feminist (role and function of education) Flashcards
what are the 4 feminist explainations for the role and function of education + the key thinkers
- To socialise students into a culture of inequality through the hidden curriculum (Skelton)
- To reinforce the ideologies that ‘prepare’ students to accept the patriarchal world of work (creates horixonstal segregation in relation to STEM subjects and careers - Kelly and Colley)
- To reinforce and reproduce a culture of inequality through the transmission of patriarchal values (Heaton and Lawson)
- Reinforces gender role socialisation (Spender)
cultural transmission
hows how culture, and in particular expectations of the genders, can be transmitted from one generation to the next
who supports the idea that ‘educations role is to To reinforce the ideologies that ‘prepare’ students to accept the patriarchal world of work’ + their ideas
* until national curriculum was put in place, STEM and english were compulsary subject (science was typically a male subject)
* girls outpreform boys in gcse
* girls less likely to choose alevel sciences
* teachers let boys dominate the classroom
subject choices affected by 3 things:
* perception of gender roles
* subject preferences
* the learning environment
who supports the idea that '’education socialises students into a culture of inequality through the hidden curriculum + their ideas
* hidden curriculum is responsible for perpuating gender differences in subject choices
* sterotypes surrounding gender e.g. girls discouraged to study certain subjects based on teacher perceptions
* leads to a lack of girls going into certain subjects e.g. STEM
who supports the idea that ’ educations role is To reinforce and reproduce a culture of inequality through the transmission of patriarchal values’ + their ideas
* ‘cultural transmission’ shows how culture and how gender expectations can be transmitted from one generation to the next
* ‘hidden curriculum’ is main source of gender socialisation
* patrarchal curriculum
* teachers expectations
* lack of positive rolemodels
who supports the idea that ‘Reinforces gender role socialisation’ + their ideas
* women are invisable in education- core curriculum is male biased with limited attention to the role of women in history, arts and sciences
* boys recieve more attention and encouragment
* male dominance in schools are reinforced
* miexed sex education practice the art of domination and subordination