Female Reproductive Flashcards
Hidradenoma papilliferum IHC?
Does it have 2 cell layers?
Older female with well diff simplex VIN, what is mutation or causative agent?
EMA +, Calponin +, ASMA+
2 layers, similar to breast= nipple adenoma
HPV negative, p53 mutation and assoc w/ vulvar inflammatory disease; called “Type 2 vs more classic HPV Type 1”
What percentage of extramammary paget’s has invasive disease?
Angiomyofibroblastoma shows what on H and E; stains?
30% vs 90+% in mammary padgets ; DDx includes melanoma
Mast cells, Well circumscribed benign with thin-walled vesssels with wavy collagen strands
CD34+, ER+, PR+
EM: Myofibroblasts!
Aggresssive angiomyxoma vs angiofibroblastoma on H and E?
Aggressive angiomyoxoma: Invasive, some thicker blood vessels, extravasated RBC, UNIFORMLY HYPOCELLULAR; more myxoid stroma
SMA+, HHF 35+. ER+, PR+, focal Desmin +; Mast cells present
Gene: HMGA2 12q5
Mullarian/Gartner’s cyst H and E; CD10 status?
Vaginal adenosis caused by; cancer risk?
Small cuboidal glands and pink material in the center; stroma is “associated” and doesn’t look infiltrative
DES; Clear cell carcinoma is sthe risk
Grape like mass in infant/young child protruding from vagina?
Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma, Grape like (botryoid) apperance
Low risk Koilocytes caused by? Associated with?
High risk associated viral proteins (2 of them)
EM finding?
E4 and early/late productive infection with non integration of viral DNA
Associated with Juveniale onset of respiratory papillomatosis
early E6,E7; integration of viral dna; Non-productive infeciton
E6: bind p53
EM: intranuclear cystalline or filamentous inclusions
Birth control pills cause what cervical finding?
IHC to differentiated endocervical vs endometrial adeno?
Microgrlandular hyperplasia: Pale glands with subnuclear vacuoles and neutrophils
Adenoma malignum (minimal deviation adenocarcinoma) is associated with what syndrome?
Lots of eosinophils with large ugly clear cells in cervix?
Cells with vacculolizations and hyperchormatic cells what must be ruled out?
Deep endocervical glands; adjacent to blood vessels is a clue; Peutz-Jeghers
Glassy cell carcinoma (adeno squamous)
IUD in the patient!!!
Endometrium with decidual stroma and small glands, think of what entity?
Younger female with LUS mass with glands with atypia, squamous morules, and myofibromatous stroma?
Good serous carcinoma IHC?
Oral contraceptive pills; progesterone shows “earlier” changes
Atypical Polypoid Adenomyoma
Lynch syndrome can have what GI malignancy?
Stromal nodule and low grade stromal sarcoma has what fusion?
High grade stromal sarcoma has what fusion?
Endometrial adeno: Mismatch repair genes and colon cancer
JAZF1-SUZ12; benign well circumscribed
Hereditary leiomyomatosis shows? and Gene?
Other cancer to worry about which is associated?
Young patient with large leiomyomas with H and E showing clearish cells with prominent nucleoli and some larger cells with multiple nucleoli
Fumerate Hydratase mutation; IHC: modified cystine 2SC
Renal cell must be ruled our!
IHC’s to differentiated Endocervical from endometrial adeno?
Endocervial adenocarcinoma: p16+, CEA+, ER +/- Vimentin +/-, HPV+
Endometrioid adenocarcinoma: p16- (best marker) ER+, Vimentin +,o focal +, CEA - to focal +
STIC IHC pattern for p53?
Ovarian carcinoma risk factors?
Pseudomyxoma peritoni #1 site of cause is?
Diffuse positive OR Negative!; also p16+
Age and increased ovulation (BC lowers risk)
Appendix and not ovary!
Clear cell carcinoma of ovary is associated with?
Ovarian tumors with grooved nuclei?
Granulosa cell tumor (malignant or not)?
Endometriosis and possible endometrioid cancer (Hyaline cytoplasmic inclusions common)
Brenner and granulosa cell
Yes, low grade. Recurrs years later! Call-Exner bodies; Inhibin, Calretinin CD99, WT1 are good stains
Does juvenile granulosa cell tumor have grooves?
Ovary fibroma associated with what syndrome?
Seminoma/Dysgerminoma cytology finding?
No; has mites, pleomorphic and has abundant leteinized stroma
Miegs syndrome: Right sided hydrothorax, ascities, and ovarian fibroma
Tigroid apperance (PLAP+, Oct3/4+, CKit+)
Yolk sac tumor has what H and E findings?
Embryonal carcinoma best IHC?
Schuller Duvall Bodies and Eosinophilic globules (also seen in clear cell)?
Embryonal IHC: CD30+, Keratin +, also Oct3/4+ SALL4+
Small cell ovarian tumor has what other lab finding?
What gene alteration?
Hypercalcemia; tumor from immature teratoma
Smarc4 alteration
Placenta acreta H and E finding?
Absence of decidua basalis
Invasion of placenta villi into myometrium
Through the myometrium into uterine wall
Dilated villi mole?
Complete mole H and E findings?
Which IHC differentiates?
Partial mole with trophoblastic apperance and some evidence of fetus. See 69 chromosomes
Complete: All villie are abnormal and all DNA from mom. See cyto and synctial trophoblasts going around; Grape like; ChorioCA is risk
P57: Complete mole is -, Partial is +