Felidae Flashcards
A recent study described the effects of procedure duration and atipamezole adtministration on hyperkalemia in tigers and lions anesthetized with alpha two agonists.
Hyperkalemia has been reported in what spcies?
What ECG changes occur with hyperkalemia?
What were the statistically significant findings from that study?
J. of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 51(3):490-496 (2020)
Michael S. McEntire, Edward C. Ramsay, Josh Price, Andrew C. Cushing
Abstract: A retrospective analysis of 40 extended (>2 hr) anesthetic events in eight lions (Panthera leo) and 32 tigers (Panthera tigris) was performed using a hierarchical linear growth curve model to assess the effects of anesthetic time, α-2 adrenoreceptor agonist dosages, administration of atipamezole, and biochemical parameters on rising plasma K+ concentrations. Hyperkalemia was first noted at a mean time of 187 min (range: 131–226 min), with time under anesthesia as a statistically significant predictor of K+ concentration (P < 0.0001). A significant two-way interaction between time and atipamezole administration (P = 0.0082) for rising K+ concentrations was demonstrated, indicating that administration of atipamezole can mitigate the rise in K+ concentrations. Administration of atipamezole beyond 150 min of anesthetic time was less effective in reducing K+ concentrations than if administered earlier. Electrocardiographic abnormalities were noted in eight animals, including three hyperkalemic individuals. Lions developed significantly greater plasma K+ concentrations than tigers (P = 0.0009) during anesthesia. No biochemical parameter was identified as a significant indicator of which individuals will develop hyperkalemia. Clinicians anesthetizing any large nondomestic felid should monitor electrolytes regularly during anesthetic events; consider early, partial- to full-dose reversal of α-2 agonists; and be prepared to correct potentially life-threatening electrocardiographic abnormalities resulting from hyperkalemia.
Key Points:
- Hyperkalemia under anesthesia seen in lions, tigers, jaguars, leopards, cheetah, and cougars
- K > 5.5 mEq/L
- HyperK may have a link to using alpha 2 agonists, but some hyperK occurs without using that in your protocol
- 7 tigers and 3 lions developed hyperK in the sample population
- ECG - inc height of T wave or change in polarity
- Although no differences in ECG between normokalemic and hyperkalemic animals when read out by a board certified cardiologist
- 3 arrests - 2 were hyperkalemic and did not survive; 1 normokalemic responded to reversals and CPR
- Statistically significant findings
- Lions higher K than tigers
- Atipamazole dose
- Give atipamazole IM to avoid potential severe hypotension if administered IV
- Less effective after 150min
- Increasing atipamazole dose increasingly mitigated K increases
- Length of anesthesia
- No effect of insulin concentration could be paired with results
- Alpha 2 agonists in domestic species bind to pancreatic cells and inhibit insulin release
Take Home: Lions had higher K than tigers, atipamazole less effective after 150min, increasing atipamazole dose will help prevent as high of a K concentration, longer anesthesia = more likely to have hyper K
A recent paper described hyperkalemia in two jaguars anesthetized with dexmedetomidine, ketamine, and isoflurane.
How do you treat hyperkalemia?
What are adverse effects of atipamezole administration?
Romano, M., Boesch, J. M., Peralta, S., Parker, C., & Kollias, G. (2018). Hyperkalemia in two jaguars (Panthera onca) Anesthetized with dexmedetomidine, ketamine, and isoflurane. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 49(2), 505-507.
Two jaguars were anesthetized with dexmedetomidine, ketamine, and isoflurane. Arterial blood samples analyzed shortly after darting revealed no abnormalities. Samples analyzed 2 and 1.5 hr after darting revealed moderate hyperkalemia in both animals (6.8 and 6.2 mEq/L, respectively). Shortly after hyperkalemia was recognized, one jaguar developed electrocardiographic abnormalities (sinoventricular rhythm and widened QRS complexes), and a few minutes later, suffered cardiopulmonary arrest. Resuscitation with chest compressions, intermittent positive-pressure ventilation, and epinephrine was successful, and autonomous breathing and circulation resumed within a few minutes. Anesthesia-related hyperkalemia has been reported in a variety of large felids but has not been reported previously in jaguars. In all reports, a-2 adrenergic agonists were used as part of the immobilization protocol. Due to the presumptively high incidence and mortality caused by this complication, frequent monitoring of electrolyte concentrations and prompt treatment of hyperkalemia is recommended when anesthetizing large felids, including jaguars.
Key points:
- Hyperkalemia in two jaguars anesetheetized with dexmedetomidine, ketamine, and isoflurane
- Within 40min-1hr while under anesthesia
- Stable anesthesia with normal ECG normal for female
- Sinoventricular rhythm with widened QRS and cardiopulmonary arrest 5 min later in male
- Epinepherine and CPR performed with normal sinus rhythm returning
- Recovered uneventfully
- Hyperkalemia reported complication in large felids but not yet in jaguar
- Hyperkalemia treatment should be available: dextrose, insulin, calcium chloride (or calcium gluconate), sodium bicarbonate, and 0.9% sodium chloride
- Reversal with atipamezole should be considered
- Adverse effects: tachycardia, hypotension, excitement, seizures
Take home: Monitor for hyperkalemia and have treatment ready when anesthetizing jaguars
A recent study described the use of dexmedetomidine-butorphanol-midazolam protocols in cheetahs.
What were the cardiorespiratory effects of dexmed-butorphanol-midazolam in cheetahs?
What two parameters decreased over time?
What helped mitigate rough recoveries?
Woc Colburn, A. M., Murray, S., Hayek, L. A. C., Marker, L., & Sanchez, C. R. (2017).
Cardiorespiratory effects of dexmedetomidine-butorphanol-midazolam (dbm): A fully reversible anesthetic protocol in captive and semi–free-ranging cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus).
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 48(1), 40-47.
Multiple anesthesia protocols have been used in the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus). Twenty healthy, captive cheetahs were immobilized with dexmedetomidine (15.8 ± 1.9 mcg/kg), butorphanol (0.22 ± 0.03 mg/kg), and midazolam (0.18 ± 0.03 mg/kg) by intramuscular injection. Induction, recumbency, and recovery times were recorded, and physiologic parameters were monitored. Anesthesia was antagonized with atipamezole (0.125 ± 0.02 mg/kg) and naltrexone (0.1 ± 0.014 mg/kg) intramuscularly. All cheetahs were safely anesthetized with this protocol. Cheetahs were laterally recumbent by 8 ± 3.5 min. Cardiorespiratory values were stable throughout the length of anesthesia. Moderate hypertension, with systolic blood pressure ranging from 178 ± 19.8 mm Hg, was initially observed but decreased over time. There was a statistical decreasing trend in temperature; SpO2; and systolic, mean, and diastolic blood pressure, but not in heart rate and end-tidal CO2. Recoveries were rapid, with cheetahs standing by 11.3 ± 5.7 min post reversal administration. This is the first report of a dexmedetomidine-butorphanol-midazolam anesthetic combination in cheetahs. Overall, this anesthetic protocol proved to be safe and effective.
- MBMz has been used in multiple carnivores with fast onset, good muscle relaxation, and rapid recoveries
- Severe hypertension, sudden arousals, bradycardia, hypoventilation, and metabolic acidosis have been observed
- Levomedetomidine decreases the sedative and analgesic properties of dexmedetomidine at high doses and still provides effects on vasculature
- Cardiorespiratory effects:
- Initial mild hypertension that improved (better than persistent in medetomidine procedures)
- Most required IPPV (improvd SpO2 and ETCO2)
- Parameter that decreased over time: temperature; SpO2; blood pressure
- No change in heart rate and end-tidal CO2
- Good sedation at 8 minutes – still wait 10-15 for full effect
- Two cheetahs still had sudden arousals
- Hyperexcitability seen with atipamezole: dexmedetomidine ratios of 10:1, better with 7.6 : 1
- Metabolic acidosis (low bicarb) observed, IPPV needed occasionally
- Mild to moderate hypertension during initial half of procedures, decreases to normal ranges over time
Take Home: DBM provides an effective protocol for cheetahs – beware of sudden arousals, hypertension, apnea – reverse with half atipamezole. Dexmedetomidine-butorphanol-midazolam cause initial hypertension but had better blood pressure than medetomidine protocols.
