Female Vs Male Risk Factors for Offending Flashcards
Substance Abuse
Predictive of offending in both genders
most predictive for recidivism in females
most likely to occur prior to offending in females
females most likely to use drugs as a coping mechanisms
Poor Mental Health
Does not predict recidivism in males or females
Criminal associates
Theoretically should be more important for girls
Treatment targeting delinquent peer associations reduces recidivism in girls
females more negatively impacted by criminally active intimate partners
Poor School Performance/Employment Difficulties
Risk for both genders
Opportunities for employment training lower recidivism in females, but not males *
Poor Community Functioning
Need for adequate housing related to recidivism for both genders, but slightly higher for females
Economic Marginalization and Patriarchy
Low SES, family income, poor housing disproportionately affects female recidivism
Protective Factors
*Being female is one of the largest protective factors
No gender differences in number of protective factors that reduce recidivism between high/low risk offenders
*Protective factors are more pronounced in high-risk offenders who do not recidivate (both genders)
Having just one positive friendship can be a buffer against high-risk behaviours among girls