to be a reserved labour force. Women are oppressed by patriarchy due to Ainsley’s view of being ‘takers of shit’
Beechy discusses how women are the Reserved Army Labour Force. Women are not valued within the workplace because they are seen as a back-up option- only used when needed.
Ainsley- Takers of Shit. Women are typically effected during the private sphere. Men are associated to having more dominance than women therefore this could lead to a strain in the women’s relationship- instead of standing up to certain things she instead may not address because she is subservient in that relationship
Criticism to Beechy:
It is argued that capitalism is actually liberating women because in modern day society there is a need for women within the workforce. Many women have occupations which creates financial stability - ultimately leading to the freedom of no longer needing a man therefore having the ability to leave toxic/unhealthy relationships (due to the Divorce Reform Act). Discredits both theories.
Criticism to Ainsley
Ainsley ignores the many women who actively make a decision to voluntarily submit themselves to being a housewife/mother/part-time work. Allowing them to feel self-actualised (found their purpose in life).
What do intersectional/difference feminists believe about women’s experiences in the family?
Intersectional/difference feminists believe that there is a false universality of women’s experiences in the family discussed by the other strands of feminist.
According to intersectional feminists, how do different women experience the family?
Intersectional feminists argue lesbian, heterosexual, black, white, middle class and working class women will have very different experiences of the family.
What do intersectional feminists believe is needed to understand women’s experiences in the family?
They believe that in order to truly find out about women’s experiences in the family, research needs to be done using a more diverse sample.
How do lower class families differ from upper class families in terms of patriarchal control?
For example, those of a lower class family are less subject to patriarchal control than of those in an upper class family. In an upper class family more money is being earnt therefore the men are able to become more controlling and restricting; whereas in a working class family there is less money and sometimes the mothers have to go out to work- which doesn’t support the patriarchal norms and ideologies