Fellowship - GA/sedation Flashcards
Evaluate the use of available neuromuscular blocking agents when performing a rapid sequence induction.
Define the terms ‘train-of-four’ (TOF) and ‘double burst stimulation’ (DBS) with respect to a peripheral nerve stimulator (PNS). (30%) Evaluate the use of a quantitative peripheral nerve stimulator when using neuromuscular blocking agents in anaesthetic practice. (70%)
Justify your use of perioperative prophylactic antiemetics.
Outline the pharmacological features of remifentanil. (50%) Describe how these features can be utilised when using remifentanil in clinical practice. (50%)
List the risk factors for postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) (30%) Evaluate methods to minimise PONV (70%)
(a) What is the role of dexamethasone in the management of postoperative nausea and vomiting? (70%)(b) What are the potential problems associated with its use? (30%)
(a) What are the complications associated with residual neuromuscular blockade? (30%)(b) Evaluate the methods available to assess residual neuromuscular blockade. (70%)
A 16-year-old girl has failed to wake from anaesthesia following posterior instrumentation for severe idiopathic scoliosis. Discuss the potential causes and management of her failure to wake. (61.8%)
“A 61 year old woman is scheduled for total laparoscopic hysterectomy. She has had an episode of awareness under anaesthesia during previous laparoscopic surgery. a. What are the risk factors for awareness? (30%) b. How would you minimise this patient’s
risk of awareness during her operation? (70%) “
Forty minutes after a laparoscopic appendicectomy has been completed, a 55 year old patient has failed to regain consciousness. List the potential causes. (30%) Describe your management (70%)
Three days after a patient has undergone hemiarthroplasty under general anaesthesia, his relatives ask to see you because of concerns that the patient does not recognise family members. This was not present preoperatively.a. What features would distinguish between delirium and dysfunction in this setting? (50%)b. What you would advise the family to be the expected outcome? (50%)
- Classify the possible causes for patient awareness under general anaesthesia. (70%)2. Evaluate the evidence for the use of Bispectral Index monitoring in reducing the risk of awareness. (30%)
Describe the anatomy relevant to cannulation of the subclavian vein via the infraclavicular approach.
A drug has been unintentionally administered through a radial arterial line in an awake patient. Describe your management of this situation.
“A patient requires vascular access for three weeks. a. List the advantages and disadvantages of a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC line) compared to a percutaneous central venous catheter (CVL). (50%) b. Outline the methods by which you would
minimize the risks associated with the placement of a PICC line. (50%) “