A recent study compared ketamine-midazolam-medetomidine (KMM) and ketamine medetomidine (KM) protocols in cheetahs.
What was the effect of kKMM vs just KM (more alpha2) on pulse pressure index (PPI - indicator of renal blood flow)?
What were the effects of atipamezole administration?
Stagegaard, J., Hørlyck, A., Hydeskov, H. B., & Bertelsen, M. F. (2017).
Ketamine-medetomidine and ketamine-medetomidine-midazolam anesthesia in captive cheetahs (acinonyx jubatus)—comparison of blood pressure and kidney blood flow.
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 48(2), 363-370.
Six clinically healthy captive cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) were anesthetized twice using two different drug combinations to investigate if blood pressure and kidney blood flow are affected by medetomidine dosage. Protocol KM (2.0 mg/kg ketamine and 0.05 mg/kg medetomidine) was compared with protocol KMM (2.0 mg/kg ketamine, 0.02 mg/kg medetomidine, and 0.1 mg/kg midazolam). Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), body temperature, end-tidal carbon dioxide pressure (ETCO2), and anesthetic depth were monitored every 10 min. Noninvasive mean (MAP), systolic (SAP), and diastolic (DAP) arterial blood pressure were measured, and Duplex Doppler ultrasonography was performed on the kidneys. The mean arterial resistive index (RI) was determined and the pulse pressure index (PPI) was calculated, as indicators for kidney blood flow. There were no significant differences in induction and recovery times. MAP was significantly higher with KM than KMM at 35 min, and in both protocols decreased significantly after atipamezole administration. DAP was significantly higher at 25 and 35 min in animals anesthetized with KM; it also decreased significantly with both protocols after atipamezole administration. The PPI was significantly lower throughout the procedure with KM, and with both protocols increased significantly after atipamezole administration. Both the higher blood pressure and the reduced PPI with KM were likely a direct effect of the higher medetomidine dosage, and these findings indicate that lower medetomidine dosages might reduce hypertension and lead to a better PPI in cheetah immobilization.
- Hypertension – common complication in cheetahs with ketamine and medetomidine anesthesia
- Chronic renal disease is common in cheetahs
- a-2-adrenergic agonists cause a transient increased blood pressure and decreased renal blood flow - use of medetomidine may contribute to kidney damage in cheetahs
- 6 cheetahs anesthetized with either:
- KM (2.0 mg/kg ketamine and 0.05 mg/kg medetomidine)
- KMM (2.0 mg/kg ketamine, 0.02 mg/kg medetomidine, and 0.1 mg/kg midazolam)
- Both protocols had rapid and smooth onset of anesthesia and stable vital functions throughout
- No significant differences in induction and recovery times
- Significant difference in the mean blood pressure was only measured after 35 min, despite the fact that the medetomidine amount was less than half in the KMM protocol compared with the KM protocol
- MAP was significantly higher with KM than KMM at 35 min
- MAP - decreased significantly after atipamezole in both protocols
- Lower medetomidine dosage might reduce the hypertension and lead to a better PPI during cheetah anesthesia
- Mean arterial resistive index (RI) was determined and the pulse pressure index (PPI) was calculated, as indicators for kidney blood flow
- PPI was significantly lower throughout the procedure with KM, and with both protocols increased significantly after atipamezole administration
- Both the higher blood pressure and the reduced PPI with KM were likely a direct effect of the higher medetomidine dosage
Ketamine-midazolam-medetomidine (KMM) compared to KM had:
- Lower respiratory rate, MAP at 35 min, DAP at 25 and 35 min
- Higher PPI (aka more normal; less alpha-2 = less SVR = lower DAP)
- Between KM and KMM, there was no difference in:
- Anesthetic effect (time to first effect, to lateral recumbency, to head raise, to release; central pupils)
- HR, ETCO2,Body temperature, SAP, RI
Atipamezole administration caused:
- Decreased MAP, SAP, DAP
- Increased PPI
- Hypertension improvement with atipamezole administration suggests that it was mediated by alpha-2 agonist
Conclusions: Lower medetomidine doses in cheetahs may provide a better pulse pressure index and less hypertension.
What clinicopathologic value increased in black footed cats administered butorphanol midazolam medetomidine?
What occurred in wild cats pursued before restraint vs captive?
Evaluation of two doses of butorphanol-medetomidine-midazolam for the immobilization of wild versus captive black-footed cats (Felis nigripes).
Eggers B, Tordiffe AS, Lamberski N, Lawrenz A, Sliwa A, Wilson B, Meyer LC.
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 2020 Nov;51(3):497-506.
Black-footed cats administered butorphanol-midazolam-medetomidine:
Occasionally required supplemental anesthetic
Had no vomiting, sudden arousal, bradycardia, hypotension
Had poor SPO2 readings (likely due to alpha-2 vasoconstriction)
Had hyperglycemia
Wild cats who were pursued before restraint (rather than excavated form burrows or captive) had:
Higher HR, rectal temp, lactate (correlated with distance pursued)
Metabolic acidosis
Excavated cats had lower body temps
Groups did not differ in blood pressure or respiratory rate
Conclusions: Black-footed cats can be safely anesthetized with butorphanol-midazolam-medetomidine, and those that are actively pursued have expected metabolic changes.
What felid species had a higher prevalence of lepto in California?
What was the association of age, sex, region?
What was the most common serology in both spp? (which lepto)
Association between FIV status and lepto?
Leptospira Prevalence And Its Association With Renal Pathology In Mountain Lions (Puma Concolor) And Bobcats (Lynx Rufus) In California, USA
Mary H. Straub, Jaime L. Rudd, Leslie W. Woods, Deana L. Clifford, and Janet E. Foley
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 57(1), 2021, pp. 27–39
Mountain lions >> bobcats
Mountain lions increased with older age, males, in N CA
No assoc with ASL in bobcats
Interstitial nephritis assoc with lepto positive animals
Most common serology in both spp Leptospirosis interrogans serogroup Pomona
No assoc with FIV and lepto or nephritis
Describe common findings in a retrospective of disorders of the oral cavity in large felids.
Association with age?
Most commonly affected species?
Most commonly affected teeth?
Issue with feeding bones of inappropriate size?
Whitten C, Vogelnest L, D’Arcy R, Thomson P, Phalen D.
J Zoo Wildl Med. 2019 Apr;50(1):16-22.
64% of big cats in the survey had an incident of oral disease
Tooth fractures were most common in older cats (>8 years), especially in tigers and lions
Most commonly canines > premolars > incisors > molars
Tigers (86%) > lions (78.3%) > jaguars (74%) >>> cougars (8.3%) > cheetahs (6%) > snow leopard (4.3%)
21 cases of a bone lodging in the oral cavity between maxillary and mandibular canines
About half required anesthesia for dislodging
Chewing on bones can improve oral health
Long bones cut into short pieces are more likely to get lodged
Conclusions: Older tigers and lions have a very high prevalence of tooth fractures. Feeding appropriately sized bones to big cats is important to prevent bones from lodging in the oral cavity.
A recent study described teh epidemiology of FHV in cheetahs.
What are the AZA recommendations for FHV management in cheetahs?
What factors impacted the chance of cheetah cubs having FHV?
What is the most important predictor of FHV infection for cubs?
