Female Reproduction (path) - Breast Flashcards
Risk factors for breast carcinoma
- age, family history
- ethnicity (high rate caucasian but low grade, high mortality in Afr-Am & hispanic)
- hormone exposure (early menarche, duration breast feeding, obesity)
- developed countries
Genes associated with breast cancer
BRCA1 - triple neg. breast cancer & ovarian cancer
BRCA2 - high grade ER+ breast cancer
Also: PI3K, p53, PTEN, GATA3
4 main genetic subtypes of breast cancer,
determined by PAM50 (molecular test)
- more important in characterizing cancer than grade/TNM
1. Luminal A - good prog., low recurrence
2. Luminal B - good prog, high recurrence (high prolif)
3. HER2 - good response to trastuzamab
4. Basal-like - poor prognosis
types of molecular testing for breast cancer
1. Oncotype
- PAM50/Prosigna
- Mammaprint
* all use fresh frozen plasma
Oncotype molec testing
qPCR, used to estimate prognosis for ER+ breast cancer (stage I or II), analyzes 21 genes.
= gold standard for ER+, also works for DCIS
Mammaprint molec testing
microarray, analyzes 70 genes to predict prognosis for stage I or II breast cancer.
benefits: binary stratification (no intermediate risk category), splits into 4 molec subtypes, collects LOTS of data
Prosigna/PAM50 molec testing
nCounter that analyzes 55 genes, to predict prognosis for breast cancer (for stages I - III);
Benefits: ~accurate ROR (risk of occurence) score, generates intrinsic subtypes
indications for breast cancer screening
Low risk:
- age 25-40 = breast exam q1-3 years,
- 40+ = breast exam & mammogram q1-3 yrs
High risk: annual mammogram, breast exam q6 mo…
most common causes of mammographic densities
- invasive carcinomas
- higher concern if “spiculated, irregular” mass
- fibroadenomas
- cysts
- MRI may been good alternative if dense breast tissue**
BI-RADs Risk categories for breast cancer
Categories 0-2 = benign, no work-up needed.
Categories 3 = likely benign – follow.
Categories 4-5 = suspicious –> biopsy.
Category 6 = malignant –> need Tx.
Reactive/Non-proliferative breast diseases
- Mastitis (acute or chronic/periductal)
- Fat Necrosis (from trauma)
- Galactorrhea
Mastitis path
Acute: bacterial (staph aureus), w/ lactation. *should keep breast-feeding!
Chronic: from smoking –> low VitA, w/ nipple retraction.
Fat Necrosis of breast (path)
From (slight) trauma or radiation of breast tissue;
Gross: palpable mass, calcified on mammo.
Histo: necrotic fat w/ calcification & giant cells
Non-prolif. fibrocystic breast change path
benign, hormone-mediated fibrosis & cyst formation in breast;
* pre-menopause.
Gross: lumpy, @ upper quadrant, w/ “blue-dome” appearance
Risks assoc. w/ breast fibrocystic changes
none directly, but depends on type of change:
- apocrine: NO increased risk
- ductal hyperplasia/sclerosing adenosis: risk x2
- atypical hyperplasia: risk x5
breast metaplasia (path)
benign, altered appearance/differentiation of epithelium (still mature)
* NO increased risk for carcinoma
intraductal papilloma of breast (path)
Benign, fibrovascular projections w/in duct(s).
Sx: bloody nipple discharge (premenopausal)
Histo: w/ both epithelial AND myoepithelial layers. NO atypia.
+/- calcification
collagenous spherulosis of breast
distended lobules filled w/ hyaline spheroles.
* often w/ papillomas
Sclerosing adenosis of breast (path)
benign, circumscribed proliferation of glandular acini & stromal fibrosis.
w/ radial scar (central nidus).
* calcification common.
** small increased risk bc altered structure**
microglandular adenosis of breast (path)
BENIGN, infiltrative non-lobular prolif of small, uniform glands.
*no myoepithelial layer, but NOT cancer!
Very S100 + and ER-
* round edges (NOT angular)
Fibroadenoma of breast
most common BENIGN tumor, age <30;
= well-circumscribed stromal & epithelial proliferation.
- pericanalicular: @ duct & gland
- intracanalicular: mostly ductal
- Juvenile: stromal cellularity & epithelial hyperplasia, balanced.
3 types of ductal hyperplasia (& assoc. risks)
- Usual Ductal Hyperplasia: heterogenous, x1.5-2 risk bilateral.
- Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia: mix of uniform and heterog. cells, x5 risk bilateral.
- Ductal Carcinoma In Situ: all small, uniform cells. x8-10 risk, ipsilateral. * DCIS = pre-malig!
Phyllodes Tumor
breast mass, like fibroadenoma but larger & more cellular stroma;
Histo: “leaf-like” growth pattern, esp. around duct(s).
60% = benign, some w/ mitotic figures.
* malign –> infiltrative edge w/ high cellularity & atypia; mets rare but recurrence common.
Ductal Carcinoma In Situ of breast (DCIS)
Pre-malignant proliferation of small, uniform cells.
* does NOT cross BM
Histo: open chromatin, large nuclei, comedo necrosis (inflamm.)
if extends to skin/nipple = Paget’s Disease of breast (ulceration)
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of breast (IDC)
invasive carcinoma from TDLU, = 75% of breast cancer, grades I-III.
- Tubular: well-diff, good prog.
- Mucinous: w/ extracell. mucin, avg age 70yrs.
- Medullary: in sheets, w/ plasma cells & lymphocytes, w/ BRCA1.
- Inflammatory: in dermal lymphatics, no discrete mass, poor prog.
Lobular Carcinoma In Situ of breast (LCIS)
malignant proliferation of cells in lobules, does NOT invade BM.
Usually: pre-menopause, multifocal & bilat, incidental finding.
Histo: non-cohesive cells (lack E-cadherin)
Tx: tamoxifen & follow-up.
risk invasion same as DCIS (x8-10)
Infiltrative Lobular Carcinoma of breast (ILC)
invasive carcinoma, 10% of breast cancers.
grows in single-file along duct => “signet ring”
* loss of E-cadherin –> multifocal.
Same prognosis as IDC.
Mucinous Carcinoma of breast (path)
~rare, special type of invasive ductal carcinoma;
Histo: well-diff. tumor cells “floating in pool of mucin”
*avg. age 70 yrs.
favorable prognosis.
Tubular Carcinoma of breast
5% of breast cancers, ER+, low grade;
“special type” of invasive ductal carcinoma.
Histo: well-diff. glands w/ single cell layer (LACKs myoepithelium)
* sharp/angulated edges (vs. round in microglandular adenosis)
good prognosis.
Invasive Mucopapillary Carcinoma of breast
uncommon, invasive carcinoma; w/ high rate lymph node mets.
Histo: “inside out” growth pattern
-> brown EMA staining = on OUTside of glands.