feminist approach to religion Flashcards
what do feminists argue regarding religion?
many religious institutions are patriarchal with religious beliefs reflecting patriarchal ideology which justifies, reinforces and reproduces inequality based on male dominance and control of women by me
how does religion reinforce and reproduce inequality?
- the subordinate role of women in religious scriptures/sacred texts and the portrayal of women as morally polluting/corrupting
- the marginalization of women in organized religions either exclusion priesthood, the segregation in places of worship etc
- patriarchal religious doctrines, allocating women to traditional roles as wives and mothers particularly in islamic and new right christian fundamentalism
- religious laws and customs giving women fewer rights than men such as divorce and property rights
what do liberal feminists aim for?
more equality for women in existing religions, by seeking to remove obstacles that prevent them from taking on positions of authority
what do radical feminists?
more contemporary religions as existing for the benefit for men - either present a fundamental challenge to religion altogether or seek to reshape it
what do marxist feminists argue?
focus on the way religion acts as means of compensating women, particularly working class women
evidence that religion IS patriarchal - religious scriptures
religious scriptures - bible, eve formed from a rib taken from a man, and it was eve the evil temptress who led adam astray and laid the basis for original sin in christianity and judaism. god is always seen as male, jesus is male, 12 apostles male. in islam mohammed is a man.
evidence that religion IS patriarchal - being barred from priesthood
women excluded in roman catholic orthodox christian islam hinduism and buddhism
female nuns are always given less staus than male monks
in orthodox judaism only males are allowed to take a full part in ceremonies
evidence that religion IS patriarchal - stained glass ceiling
in religious organizations women are often found at the bottom of the career ladder, facing the same ‘glass ceiling’ (an invisible barrier of prejudice and discrimination that stops them from rising higher up the hierarchy) that they face in many other organizations e.g. C of E no female bishops till 2015
evidence that religion IS patriarchal - patriarchal religious doctrines
walby - teachings emphasize women’s traditional roles as wives and mothers in the family e.g. in christianity respect for the virgin mary as a submissive mother is widespread particularly in roman catholicism
what does woodhead / watson argue?
muslim women can feel liberated by wearing a hijab or head veil. some young muslim women choose to wear the hijab in order to gain parental approval to enter further education
what did brusco find?
women use religion to gain status and respect for their roles within the private sphere of home and family. she found that in colombia belonging to a pentecostal group can be empowering for women