Epidemiology of clinical feline herpesvirus infection in zoo-housed cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus)
Witte CL, Lamberski N, Rideout BA, Vaida F, Citino SB, Barrie MT, Haefele HJ, Junge RE, Murray S, Hungerford LL.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 2017 Oct 15;251(8):946-56.
AZA recommendations FHV management:
- Separate dam and cubs from other animals
- Remove cubs from dam if it develops lesions
- Killed vaccine at 6, 9, 12, and 16 weeks
- Booster breeding and pregnant females (reduces severity and viral load)
Key Points:
Chance of cubs having FHV was:
- Much higher with use of a modified live vaccine pre-parturition
- Higher in primiparous dams, small litter, male sex.
- Not associated with dam FHV status or severity of previous FHV disease*
- Not associated with cub removal
- Most cubs had signs while nursing (<3 mos old)
The most important predictor of FHV infection was having a dam that had received a preparturition FHV vaccine regimen that included a modified-live virus vaccine versus a dam that had received no preparturition vaccine.
Clinical signs of cystinuria in servals?
How do you test for cystinuria?
Association between cystinuria and sex, age, repro status, age neutered, diet urinary collection method?
Sarah A Cannizzo, Mindy Stinner, Suzanne Kennedy-Stoskopf
J Zoo Wildl Med. 2017 Dec;48(4):1102-1107.
Cystinuria can cause crystalluria, stranguria, hematuria, obstruction and death, renal failure, also neurologic signs
Cyanide-nitroprusside test - qualitative assay where concentration of cystine causes red/purple color change
Results for cystinuria: 27% strong positive, 54% weak positive, 19% negative
No difference with sex, age, repro status, or age neutered, diet, urine collection method
If weak positives are true positives, then prevalence of cystinuria could be as high as 81%
One group of siblings followed autosomal recessive pattern (1 positive, 2 weakly positive, 1 negative)
Conclusions: Cystinuria is relatively common in servals and may be inherited.
A recent study described amyloidosis in caracals.
What stains are used to diagnose amyloidosis?
Name 2 other nondomestic felids commonly affected by amyloidosis.
Amyloidosis in caracals (caracal caracal)
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 51.1 (2020): 202-209.
Abstract: Nine cases of amyloidosis in caracals (Caracal caracal) from three different institutions in Europe were reviewed and evaluated histopathologically. The six males and three females died between 2008 and 2018 at an age of 6 yr 2.5 mo (median 6 interquartile range). In two out of nine (2/9) animals, amyloidosis was an incidental postmortem finding; the animals died of bronchopneumonia and gastric ulceration due to Helicobacter spp., respectively. Seven (7/9) animals suffered from acute renal failure due to amyloidosis, one of them additionally of cardiac decompensation. The predominant clinical signs were weight loss, lethargy, dys- or anorexia, dehydration, increased BUN and creatinine, and azotemia. The main gross lesion was a pale renal cortex on cut surface; in two animals, the kidneys appeared enlarged. Histologically, glomerular amyloid was present in every animal (9/9), and was the predominant renal manifestation of amyloidosis. Additional findings included splenic amyloid (8/8), amyloid in the lamina propria of the intestine (5/5), and amyloid in the lingual submucosa (4/4). Gastric mineralization was present in four animals suffering from renal failure. In the animal dying from bronchopneumonia, severe pancreatic amyloid deposits mainly affecting the exocrine pancreas (1/5) were identified. Immunohistochemistry was employed to identify amyloid AA in eight cases; only in the caracal dying from bronchopneumonia AA was amyloid confirmed. In several organs, especially in those where only small amyloid deposits were detected, a Congo red stain was often necessary to confirm the deposition. The etiology of the amyloidosis remains unknown. Three caracals were related within two generations, another three within four generations, so one might hypothesize a familial trait. In conclusion, amyloidosis should be considered as a significant disease in the caracal. Particularly in cases with renal disease, it should be included as a major differential diagnosis
- Amyloidosis: eosinophilic, beta-pleated proteinaceous deposits in organs
- Stains positive with Congo red or green birefringence with polarization
- Amyloidosis AA comes from excessive serum amyloid A with chronic infection, inflammation, or neoplasia
- Commonly deposited in kidneys
- Seen in cheetahs and black-footed cats
- Case Series: Nine caracals with amyloidosis (all had glomerular deposits, 7/9 died from renal failure)
- Splenic amyloidosis also common
- Seven cases did not react to amyloid AA antibodies, so maybe different type
- May be familial, from infection (FIV),
- Conclusions: Amyloidosis should be considered as a differential for caracals with renal failure.
- Amyloidosis is a disease in which amyloid, a homogenous proteinaceous, eosinophilic material, is deposed mostly extracellularly in many organs.
- Histologically it can be stained with the azo dye Congo red (CR)
- Amyloidosis may exhibit various clinical forms and lesions, for example kidney or hepatic failure, diabetes mellitus, and Alzheimer’s disease
- The most common type of amyloid described in domestic animals and nondomestic felids is amyloid AA
- Chronic stress has been linked to AA amyloidosis in a variety of species, while genetic, familial AA amyloidosis has been described in certain breeds of dogs and cats
- Amyloidosis has previously been reported in cheetahs, Siberian tigers, black footed cats, and one caracal
- Nine cases of amyloidosis in caracals (Caracal caracal) from three different institutions in Europe were reviewed and evaluated histopathologically
- The six males and three females died between 2 and 15 yr of age
- In 2/9 animals, amyloidosis was an incidental postmortem finding; the animals died of bronchopneumonia and gastric ulceration due to Helicobacter spp., respectively. 7/9 animals suffered from acute renal failure due to amyloidosis, one of them additionally of cardiac decompensation
- Histologically, glomerular amyloid was present in every animal (9/9), and was the predominant renal manifestation of amyloidosis
- Additional findings included splenic amyloid (8), amyloid in the lamina propria of the intestine (5), and amyloid in the lingual submucosa (4).
- Gastric mineralization was present in four animals suffering from renal failure
- Immunohistochemistry was employed to identify amyloid AA in eight cases; only in the caracal dying from bronchopneumonia AA was amyloid confirmed
- Congo red staining was needed in majority of cases to confirm presence of AA
- Glomerular amyloid deposition was present in every animal of this study, and could be the predominant renal manifestation of amyloidosis in caracals
- Glomerular amyloid deposition found in this study contrasts with the predominant deposition within the renal medulla of Siberian tigers, cheetahs, and black-footed cats
- Despite that amyloid AA is the main type seen in captive and wild felids, in seven caracals tissues were unreactive with the antibodies applied against amyloid AA, indicating that the amyloidosis was of another type.
- Based on ZIMS pedigree data, three caracals (3/9) in this study were related within two generations. Three other caracals (3/9) were related within four generations—there may be a genetic component, as is seen in some domestic cats
Most common causes of morbidity in neonate amur leopards?
What musculoskeletal lesions are a significant cause of morbidity in captive amur leopards?
Julia E Napier, Michael S Lund, Douglas L Armstrong, Denise McAloose
J Zoo Wildl Med. 2018 Mar;49(1):70-78.
Most common causes of morbidity in neonates were infection, maternal neglect, maternal trauma
Causes of morbidity in non-neonates: Musculoskeletal > reproductive > dental > cardiopulmonary = GI > urogenital
MSK: Footpad abnormalities, esp. abrasions in juveniles; arthritis and neoplasia in older animals
Repro: Pyometra was relatively common (17%) in females over 5 years old
Dental: Broken teeth, esp. in juveniles
Cardiac: Murmurs (rarely fatal)
GI: typically nonspecific, but rare trichobezoars (n=2) and pancreatic neoplasia (n=2)
UG: hematuria and cystitis in juveniles, CKD in geriatric
Footpad lesions are likely secondary to behavioral abnormalities (pacing, hair pulling, etc.)
