Feminism Flashcards
what do liberals argue about women in society
- women are discriminated against in society
- focus only on public sphere
why do liberals only focus on public sphere
believe in maintaining women personal freedom of choice about their domestic role. Individualism etc..
what do they fear about entering the private sphere
fear encroaching on private sphere could mean creeping totalitarianism
what do radicals argue about women in society
society is pervaded by patriarchal values that seek to preserve mens dominant position in society
what do radicals argue about public-private sphere
patriarchy starts in private sphere and speeds to public sphere
what phrase do radicals use for the public-private sphere?
‘the person is political’
what did Andrea Dworkin say about public-private sphere?
“many women, I think, resist feminism because it is an agony to be fully conscious of the brutal misogyny which permeates, culture, society, and all personal relationships”
what do socialists argue about the public-private sphere
patriarchy starts in public sphere and spreads to private sphere
what did Sheila Rowbotham say about public-private sphere?
“family unit serves as a unit of control”
what do liberals argue is the cause of patriarchy
legal+political oppression
unequal distribution of rights in public sphere
what do socialists associate patriarchy with?
how does capitalism create patriarchy
capitalism needs workers to be supported and looked after by unpaid helpers to enable them to carry out a proper day’s work
what do radicals argue about patriarchy
stems from and reflects dominance of husband/father within the family
how do liberals seek to overthrow patriarchy
women should gain equal access to the public realm
campaign for more women in senior economic+political positions
what did Kate Millet say about patriarchy
family was ‘patriarchy’s key institution’
what do radical argue about relationships
all relationships based on power + dominance
how do socialist seek to overthrow patriarchy
class revolution required to overthrow capitalism and thus patriarchy
what did bell hooks say about patriarchy?
it [feminsm] is necessarily a struggle to eradicate ideology of domination that permeates western culture
what do liberals believe the state should do?
- state can play a role in promoting female liberation by promoting legal and political equality
- stance can help to ensure that there is equality of opportunity between the sexes
what radicals argue the state does?
state promotes interests the interests of patriarchy over the interests of women
what do radicals believe is needed to change structure of state?
sexual revolution
what socialists argue the state does?
works in the interest of capitalism and therefore patriarchy
what did Kate millet say about the state?
the subordinated group has inadequate redress through existing political institutions
what do all feminists agree on about the state?
state has a role to play in changing life for women
what did Perkins Gilman argue about sex and domestic economics?
- sex and domestic economic went hand in hand
- she says for women to survive they were reliant their sexual assets to please their husband so that he would financially support his family
why do liberal feminists believe state should do more to help women?
- women are of equal value to men, so deserve the same rights
- believe state should do more to help women
- state needs to change
what do radicals believe state should do to help society?
radicals believe state needs to help to enforce big change to help promote position of women
what do all women agree about sex and gender?
Differentiation between sex and gender
what do liberals believe about men and women?
all individuals are equal so men and women are equal
what do liberals accept about sex and gender?
- accept difference in sex but rejected difference in gender
- gender a societal construct - learned behaviour
what does Wollstonecraft say about sex and gender?
the mind has no gender
why do socialists believe women are placed in their gender roles?
- to serve needs of capitalist society
- women in subservient roles
- capitalism requires women to look after worker
how do socialists want to get rid of gender?
- prioritise class over gender
- state needs to be overthrown in order to overthrow patriarchy
what socialists argue the state does?
works in the interest of capitalism and therefore patriarchy
what did Kate millet say about the state?
the subordinated group has inadequate redress through existing political institutions
how do liberals seek to get rid of gender imbalance?
primarily through democratic pressure
what do liberals believe will happen when barriers to workplace are removed?
- merely a matter of time before women enter all areas of industry
- when women start do ‘men’s jobs’ society will accept no industry that women cannot work in
what will increase speed of gender stereotypes being broken for liberals?
younger women seeing women in jobs of power and importance