Feminism and the family Flashcards
what two core beliefs does feminism consist of?
- men and women are equal and should be treated as such
2. this is not currently how men and women are treated
Give two developments that made women and men different, but of equal status in a feminists view.
- In 1918, women over 30 could vote
- In 1928, women over 21 in line with men could vote
Women entered the workforce during WW2 to make up for men fighting in Europe, Asia and Africa
What 2 main changes happened after WW2 that affected women lives?
- Women didn’t leave the workforce, giving them greater economic freedom
- In 1960, the development of the contraceptive pill gave women control of reproduction, allowing them to postpone having children and stay in the workforce
What laws were introduced that gave women legal equality?
Equal Pay Act in 1970 made it illegal to pay women less than men
1992 last discriminatory law in the UK passed - marital rape was made illegal.
However men still earn more - the national pay gap is 85.9%
Describe what patriarchy means and what liberal, radical and Marxist feminists believe about what caused it.
The belief that society advantages men and disadvantages women
Liberal feminists:
Caused by cultural values that have not yet modernised
Radical feminists:
Caused by male biology, which is naturally angry and violent
Marxist feminists:
Caused by capitalism
What do Liberal feminists believe about women’s equality in terms of legally and socially?
Legal equality has been achieved, culture and values people have to need to be challenged
Believe the criminalisation of marital rape made men and women equal in the law
Who is the most important liberal feminist and what is her argument?
Jennifer Sommerville: a liberal feminist who argues values in families are still patriarchal despite the law enshrining equality
describe the cultural lag and an example of it.
Liberal feminists believe important values lag behind
Eg men are seen as the head of the family - do not take paternity leave as it is seen as a women’s job as well as the media judging women on their appearances more than men
Describe the dual burden.
Dual burden - women complete paid work and then return home to complete housework.
What changes do liberal feminists believe have happened as a result of women entering the workforce?
Liberal feminists are sceptical of changes due to women entering the workforce
Whilst they had economic freedom, Ferri and Smith argue it has created a dual burden
What does the New Right argue about liberal feminists’ views?
Dennis and Erdos argue gender roles are critical to keep society functioning
Developments of the last 50 years - higher divorce rates and women entering the workforce - have hurt society as children are growing up without clear discipline and support
What do functionalists argue about liberal feminists’ views?
Parsons believe men and women are naturally different
Women and men should do what they are best at
Both roles should be equal but different - male and female parents are the most optimal
What is radical feminists main argument?
Biology is the cause of male oppression
Male biology: aggressive, violent, dominant and less intelligent
Female biology: kinder gentler, more intelligent
Believe equality cannot be achieved in current society - has to be a radical change
Describe female separatism.
Female separatism: biology cannot be changed so women should live in their own society without men
Who is the most important radical feminist and what is her argument?
Shulamith Firestone: believes biology, in particular the requirement for women to give birth, makes them physically weaker.
Suggests women shouldn’t give birth - have their wombs surgically removed if possible