Conclusions: Footpad lesions are a significant cause of morbidity in captive amur leopards.
Overall most common category for cause of death in snow leopards?
Which age groups more likely to die of infectious dz?
Which sex more likely to die of urinary tract dz?
Describe relationship between CKD, cardiac fibrosis, veno-occlusive dz
What virus was associated with oral papilloma formation?
Cause of death overall: non-infectious > infectious > inflammatory
Neoplasia and degenerative joint disease were more common
Coloboma in 30% of deceased neonates
Commonly upper eyelid agenesis, persistent pupillary membranes, iris colobomas
Juveniles and neonates 2.6 times more likely to die of infectious disease than adults/geriatrics
Males were 2.3 times more likely to die of urinary tract disease than females
Most common location of osteoarthritis = coxofemoral joint
Geriatric animals were 6.7 times more likely to have DJD than other age groups
Panthera uncia papilloma virus1 (PuPV-1) is associated with oral papilloma formation
Strong correlation between snow leopards with CRD, cardiac fibrosis, and veno-occlusive disease
Conclusions: Snow leopards get colobomas, chronic kidney disease, and oral squamous cell carcinomas.
A recent study described the morbidity and mortality of clouded leopards.
Most common cause of death in clouded leopards?
Most common causes of morbidity?
Most common site of self-induced alopecia?
Which neoplasia most common?
Where on body was SCC commonly found?
Thorel, M., Pignon, C., Arne, P., Donnelly, T. M., & Rivière, J. (2020).
Clouded leopard (neofelis nebulosa) morbidity and mortality in captive-bred populations: a comprehensive retrospective study of medical data from 271 individuals in european, asian, and australian zoos.
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 51(1), 150-158.
Abstract: The clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) is classified as vulnerable on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species. However, diseases affecting this species across zoo populations are not well documented. The primary objective of this retrospective study was to identify common and significant causes of morbidity and mortality in captive-bred clouded leopards from European, Asian, and Australian institutions. Medical records from 44 zoological parks that held 271 clouded leopards from 1934 to 2017 were reviewed. Major causes of mortality in the dead leopards (n = 141) were respiratory disease (17%), maternal neglect and starvation (12%), generalized infectious disease (10%), digestive disease (10%), and trauma (10%). Six animals lived more than 20 yr and two were older than 22 yr. Diseases were recorded 344 times (average of two per leopard) in 166 living leopards. The body systems most frequently affected by disease in these 166 individuals were, in order of frequency, integumentary (prevalence = 21%), digestive (21%), respiratory (16%), musculoskeletal (12%), and urinary (10%) systems. Neoplasia (7%) was less frequent, followed by cardiovascular (5%), genital (3%), and viral (3%) disorders. Extensive, self-induced alopecia on the tail and dorsum was the most frequently reported dermatological disease, which is proposed to be called the “clouded leopard alopecia syndrome.” The most common neoplasm was pheochromocytoma (1%), followed by squamous cell carcinoma of the paw pads, pleural mesothelioma and multicentric lymphomas (<1% each). Dilated cardiomyopathy (2%) was the most common cardiovascular disease. Bronchopneumonia (7%), enteritis (4%), and nephritis (4%) were the most frequently reported respiratory, digestive, and renal diseases, respectively. Diagnosed disease incidence was significantly higher in Europe. This paper reports the results of a comprehensive study of the causes of morbidity and mortality in European, Asian, and Australian clouded leopard zoo populations.
Key Points:
- Females are more likely to live > 15 years
- Caused of death: respiratory > maternal neglect > infection > GI = trauma > stillbirth > urinary = cardiovascular > pheochromocytoma
- Morbidity: skin disease, trauma, CKD, pheochromocytomoa, SCC of paw pads
- Self Induced alopecia sydrome
- Lesions common along lumbar, lateral tail, and pelvis
- Less common in Asia than Europe or ME zoos
- May have genetic origin
- Pheochromocytomas are most common neoplasm
- Clouded leopards found in continental Southeast Asia ranging from Nepal to china and continental Malaysia.
- Number of females > 15 yr old significantly greater than males. Lifespan ~17-22 yrs.
- Skin diseases most commonly reported disorder.
- Most commonly extensive, self-induced alopecia.
- Lumbar to tail regions, with tail most commonly affected.
- Oral or topical gluticocorticoids often used, periodic resurgence of clinical signs with discontinuation.
- Some extreme cases, long-term benzodiazepines, tail amp, or both needed.
- Antihistamines ineffective in this study population. Some abx for secondary infections.
- Recommendations for improved care:
- Derm disorders:
- CL in Asian institutions fewer lesions.
- Might be related to climate, but pedigree analysis shows genetics more likely.
- Oclacitinib maleate (Apoquel) has been used – Immunomodulator inhibiting Janus kinases; prolonged use associated with life-threatening acute inflammatory conditions.
- Derm lesions of clouded leopard alopecia syndrome characterized by linear alopecia along sides of the tail.
- Possible causes – peripheral neuropathy, catecholamine secreting pheochromocytomas, genetic factors, endocrine dz.
- Phaeochromocytomas may cause chronic systemic hypertension and subsequent diffuse follicular telogenization of hair follicles.
- Hair follicles remaining in the resting telogen phase and not entering the growth anagen phase could explain the macroscopic alopecia and can be investigated by comparing biopsies from alopecic and normal skin.
- Glucocorticoid treatment can also cause telogenization.
- Hair follicles remaining in the resting telogen phase and not entering the growth anagen phase could explain the macroscopic alopecia and can be investigated by comparing biopsies from alopecic and normal skin.
- Phaeochromocytomas may cause chronic systemic hypertension and subsequent diffuse follicular telogenization of hair follicles.
- CL in Asian institutions fewer lesions.
- Musculoskeletal dz including trauma:
- Intraspecific bites, especially older females that are freq attacked and bitten on pairing with younger males.
- The AZA recommends pairing animals for breeding before they reach 1 year of age to prevent attacks on the female by the male.
- Urinary disorders:
- Performing regular CBC/chem from 8 yr + may be critical for diagnosis of renal dz.
- Tubulointerstitial disorders same freq as glomerular disease.
- Performing regular CBC/chem from 8 yr + may be critical for diagnosis of renal dz.
- Neoplasia:
- Pheochromocytomas most common, consistent with other literature.
- AUS and CT recommended for health checks in animals greater than 10 yrs.
- Systemic hypertension, retinal detachment, renal or pulmonary edema, cardiac fibrosis should be investigated.
- Metanephrine and normetanephrine metabolites of epi and norepi can be measured but value in clouded leopards not known.
- UA, UPC for renal function and relation to hypertension.
- Both adrenals should always be evaluated on histo at necropsy.
- Special attention should be given to paw pads, low but unusual SCCs.
- Possible cause of unknown lameness.
- Lymphoma and pleural mesothelioma also reported.
- Cardiovascular system:
- DCM most frequent heart disease (unlike HCM in domestic cats).
- Echos recommended during routine health checks.
- Derm disorders:
Antemortem methods for TB diagnosis in lions?
Molenaar FM, Burr PD, Swift BM, Rees CE, Masters N.
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 2020 Jun;51(2):426-32.
Antemortem methods for TB diagnosis in lions:
Single comparative intradermal TB test in cervical area
Antibody detection
Culture and PCR of sputum or BAL
Key Points:
1.1 wild-caught Asiatic lions were tested for TB prior to introduction to a zoo
Intradermal TB in eyelids were positive/suspect at 72h (larger swelling with bovine PPD than avian)
Interferon-gamma release assay on heparinized blood (validated for domestic cats) was positive
PCR to detect MTBC found live bacteria in both blood samples
BAL for culture and MTBC-specific PCR were negative
No granulomatous lesions found on antemortem diagnostics or necropsy
Compare and contrast the STAT-PAK, DPP, and TST tests for TB in lions.
