Female disadvantages Flashcards
Adkins - horsizontal segregation in themeparks, women given work in catering whereas men were ride operators, women face sexual harassment from other staff and customers
Laura Bates - Everyday Sexism Project - In the UK parliament men outnumber women by 4 to 1. Also only 18 out of 108 High Court Judges are female.
Kelly – Suggests that Science is packaged as a boys subject – Boys are allowed to dominate science classrooms and examples in textbooks are male related (cars and footballs). This leads to girls being disengaged from the subject
Skelton - Suggests that the hidden curriculum (such as attitudes of teachers) negatively influences subject choices.
Mulvey - Male Glaze, media looks at women from male view sexualises them as objects for male desire
Ferguson – Conducted a content analysis of women’s magazines and counted up the number of times a certain topic was covered. She concluded women’s’ magazines were based around a ‘cult of femininity’ which promotes the idea that excellence is achieved through caring for others, the family, marriage and appearance
Harding - Studied girls in gangs in South London - He found that girls took the role as “fixers” and were used by males to hide weapons and drugs. sexually harassed by other gang members
Leonard - Claims that judges label females as ‘doubly deviant’ and judge that they have not only broken laws but also gender roles meaning that they should be punished more harshly.