Female/Male Genetalia Flashcards
What is the onset of menarche for women? and what are some characteristics of the first few years?
9-16 y/o, blacks start earlier. irregular pattern for 1-2years.
What is the frequency, duration, and character or flow of menarche?
frequency is the interval between periods 24-32 days. (abnormal is on the outskirts of these numbers) Anemia is too little flow, abnormal 5tbps. inc. flow abnormal.
painful menstruation, immediately following ovulation, release of prostaglandins, cause uterus to contract, results in temporary O2 deprivation inc. uterine activity.
tissue found elsewhere in the body, heavy period and irregular. Pain during intercouse.
Bleeding outside of period or during menopause
Endometriosis or endometrial cancer
HPV Vaccine
2006 FDA approved Gardasil to protect both cancer(70%) % genital warts(90%) for adolescents 11-12 and 13-26 for females. For males 9-26 to prevent genital warts.
symptoms of STI’s
- Vaginal discharge=chlamydia=white/yellow
- Curdy white=yeast infection
- pelvic pain, swollen perianal tissues or genital lesions(cancers).
- STI’s= PID-infertility infection of fallopian tubes.
Symptoms of genitourinary problems
-Burning during urination(dysuria), frequency, urgency, nocturia, hematuria, incontinence(inability to hold urine), stress incontinence(weak pelvic floor muscles cough, sneeze can’t hold urine, inc. pressure leaking of urine)
Symptoms of perimenopause
-Hot flashes, drenching sweats, mood swings, vaginal dryness, itching, numbness and tingling, headache or palpitations.
40-55 y/o cells in reproductive track dec. in size in sex muscles. Epithelium becomes itchy & dry. cease to have a period for 12 months usually around age 48-51. Estrogen dependent parts decrease in size
Risk factors for ovarian cancer
Risk factors for ovarian cancer
>40 y/o, obese, history of ovarian dysfunction, breast or endometrial cancer, irradiation of pelvic organs, endometriosis, infertility or nulliparity, use of estrogen only hormone replacement
family history of ovarian, breast, or endometrial cancer
Risk factors for endometrial cancer
Postmenopausal, obese, infertile, early menarche, late menopause, HTN, DM, gallbladder disease, PCOS(polycystic ovarian syndrome), estrogen-related exposure (HRT or tamoxifen use)
Family history of endometrial, breast, or colon cancer
Both Genders Health History
-Sexual history and current/past contraceptive practices
Oral contraceptives- Ask about tobacco use, history of blood clots due to increased risk for blood clots.
-Previous illness or surgery involving reproductive organs, including STIs
-Casual multiple partners?
Male Health History, urinary symptoms
Frequency, nocturia, urgency, decreased urinary output, difficulty starting stream, hematuria
Male Health History, genitals
Penile pain or swelling, genital lesions or urethral discharge
-Heaviness or painless enlargement of testis or irregular lumps(Testicular cancer)
-Performance of self testicular exam?
-Presence of inguinal hernia-Strain, lift, cough.
-Difficulty achieving erection or ejaculation. Make sure they aren’t using dieuretics, sedatives, tranqulizers, SSRI’s( prozac)
Examination Tips
Explain each step of the examination in advance Offer a chaperone Keep patient draped for privacy Avoid unexpected or sudden movements Watch patient’s face to monitor comfort Wear gloves
Female Inspection
Skin color
No suspicious pigmented lesions noted.
Hair distribution
Inverted triangle. No nits or lice.
Tanner staging for adolescence
stage1-pre-adolescence fine velos hair
Stage 2- sparse hair on labia
Stage 3- sparse hair moves over mons pubis
stage 4- more over mons pubis begins to get more curly
stage 5- Adult inverse triangle & on medial thigh
Note: The nurse will often examine external genitalia while performing routine hygiene measures or preparing to insert a urinary catheter
Inspection of Labia majora and perineum
-Symmetrical, no excoriation, nodules, rash, lesions or edema
Well healed episiotomy scar
Epidermoid cyst
yellowish in color
Veneral warts
painful ulcers w/ red base
syphilitic chancre
painless ulcer, firm
secondary syphilis
slightly raised papules w/grey exudate