Which test was more sensitive than serology?
Which test is indicative of cell mediated response?
Michele A. Miller, Peter Buss, Tashnica Taime Sylvester, Konstantin P. Lyashchenko, Lin-Mari deKlerk-Lorist, Roy Bengis, Markus Hofmeyr, Jennifer Hofmeyr, Nomkhosi Mathebula, Guy Hausler, Paul van Helden, Eliza Stout, Sven D.C. Parsons, Francisco Olea-Popelka
Most culture positive lions were seropositive on STATpak and DPP vetTB and TST reactive
Higher percentage of positives on STAT-PAK and TST in the culture positive group than the culture negative group.
No culture negative Kruger lions were seropositive but some were TST reactive
Most culture positive lions had chronic disease consistent with bTB
Unexposed population was negative for culture, serology and TST; no disease for bTB on nx
Nontuberulosis mycobacteria may cause false positive - small percentage of TBLs with NTMs (culture) identified were positive on STAT-PAK but not on DPP. Some NTM culture negative still had positive STAT-PAK
STAT PAK sensitivity - 62.5% similar to other species
Take Home Message: STAT-PAK and DPP have a very high specificity (100% in this limited study). TST (cell mediated response) more sensitive than serology
Describe the utility of the single intradermal cervical test for TB in lions?
Ignatius M. Viljoen, Tashnica Taime Sylvester, Sven D. C. Parsons, Robert P. Millar, Paul D. van Helden, Michele A. Miller
JWD 55(3), 2019
Compared tuberculin skin test results from lions in KNP to lions not exposed to M. bovis (captive)
Results not specific enough for captive lions, false positives up to 54%
SICT reduced the number of false positives in captive lions
Other tests for M. bovis:
Culture - relatively insensitive (cultured BAL samples)
Antigen-specific gene expression assay (GEA) - highly specific in lions
Conclusions: Single intradermal cervical test is not specific in lions
What clinicopathologic parameter serves as an early marker of CKD in cheetahs?
How does freezing impact samples?
Key Points:
SDMA did increase 5-40 months prior to CKD diagnosis based on BUN/Crea
SDMA: formed by intranuclear methylation of L-arginine by methyltransferases and released into circulation after proteolysis
Estimates renal clearance, good marker of GFR
Not affected by freeze-thaw
Once SDMA reference intervals are created, can use a single SDMA value to diagnose early CKD in cheetahs
Take Home Message: SDMA serves as an early marker of CKD in managed cheetahs and increases before BUN/Cr cheetahs with CKD.
Describe correlation of SDMA with GFR, creat, and BUN in healthy cheetahs?
Glomerular filtration rate determined by measuring serum clearance of a single dose of inulin and serum symmetric dimethylarginine concentration in clinically normal cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus)
Sanchez CR, Hayek LA, Carlin EP, Brown SA, Citino S, Marker L, Jones KL, Murray S.
Conclusions: SDMA not correlated with GFR, Creat, or BUN in healthy cheetahs.
Another study showed SDMA was highly correlated with creatinine in cheetahs and validated the IDEXX SDMA immuno assay. No ref intervals.
Lynnette Waugh, Shane Lyon, Gretchen A Cole, Jennifer D’Agostino, Julie Cross, Marilyn Strong-Townsend, Maha Yerramilli, Jun Li, Andrei Rakitin, Sean Hardy, João Brandão
J Zoo Wildl Med. 2018 Sep;49(3):623-631.
What differences were observed in wild lion clin path vs captive lions?
Broughton HM, Govender D, Shikwambana P, Chappell P, Jolles A.
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 2017 Jun;48(2):298-311.
Wild lions (compared to captive lions) had:
Lower creatinine
Higher BUN
Older wild lions (compared to younger ones) had:
Decreased WBCs, ALP
Increased ALT, BUN
Male wild lions had higher PCV and leptin
Conclusions: Wild lions have a lower creatinine but a higher BUN than captive lions.
Compare and contrast cefovecin sodium PK in lions vs tigers
Pharmacokinetics after subcutaneous administration of a single dose of cefovecin sodium in African lions (Panthera leo).
Flaminio KP, Christensen JM, Alshahrani SM, Mohammed SM.
Am J Vet Res. 2019 Mar;80(3):230-234.
Conclusions: Cefovecin at 4 mg/kg and 8 mg/kg SC had very similar pharmacokinetics and are predicted to plasma concentrations above target MIC for 14 days. No adverse effects.
Andrew C. Cushing, Edward C. Ramsay, James Steeil, Sherry Cox
J. of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 48(4):1188-1192 (2017)
Appropriate plasma concentrations above MIC for 49 days!
Much longer than domestic cats and lions
No adverse effects
Conclusions: Convenia can be dosed q49 days in tigers, which is much longer than in domestic cats and lions
What parasite are captive pallas cats highly susceptible to?
Clinical signs?
Treatment of choice?
Girling SJ, Pizzi R, Naylor AD, Richardson D, Richardson U, Harley J, Cole G, Brown D, Fraser M, Tillman E, Barclay D.
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 2020 Mar;51(1):39-45.
Captive Pallas cats are highly susceptible to T. gondii
Fatal infections → systemic granulomatous disease and necrosis of lungs, liver, heart, spleen, pancreas,
Key Points:
Pregnant Pallas’ cats seropositive for T. gondii were treated with clindamycin
Kittens also treated at 3-4 weeks old
Mortality improved from 100% to 6%!
Other treatment options: diclazuril, toltrazuril/ponazuril
Conclusions: Prophylactic treatment of pregnant Pallas’ cat dams and their 3-4 week old kittens dramatically reduced Toxoplasma gondii-associated mortality.
What drug caused suspected adverse reactions when administered orally to captive cheetahs?
Clinical signs?
Suspected adverse reactions to oral administration of a praziquantel-pyrantel combination in captive cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus)
M. Whitehouse-Tedd PhD; Liesl Smith BSc; Jane A. Budd BVMS; Christopher G. Lloyd BVSc, MSc
JAVMA, November 15, 2017, Vol. 251, No. 10, Pages 1188-1195
Cheetahs with disease after praziquantel-pyrantel:
Signs within 4 hours of administration
Early sign = protruding nictitans
Progresses to ataxia, seizure, tremors, pulmonary hemorrhage, pyrexia +/- death
Conclusions: Praziquantel-pyrantel can cause fatal neurologic signs in cheetahs.
Compare and contrast tiger vs domestic cat immune responses to canary-pox vectored CDV vx.
McEntire M, Ramsay EC, Kania S, Prestia P, Anis E, Cushing AC, Wilkes RP.
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 2020 Jan;50(4):798-802..
Canarypox-vectored vaccine (PureVax) SC or oral in tigers did not produce protect tigers
PureVax SC produced protective titers in cats
No titers with oral administration
Conclusions: PureVax canine distemper virus administered subcutaneously is effective in domestic cats but not in tigers.
A recent study surveyed the use of canine distemper vaccines in nondomestic felids.
What was the most common vaccine used?
Which spp was most likely to seroconvert?
Which spp was least likely to seroconvert?
How many vaccines were recommended for seroconversion?
For animals that did seroconvert, how long did titers last?
Georoff, T. A., Ramsay, E. C., Gyimesi, Z. S., Kilburn, J. J., & Sykes IV, J. M. (2020). Review of canine distemper vaccination use and safety in north american captive large felids (panthera spp.) from 2000 to 2017. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 50(4), 778-789.
