Female Repro phys review (Michels) Flashcards
FSH and LH levels across the lifespan of women
childhood– LH low
Puberty– LH begins pulsatile secretion
reproductive years– stays pulsatile
menopause– high levels and pulsatile
Pituitary Ovary cross-talk
- Corpus luteum dies, E and P levels fall
- pituitary responds to falling E and P by increasing FSH secretion
- FSH recruits a cohort of large antral follicles to enter rapid growth phase. Follicles secrete low amounts of E and inhibin
- E and inhibin negatively feedback on FSH
- declining FSH levels progressively cause atresia of all but 1 follicle– leading to selection of dominant follicle, which produces high levels of E
- High E has positive feedback on gonadotropes– LH (and some FSH) surges
- LH surge induces metabolic maturation, ovulation, and luteinization. The corpus luteum produces high P along with E and inhibin
- High P, E and inhibin negatively feedback on LH and FSH, returning them to basal levels
- The corpus luteum progressively becomes less sensitive to basal LH– dies if levels of LH-like activity (i.e. hCG) do not increase
Stages of follicular development
primordial follicle - the ovarian reserve
primary follicle (cuboidal granulosa cells) –> secondary preantral follicle–> small antral follicle–> large, recruitable antral follicle–> dominant follicle at ovulation
the gamete
oogonium (meiosis begins, but protein levels low) –>
primary oocyte arrested at prophase I (proteins synthesized; completes meiosis but high cAMP levels maintain arrest. . Completes meiosis and extrudes 1st polar body)–>
secondary oocyte arrests at metaphase II (completes meiosis at fertilization and extrudes 2nd polar body)–>
haploid ovum
during follicular phase estrogen feeds back negatively on
LH and FSH
Hormone production in follicular phase:
Thecal cells produce the androgen androstenedione (thecal cells have low levels of 17-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and therefore do not produce large amounts of testosterone)
In the second half of the follicular phase FSH induces the expression of LH receptors on mural granulosa cells- this allows mural granulosa cells to become response to both LH and FSH, retain CYP19 expression, and respond to the LH surge prior to ovulation (granulosa cells produce estradiol-17β)
at the end of the follicular phase (going into luteal phase)
switch to positive feedback of estrogen on LH and FSH
Periovulatory period-
time from the onset of the LH surge to the expulsion of the cumulus-oocyte complex (32-36 hours)
mural granulosa cells now experience:
1. transient inhibition of CYP19 expression and estrogen production- turns off positive feedback 2. vascularization of the granulosa cells occurs- LHL and HDL cholesterol is now available for steroidogenesis 3. expression of StAR protein, CYP11A1 and 3-HSD (results in progesterone secretion)
Corpus luteum formation
occurs after ovulation and serves as the source of progesterone (peaks in the mid-luteal phase). Luteal hormonal output is dependent on LH and both FSH and LH levels decline to basal levels in the luteal phase. The corpus luteum will die in 14 days unless rescued by HCG from the implanted embryo.
The lifespan of the corpus luteum is
14 +/- 2 days unless rescued by HCG
Hormone Effects on the Oviduct
Estrogen \+ endosalpinx epithelial size \+ blood flow \+ oviduct specific glycoproteins \+ ciliogenesis \+ mucus, muscular tone
Progesterone decreases epithelial size \+ deciliation decreases mucus Relaxes muscular tone
functions of the uterus
provide a site for attachment and implantation of the blastocyst
limit the invasiveness of the embryo
provide maternal side of placenta
grow and expand with growing fetus
provide muscular contractions to expel the fetus and placenta
ovarian and endometrial cycles
ovarian follicular phase corresponds to proliferative endometrial phase
ovarian luteal phase corresponds to endometrial secretory phase
then menstrual phase
The Cervix
Structure and function
- Highly elastic lamina propria
- Gateway to the upper female tract
- During the luteal phase passage of sperm is impeded due to changes in the endocervical canal
Hormonal regulation of cervical mucus
- Estrogen- stimulates production of a thin, watery, slightly alkaline mucus
- Progesterone- stimulates production of a scant, viscous, slightly acidic mucus (impediment to sperm passage)
Estrogen/Progesterone Systemic Effects
Estrogen promotes closure of epiphyseal plates and is an anabolic and calciotropic hormone
Estrogens increase LDL receptor, HDL levels, and cortisol binding-protein, thyroid hormone-binding protein and sex hormone-binding protein
Estrogens cause vasodilation through NO synthesis
Estrogens appear to be neuroprotective and progesterones regulate the set-point for thermoregulation
Transport and Metabolism of Ovarian Steroids
Estrogen- 60% bound to sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG), 20% bound to albumin, 20% in the free form
Progesterone- binds to cortisol-binding protein and albumin
Estrogens are metabolized in peripheral tissues, specifically adipose tissue
Timeline of events during fertilization and implantation
ovulation- day 0
fertilization- 1
blastocyst enters uterine cavity- 4 days
implantation- 5 days
trophoblast forms and attaches to endometrium- 6 days
trophoblast begins to secrete HCG- 8 days
HCG rescues corpus luteum- 10 days
Hormones of Pregnancy
The duration of pregnancy is counted from the date of the last menstrual cycle
40 weeks total or 38 weeks from ovulation
1st trimester
HCG rescues corpus luteum and stimulates corpus luteal production of estrogen and progesterone
2nd and 3rd trimester
The placenta in combination with the mother and fetus take over production of progesterone and estrogen
hormone levels during pregnancy
1st trimester- HCG high. The hormone of morning sickness
prolacting, progesterone and etriol rise slowly throughout the pregnancy
Limitations of the placenta
Cannot make adequate cholesterol
Lacks enzymes for estrone and estradiol
Lacks enzyme for estriol
Mother- needs, contributes, lacks
needs: progesterone, estrone, estradiol, estriol
contributes- LDL cholesterol
lacks- adequate synthetic capacity for progesterone and estrogens
Placenta- contributes, lacks
contributes 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase aromatase (P-450 arom)
lacks- adequate cholesterol synthesizing capacity
17-alpha hydroxylase
17,20 desmolase
16 alpha hydroxylase
(those guys are used to make estradiol and estriol)
Fetus- contributes, lacks
contributes the 17 alpha hydroxylase, 17,20 desmolase, and 16 alpha hydroxylase
needs 3 beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase aromatase