Feminist theories Flashcards
-top down theory
-structural-conflict theory
-sees society as a male dominated & want to change women’s position in society
-emphasizes the conflict between men & women is universal
-Patriarchy is the main cause of gender inequality: women are subordinate because men have more power.
-Sociology is malestream-male sociologist see society only from the male perspective
-Gender relations are based on power & economic inequalities-gender pay gap-women get payed less for the same job-reliance on men
-Gender roles are socially constructed(created by society & social interactions) and not determines by biology -maintained by patriarchy
-Feminism made the role of women & gender relations visible-both in socio & society
-feminists have exposed the dark side of family life,helping to free women & children from domestic violence & abuse
-Black feminists have exposed the colour-blindness of mainstream socio
-Feminists have increased people awareness of the inequalities created
Liberal/reformist feminis-A02
-Creation of equal opportunities through policy and reformed socialisation is the mani aim
Changes in law-sex discrimination pay act
-Changes in education(GIST/WISE)
-Changes in family patterns(42% divorce rate)
-Changes in social attitudes
Types of Feminism
- Liberal
- Radical
- Marxist (socialist)
- Difference/postmodern
Liberal Feminists-optimistic theory
-gender inequality lies with culture rather than structure-this discrimination can be overcome without revolutionary changes but with legislation
institutions are patriarchal we can change them not societies structure
-education should provide equal opportunities
-stereotypes and prejudice about gender difference are what prevent equality eg women are more sensitive driven etc
-They reject the idea that biological differences make women less component/rational than men
Sex & gender-liberal feminists-Oakley distinguishes between sex & gender
Sex (biological differences-ie physical)and gender(culturally constructed differences-these ideas about women and men are passed through socialisation) are different
-Sex differences are seen as fixed,whereas gender differences vary between cultures
Liberal Feminists believe that:
-Changes in socialisation & culture-overcome prejudice & leading to a more rational attitudes to gender
-Political action to introduce anti-discrimanatory laws & policies-more,gender isnt as importance
Evaluation of liberal feminism
-Seen as over-optimistic
-too much emphasizes on the public life not the private life
-Ignore other factors that cause women’s oppressions- capitalism/patriarchy-offer no explanations for gender inequality
-Marxist & Radical feminists argue that LF fail to recognise the causes of women subordination and are naïve to believe in law-revolution is the only way.
What are the main 2 methods of change in socirty-LF
-Changed in the law
-Re-socialise society-neutral toys,change our culture,remove stereotypes
How LF view Functionalist views
Parson-biological roles
-LF challenge this devision-both genders can equally be capable to perform both roles in both spheres but traditional roles prevent that -they aim to break those barriers
Radical feminism
-All men oppress all women-they benefit from patriarchy-especially from women’s unpaid domestic labour and from their sexual services-pornography-as passive sex objects and sex is the main source of mens pleasure,images of women have been created to satisfy men needs
-Patriarchy is universal
-Men are the enemy
exploitation of women is directly caused by man benefit from our subordination
notes that fear of rape is used to keep women from going out alone at night
The personal is political-RF
-Men dominate women in all areas of social life & this dominance over females they call sexual politics.
W0men are dominated in the workplace as inferior, dominated at home as domestic & sexual services-they fear being victims of rape
-patriarchal power passed through personal relationships often through sexual violence etc
-oppression occurs both in the public sphere(work)and private sphere(sexual relationships).
Sexuality-radical feminists- constructed by patriarchy to satisfies their needs
-its social construct.
Heterosexuality has been forced upon society as being norm
Change-strategies to free women from oppression
-Patriarchy & women oppression are reproduced through personal & sexual relationships-a form to oppress women
-SEPERATISM=they advocate separatism-living apart from men & create a new culture of female independence from patriarchy
-POLITICAL LESBIANISM=heterosexual relationships are inevitably oppressive bc they involve sleeping with the enemy and that lesbianism is the only non-oppressive form of sexuality