Abstract: Data on canine distemper virus (CDV) vaccination were collected on 812 large felids (351 tigers, Panthera tigris; 220 lions, Panthera leo; 143 snow leopards, Panthera uncia; 50 leopards, Panthera pardus; and 48 jaguars, Panthera onca) from 48 institutions to assess vaccine use and safety. The documented individual vaccination events with multiple products numbered 2,846. Canarypox-vectored CDV vaccines were the most commonly used vaccines (96.3% of all vaccinations) and the Purevax Ferret Distemper (PFD) vaccine was the most commonly used canarypox-vectored vaccine (91.0% of all vaccinations). Modified live virus (MLV) CDV vaccines were used for 3.7% of all vaccinations, and only in tigers, lions, and snow leopards. Adverse effects were reported after 0.5% (13 of 2,740) of the canarypox-vectored vaccinations and after 2.9% (3 of 104) of the MLV CDV vaccinations. This low complication rate suggests large felids may not be as sensitive to adverse effects of MLV CDV vaccines as other exotic carnivores. Serological data were available from 159 individuals (69 tigers, 31 lions, 31 snow leopards, 22 jaguars, and 6 Amur leopards, Panthera pardus orientalis) vaccinated with the PFD vaccine, and 66.0% of vaccinates seroconverted (defined as acquiring a titer 1 : 24) at some point post vaccination: 24.3% after one vaccination, 55.8% after two vaccinations, 54.3% after three vaccinations, and 79.2% after four or more vaccinations. Among animals exhibiting seroconversion after the initial PFD vaccinations, 88.9% still had titers 12 mo and 24 mo after the last vaccination, and 87.5% had titers 1 : 24 at 36 mo after the last vaccination. The study was unable to assess fully the safety of vaccination with either canarypox-vectored or MLV CDV vaccines during gestation because of the small number of animals vaccinated while pregnant (n 1⁄4 6, all vaccinated with PFD).
- CDV infection in large felids
- Acute to chronic resp, enteric, CNS signs
- Can be fatal
- Secondary infections common
- No treatment exists
- Prevention = vaccination
- Vaccine induced disease notable with MLV CDV vaccines → not recommended in nondomestic carnivores
Monovalent canarypox-vectored CDV = vaccine of choice in zoos
- Genetic material in canarypox vector → can’t replicate in mammalian cells
- Recent study comparing humoral response between canarypox and MLV vaccine in tigers → 2/6 animals seroconverted after canarypox series, titers less than after single injection with MLV
- Majority given IM
- Single major adverse event in snow leopard → CNS signs after MLV vaccine → resolved without intervention**/
- Snow leopards → lowest rate of seroconversion
- Amur leopards and jaguars → highest rate of seroconversion
- Seroconversion after 4 canarypox vaccinations increased significantly compared to 1,2,3
- Single case reports of MLV induced disease tend to skew perception → low numbers in this study but adverse effect percent low
- Protective titers → debate over what is “protective”
- Can only be proven by virulent strain challenge → not ethical in most zoologic spp
- Multiple vaccinations needed to induce seroconversion in most cases
- Snow leopards lowest rate of seroconversion and highest percentage of titers in “indeterminate” (1:8, 1:16) range
Take home points: vaccination with MLV CDV does not seem to cause as many adverse effects as assumed, and no animals in this study had vaccine induced disease. Multiple doses of canarypox vectored CDV vaccines are necessary for seroconversion
What herpesvirus affects captive cheetahs?
How is it transmitted?
What are the clinical signs?
What demographics are more suceptible?
Can it be induced with modified live vaccine?
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 51(1): 210–216, 2020
Alexis Pennings, DVM, Kathryn Seeley, DVM, Dipl ACZM, MS, Ame´ lie Mathieu, DMV, MS, Abby Foust, DVM, Dipl ACVD, Michael M. Garner, DVM, Dipl ACVP, and Jan Ramer, DVM, Dipl ACZM.
Abstract: Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) are particularly susceptible to feline herpesvirus-1 (FHV-1). Recommendations for preventive health care in cheetahs include vaccination against FHV-1 using killed and modified live virus (MLV) vaccines. Although MLV vaccines tend to induce a more robust immune response than killed vaccines, they can induce disease. This case series details an FHV-1 outbreak in four adult cheetahs following the use of MLV vaccine in one of them. All four cheetahs developed severe FHV-1 clinical signs and were euthanized. Clinical signs included depression, anorexia, nasal discharge, ocular discharge, sneezing, and ulcerative dermatitis. Herpesvirus infection was diagnosed using history, clinical signs, polymerase chain reaction, and histologic evaluation. The timeline of events suggests the MLV vaccine was the inciting cause, although this was not conclusively proven. Outcome of this case suggests that when considering MLV vaccines for cheetahs, careful risk and benefit discussions are merited.
Key Points:
- Feline herpesvirus-1 – alphaherpes virus, endemic in managed cheetah, also found in semi-managed and free-range
- Transmission between cheetah or other felids
- Inactivated in environment within hours
- Oronasal entry -> clinical signs within 2-6d
- Latency and recrudescence – viral reactivation common after stressful event, takes about 4-11 days before shedding, may last for 13 days
- Clinical signs in cheetah – depression, inappetence, conjunctivitis, corneal ulceration, nasal discharge, sneezing, ulcerative dermatitis
- Young cheetah more likely to have severe disease +/- death
- MLV administration prior to developing disease has been reported multiple times in cheetah
- Cheetah at the institution were historically vaccinated with killed vx; however – brought in female for breeding and based off program recommendations she received a killed booster then a MLV 20d later
- Approx 1 month after MLV administered to female – first male became ill – pos on nasal swab for FHV-1; other two males then became ill. All 3 males euthanized because of deteriorated health and elderly
- Female also broke with disease – attempted therapy for 15 months then euthanized
- Two other females at the facility were also vaccinated with the same protocol at the same time and did not develop disease
- Cell mediated immunity plays an important role for fighting FHV-1 so titers not the best way to monitor
Take home: Using MLV for viruses in exotic felids is not the best idea.
Describe the taxonomy of felids.
What are the main genera seen in zoological settings?
What is the conservation status of most of these species?
BIOLOGY (Fowler 8):
- The family Felidae consists of at least 36 wild cat species
- Number of genera has Been variable but 12 genera currently recognized
- Felis (black footed cat, sand cat)
- Otocolobus (Pallas)
- Lynx (lynx, bobcats)
- Caracal
- Leptailurus (serval)
- Pardofelis
- Prionailurus (Fishing cat)
- Leopardus (Ocelot)
- Puma (Puma, Jaguarundi)
- Neofelis (Clouded leopard)
- Panthera (Snow leopard, tiger, leopard, jaguar, lion)
- Acinocyx (cheetah)
- Occupy diverse habitat, distributed throughout the world (except Antarctica and Australia)
- Among the most threatened groups of mammals (danger to humans/livestock, fur trade)
- Nearly 50% of all felids in top 3 threatened categories, 7 Critically Endangered or Endangered.
- Iberian lynx (Critically Endangered), may be first cat species to become extinct in modern times
Describe the unique anatomy of the felidae.
What is the general dental formula?
What is their GI tract like? What about the esophagus specifically?
How are their limbs designed for their lifestyle? How does that differ from canids?
What are some of the unique characteristics of cheetahs?
What do the mesonephric ducts become in males? What can these structures become in female cheetahs?
ANATOMY (Fowler 8):
- 28-30 teeth, formula: incisors (I) 3/3, canines (C) 1/1, premolars (P) 2-3/2, molars (M) 1/1.
- Length wise groove in canines
- The fourth upper premolars (carnassial teeth) are used to slice meat
- More powerful bite relative to muscle mass than any other carnivore (except mustelids)
- Due to carnivorous diet, have shorter digestive tract, smaller cecum, short large intestine.
- Forelimbs used for locomotion and prey capture- need supination of paw.
- Increased mobility of the elbow and wrist joints affects running.
- Canids run faster as they have stiffer forelimbs.
- The hindlimbs are propulsers, and reduction or loss of a clavicle increases stride length.
