Female Genitalia Flashcards
What is Menarche?
first menstruationa nd initiation of cyclic menstrual cycle
What is Menopause?
absence of menses for 12 consecutive months
Usually occurs between 48 and 55 years
What is Postmenopausal bleeding?
bleeding occurring 6 months or more after cesation of menses
What is Amenorrhea?
Primary amenorrhea?
Secondary amenorrhea?
absence of menses
Never had menses
Pregnant or lactating
What is Dysmenorrhea?
painful or difficult menses
What is premenstrual syncrome (PMS)?
a cluster of emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms occurring 5 days before menses for 3 consecutive days
What is abnormal uterine bleeding?
bleeding between menses; includes infrequent, excessive, prolonged, or postmenopausal bleeding
What are history questions to ask for female concerns?
- menarhe, menstruation, menopause, postmenopaus
- Pregnancy and infertility
- Pelvic pain
- vulvovaginal symptoms
- sexual orientation and sexual response
- sexually transmitted infections
What should you ask a 10-19 year old female about?
started menstruating? onset usually 9-16. full year to regulated cycles
intervals 24-32 days with 3-7 flow days
What should you ask an adult woman?
age of onset, LMP, description of cycle
What should you ask a middle aged or older woman?L
Stopped having menstrual cycles? When? associated symptoms? bleeding?
What does G P F P A L stand for?
G - gravida - total number of pregnancies P - Para - Outcomes of pregnancies F or T - full or term P - Premature A - abortion L - living
What is a likely reason for acute pelvic pain?
ectopic pregnancy, appendicitis,
requires immediate attention
What is chronic pelvic pain?
lasts more than 6 months,
not responsive to treatment
What are screening guidelines for PAPS?
Begin at age 21 - no matter what
21-29 years - cytology only every 3 years(no HPV test)
30-65 year - Cytology and HPV every 5 years preferred
- Cytology alone every 3 yrs acceptable
After 65 - Previous neg - no more tests