Female Genital System and Gestational Pathology Flashcards
Bartholin Cyst
Cystic dilation of Bartholin Gland (mucus secreting gland on each side of vaginal canal. Due to inflammation and obstruction of gland. Usually unilateral and painful at site of lower vestibule adjacent to vaginal canal
Warty neoplasm of vulvar skin. Due to HPV 6 or 11, secondary syphillis. Displays koilocytes (raisin like nucleus) Rarely progress to carcinoma
High Rish HPV
16, 18
31, 33
Low Risk HPV
6, 11
Lichen Sclerosis
Thinning of the epidermis and fibrosis (sclerosis) of the dermis.
Leukoplakia (white patch) and “parchment like” vulvar skin
See in postmenopausal women. Slight increase risk of squamous cell carcinoma
Lichen Simplex Chronicus
Hyperplasia if vulvar squamous epithelium
Leukoplakie (white patch) with thick, leathery skin
Totally benign due to chronic irritation and scratching
Vulvar Carcinoma
HPV vs Non HPV etiology
Carcinoma arising from squamous epithelium.
Rare. Presents as leukoplakia so need to do a biopsy.
HPV 16 and 18. Arises from vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN). See in younger women.
Non HPV due to long standing lichen sclerosis. See in elderly
Extramammary Paget Disease
How to distinguish between paget and melanoma
Malignant epithelial cells in epidermis of vulva.
Erythematous, pruritic, ulerated vulvar skin
Represents carinoma in situ with no underlyin carnimoa unlike paget in other areas of body
Paget cells are PAS+, KERATIN+, S100-
Melanoma cells PAS -, KERATIN -, S100+
Persistance of columnar epithelium in the upper vagina
At birth lower 1/3 derived from urogenital sinus is stratified squamous and it grows upward to completely displace the upper 2/3 that was derived from mullerian duct and columnar.
Increased risk of clear cell adenocarcinoma
See in girls whose mothers took diethylstilbesterol (DES)
Clear Cell Adenocarcinoma
Malignant proliferation of glands with clear cytoplasm
Rare complication of DES
Emrbyonal Rhabdomyosarcoma/ Sarcome Botryoides
Malignant Mesenchymal proliferation of immature skeletal muscle.
Present with bleeding and grape like mass on young child (<5) on vagina or penis.
Rhabdomyoblast = cytoplasmic cross-striations, Desmin+, Myogenin+
Vaginal Carcinoma
Lymph node involvement of lower 1/3 vs upper 2/3
Carcinoma of squamous epithelium lining vaginal mucosa.
Related to high risk HPV (16, 18, 31, 33)
Precursor lesion is vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VAIN)
Lower 1/3 spread to inguinal nodes
Upper 2/3 spread to iliac nodes
How does HPV lead to Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN)
High risk HOV produces E6 and E7 proteins that destroy p53 and Rb. Loss of these tumor supressor proteins increases risk for CIN
Grading of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia
Characterized by koilocytic change, disordered cellular maturation, nuclea atypia, increased mitotic activity CIN I (CIN II ( CIN III (less than entire thickness) -> Carinoma in Situ -> invasive squamous cell carcinoma (enitre. I-III are reversible. Takes many many years so usually don't see carcinoma until middle aged women.
Cervical Carcinoma
Common in middle aged women. Presents as vaginal bleeding especially after sex.
Risk factors include high rish HPV (16, 18, 31, 33), smoking, and AIDS!!!!
Usually invades anterior uterus and blocks ureters causing lethal hydronephrosis with postrenal failure
Pap Smear
MUST sample at transition zone (stratified squamous to simple columnar). Follow up with colposcopy and biopsy.
Good screening for progression from CIN to carcinoma
Not effective in screening for adenocarcinoma
HPV Vaccine
Vaccinates agasint 6, 11, 16, and 18 which are hte most common. Still need pap smears cus can have one of the other more rare HPVs that can still cause cancer.
Asherman Syndrome
Secondary amenorrhea due to loss of the basalis and scarring. Basalis is the regenerative layer of the endometrium (site of stem cells) and can be damaged during overagressive dilation and curettage
Anovulatory Cycle
Lack of Ovulation. Get an estrogen driven proliferative phase but lack the progesterone driven secretory phase so bleed. Often seen during menarche and menopause
Acute Endometriosis
Bacterial infection of endometirum caused by retained products of conception. Fever, uterine bleeding, pelvic pain.
Chronic Endometriosis
Chonic inflammation of the endometrium. See PLASMA cells especially in addition to lymphocytes. results from retained products of conception, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease (chlamydia), IUD, and TB.
Have bleeding, pain, and infertility
Endometrial Polyp
Hyperplastic protrusion of the endometrium that presents as abnormal uterine bleeding. Can be a side effect of tamoxifen which has anti-estrogenic effects on breast but weak pro-estrogenic effects on endometrium
Endometrial Glands and stroma outside of uterine lining (most likely due to retrograde menstruation).
Presents as Dymenorrhea (pain during period) and pelvic pain, maybe infertility.
Most common site is ovary (chocolate cyst), if occurs in fallopian tube then increase chance of ectopic pregnancy.
Sites have increased risk of carcinoma.
Appear as yellow-brown “gun powder” nodules
Endometriosis that involves uterine myometrium