- Cats are digitigrade, with five toes in the front and four in the back.
- First digit on front foot is the dewclaw.
- All felids have retractable claws
- Exception = cheetah. Cheetahs lack the fleshy sheath protecting the claw
- Previous thought: Key characteristic to separate big cats (Pantherinae) from small (Felinae) =
- Presence of an elastic ligament in the hyoid apparatus below the tongue
- Thought to allow the big cats to roar but not purr.
- Conversely, bony hyoid of small cats was thought to allow them to purr but not roar.
- New thought: Difference btwn roaring, nonpurring cats = long, fleshy, elastic vocal folds (larynx)
- Found in big cats that resonate to produce a roar.
- S_maller cats_ and cheetahs have simpler vocal folds that only allow purring
- Nondomestic felids have AB blood group system similar to domestic cats.
- Cross-matching of donor and recipients important before transfusions
Unique Features (Terio Ch 10)
- Dental formula as domestic felids (13/3, C1/1, PM2-3/2, M1/1 in each arcade)
- Zonary placentation with endotheliochorial maternal-fetal interface
- Clouded leopards have unusually long canine teeth
- Cheetah claws are semi-retractable, metacarpal and metatarsal pads are rigid
- Large hearts in proportion to body size
- Ectatic pancreatic ducts – variably sized, clear, fluids filled cystic structures within the pancreatic parenchyma
- Black footed cats have enlarged adrenal glands
- Prominent esophageal folds in cheetahs and some Panthera (stratified squamous)
- Wolffian duct (mesonephric duct) – embryonal paired structure -> epididymis, vas deferens, and seminal vesicles in males
- In females, ducts regress in absence of anti-mullerian hormone but cysts can develop in remnant ducts
- Mesonephric duct cysts in all felids; paraovarian cyst in female cheetahs common
- No association between presence of cysts and fertility
- Hepatic telangiectasia – uncommon – cheetahs, snow leopards, cougars, & lions
- Sinusoidal dilation
Describe the husbandry of felids.
What considerations need to be made into their housing?
What are the nutritional requirements of cats?
What protein levels do they need?
What is the proper technique for thawing frozen meat diets?
What should the diets be analyzed for?
- To reduce osteoarthritis and pad ulceration, do not house on concrete for long periods
- Appropriate safety precautions must be designed into the enclosure and holding
- Safety gates provide secondary containment if an animal escapes from the primary holding
- Keepers may carry pepper spray and communication radios while working with large felids.
- Escape drills should be held routinely.
FEEDING (Fowler 8):
- -Require much higher protein in their diet compared with any other mammal
- -12% for domestic cats compared with 4% for domestic dogs.
- -Most captive felids fed commercial meat-based complete diets
- -Additional vitamin/mineral supplements (calcium/taurine) should not be necessary
- -Techniques for proper thawing of frozen diets via https://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_welfare/downloads/big_cat/handlemeat.pdf
- Freezer: –30 to –18 o C (–22 to 0 o F) or lower
- Refrigerator: 4 to 6 o C (40 to 43 o F)
- Once removed from the freezer for thawing or thawed under refrigeration, meat must be used within the next 24 hours.
- -Bones may be offered to promote oral health and to provide enrichment
- -Diet should be analyzed for nutritional content, bacterial contamination, foreign material.
- -Several cases of ethylene glycol toxicity from contaminated meat reported
- -Source of diet should be checked to prevent spread of dz (spongiform encephalopathies)
Describe a routine preventative medicine protocol for felids.
How often should animals be examined?
What are some routine tests that should be considered?
What are the core vaccines for felids? What other vaccines should be considered?
Routine Health Examination:
- -Many institutions perform examinations under anesthesia every 2 to 4 years
- -freq. depends on animal’s age, life stage, health status and medical history, species
- -Routine exam should include: BCS, body weight, PE, eval for ectoparasites, blood collection
- -Recommended serologic tests:
- -feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)
- -Additional tests that may be necessary based on species, geographic location, or potential for disease exposure include those for
- -Toxoplasma gondii, feline coronavirus (FCoV), canine heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis).
-Serologic tests to monitor response to vaccination:
- -feline parvovirus (FPV) esp. in cheetahs
- -rabies
- -Vaccine titers for feline herpesvirus (FHV) or feline calicivirus (FCV) are predictive of protection,
- -except for highly susceptible species such as cheetahs.
- -If cheetah has low or negative titer to FPV or FHV, frequent vaccination should be considered.
- -Vaccines recommended are divided into:
- -Core vaccines (recommended for all felids)
- -Noncore vaccines (optional, depending on disease risk, not generally recommended)
- -Vaccine-associated sarcomas rarely reported in nondomestic felids.
- -Specific information on length of protection from vaccination is lacking.
- -Recommendations for vaccination freq. cannot be made
- -Most institutions vaccinate adults every 1 to 3 years using the core vaccines.
- -Core vaccines include:
- -Rabies (killed, e.g., Imrab 3 or recombinant canarypox-vectored)
- -Feline panleukopenia, calicivirus, herpesvirus (killed, e.g., Fel-O-Vax PCT Plus).
- -Noncore vaccines:
- -Should be considered only in species at risk
- -Canine distemper virus (CDV) (recombinant canarypox-vectored), FeLV (killed).
Pre-shipment Evaluation and Quarantine:
- -Quarantine should occur in an off-exhibit area away from other animals. Usually 30 days.
- -Dedicated tools and equipment and PPE should be used, footbath.
Describe anesthesia of felids.
What complications have been reported with telazol in tigers?
What are the dart sites for felids?
What injectable agents are commonly used?
Describe the intubation of cats.
What are some common complications of felids undergoing anesthesia? How are they addressed?
What sedation protocols are done post-op? Why is zuclopenthixol not recommended in cats?
What pain managements options exist post-op?
What local ansethetic blocks have been used?
ANESTHESIA (Fowler 8):
- Smaller species require a higher dosage of anesthetics compared with larger species
- Drug combinations: dissociative, α2-agonist, benzodiazepine, opioid, or a combination of these.
- Telazol may be used safely in felids but should be used with caution in tigers.
- Adverse reactions: death, neurologic dz (seizures, ataxia) anecdotally reported
- Regurgitation/vomiting during induction/recovery may occur with α2-agonists
- Recommend fasting for adult felids 12-24 hrs and water several hours prior to anesthesia
- Venipuncture similar to domestic felids: medial/lateral saphenous, jugular, cephalic, femoral
- Lateral tail veins (larger felids) located at 2 o’clock and 10 o’clock positions.
Heard/West Chapter 45: Felidae Anesthesia
- Small felids <20kg, large >20kg
- Tigers have the most anesthetic complications
- Telazol - sudden death (Wack 2003) - debatable?
- Seizures, apneic episodes
Physical Restraint
- Hand injection if docile, juvenile
- Squeeze cage/kennel/traps
- Syringe pole
- Remote darting - 3-5mL, hind limbs or shoulder
Manual restraint
- <16kg, nets, gloves
- Hand inject
- Induction chamber
Behavior Training - ideal
Oral Sedation
- Pre-med to decrease stress of darting
- Not predictable
Injectable Agents
- Ketamine (not alone)
- 11-44mg/kg; muscle rigidity, salivation, seizures, rough recoveries. Use w/ caution in renal failure cats bc excreted unchanged by kidneys
- Useful supplementation and maintenance (0.2-2mg/kg IM or IV)
- For south chinese tiges and bobcats- females require more ketamine
- Ketamine + Medetomidine
- Reliable sedation in most large felids
- Smooth induction 5-15 min, good muscle relaxation
- Lasts 45 minutes w/o gas
- Good depth, low volume, analgesia, reversible partly
- Disadvantage: vomiting during induction, CV changes, venoconstriction, low pulse ox readings, hypertension, bradycardia, bradyarrhythmias, decreased CO, mild to moderate respiratory depression, increased urinary output, sensitive to noise
- Caution in heart disease cats
- Ketamine 3mg/kg + Medetomidine 0.03mg/kg IM for large cats
- Ketamine 2.5-4.5mg/kg + Medetomidine 0.05 -0.07mg/kg
- Ketamine + Xylazine
- Used more before medetomidine was available
- Similar anesthesia and side effects as above
- Ketamine 3-10 mg/kg and Xylazine 0.3-1.0 mg/kg
- Alpha 2 + midazolam first. Then ketamine after sedated. Decrease likelihood of seizures.
- Supplementation: Alpha 2 should not be used as supplement in prolonged procedures. Ketmaine better. Propofol useful to increase time of immobilization but has to be IV. Prolonged procedures should have intubation and gas anesthesia
- Benzodiazepine (midazolam, diazepam) or butorphanol added to alpha 2 and ketamine combos
- Ketamine + Midazolam
- Small felids or debilitated large cats
- Smooth anesthesia, good CV function
- Diazepam - IV only
- Ketamine 5-10mg/kg + Midazolam 0.1 - 0.3mg/kg
- Butorphanol 0.1-0.4mg/kg or oxymorphone at 0.03 - 0.05mg/kg
- Ketamine + Midazolam + Butorphanol
- Torb provides additional sedation and analgesia
- Low total volume - good for darts
- Healthy small felids; debilitated, very young or geriatric large felids
- Telazol
- Short induction and reliable plane of anesthesia
- High margin of safety and few CV effects
- Recoveries prolonged and stormy
- Pain at injection site, only partially reversible
- Tigers: neurological conditions (seizures, ataxia) and death (2-4 days after anesthetic event)
- 1.6-4.2mg/kg large cats; 11mg/kg small cats
- Small volume
- Can combine with ketamine to have better recoveries (decreased telazol)
- Medetomidine + Butorphanol + Midazolam
- Smooth, fast induction, adequate plane for 40 minutes (then sudden recoveries)
- Cheetahs - 0.035mg/kg medetomidine + 0.15mg/kg midazolam and 0.2mg/kg butorphanol
- Full reversible! Good for animals with kidney or liver disease
- Hypertension, bradyarrhythmias (improve by reversing atipamezole early on)
- Althesin
- Saffan = alphaxalone and alphadolone acetate
- Must be given IV, contains cremophor
- Wide safety margin, little cumulative effect
- Fatal anaphylactic reactions
- Not used in U.S. but used in South Africa
- Cheetahs 6-8ml/cat
- Adequate for minor procedures
- Propofol
- IV, bolus (0.2-2mg/kg IV) or CRI (0.02-0,2mg/kg/min); one bolus q 5-10min
- Good for animals with liver or kidney disease instead of ketamine
- Since already sedated, low levels needed (0.5-1% for iso, 0.5-2% for sevo)
- Alpha-2: Atipamezole, tolazoline, yohimbine
- Medetomidine (1mg): atipamezole (3-5mg); or 0.1-0.45mg/kg IM
- High alpha 2 selectivity
- Caution in neuro patients because atipamezole can raise ICP
- Do not use yohimbine for medetomidine - not reliable (resedation, ataxia)
- Use IM
- Xylazine : Yohimbine (0.04 - 0.3mg/kg IM or slow IV) or Tolazoline (0.5-2mg/kg IM or IV)
- Mixed alpha 1 and alpha 2 specificity
- CNS excitement, salivation, muscle tremors
- Don’t use atipamezole - excitement
- Medetomidine (1mg): atipamezole (3-5mg); or 0.1-0.45mg/kg IM
- Opioid: Naloxone, Naltrexone, Nalmefene
- Naloxone (0.002-0.04mg/kg IM/IV) = pure mu antagonist
- Naltrexone (0.05 - 0.25mg/kg IM/IV) = mu, delta, kappa antagonist; longer ating; can be given PO
- Nalmefene (0.03mg/kg IV) = mu antagonist
- Benzodiazepines: Flumazenil and Sarmazenil
- Flumazenil (0.01-0/2mg/kg or 0.008 mg/ mg of diazepam or midazolam)
- High cost
- Does not improve recoveries in large felids; benzos benefit smooth revoery
- Very short half life in cats
- Small cats - 4-10mm
- Large cats 16-24
- Cougars 10-14mm
- Supplemental breaths if ETCO2 >55mmHg or PaCO2 > 60mmHg
- Vomiting
- Alpha 2s
- Hypertension and bradycardia
- Alpha 2s
- Reverse, don’t use atropine
- Arrhythmias
- Bradycardia
- <100bpm in cats <7kg
- <80bpm in cats weight 10-20kg
- 40-60bpm in large felids
- Caused by deep anesthesia, hypothermia, cardiac issues
- Lighten the anesthesia, warm the patient
- Glycopyrrolate (0.005-0.01 mg/kg IV or IM)
- Atropine (0.01-0.04mg/kg IV or IM)
- Only treat if its due to non-medetomidine related causes
- Tachycardia
- Inadequate depth, pain, hypotension from hypovolemia
- Bradycardia
- Hypotension
- Fluid bolus 15-20ml/kg over 15 min, then 10-20ml/kg/hr
- Dopamine, dobutamine
- Cardiac Arrest
- Hypoventilation
- Hyperventilation (panting)
- Respiratory arrest - lighten anesthesia, position in sternal, GV26, doxopram?
- Seizures
- Seen more in tigers with high dose of ketamine or telazol
- Treat with 0.1-0.5mg/kg IV diazepam/midazolam; or propofol 0.2-1mg/kg IV
- Electrolyte imbalances
- Hyperkalemia
- Tigers, cougars, cheetahs
- Measure q15-30 min
- 20% of animals
- Metabolic acidosis
- Treat if >6mmol. Insulin in dextrose (0.1-1unit/kg in 500ml 5% dextrose)
- Calcium gluconate - protects heart from arrhythmias
- Reverse alpha 2s
- Hyperkalemia
- Post op, decrease activity, decrease anxiety
- Benzos orally (0.15-0.5mg/kg); also stimulate appetite
- Long term PO at higher doses - hepatic failure
- Discontinue if lethargic, vomiting, anorexic
- Acetylpromazine 0.03-0.1mg/kg IM or 0.1-0.2 mg/kg PO – mild to moderate sedation for up to 6-8 hrs in cheetahs
- Lower doses to ‘take edge off’ in aggressive animals without causing sedation
- Azaperone 3mg/kg to smooth telazol recoveries in lions
- Perphenazine enanthate 3mg/kg IM for long lasting sedation up to 2 wks without side effects in cheetahs
- Zuclopenthixol acetate not recommended in cheetahs - severe side effects (inappetence, ataxia, TEL prolapse, extrapyramidal reactions). Don’t use in any cats.
Pain Management
- Opioids
- Side effects - salivation, mydriasis, hyperthermia
- Buprenorphine used a lot in cats (partial u agonist) - shown to be superior to other opioids. Few side effects, long duration of action, oral/buccal absorption
- 6hrs
- 0.01-0.02mg/kg IV/IM/PO
- Oxymorphone and hydromorphone (0.05-0.1mg/kg IV or IM)
- Oxy less side effects than hydro
- Fentanyl: short acting. Bolus 2-5mcg/kg + CRI 0.1-0.3mcg/kg/min.
- Butorphanol (k receptor): only for mild pain, short duration. Use in combo with other drugs like nsaids or local blocks. Ceiling effect at 0.4mg/kg
- Tramadol/fentanyl patches
- Up to 24 hrs of analgesia. Slow metabolism in cats due to lack of glucuronidase.
- Side effects of GI ulceration, nephropathy, impaired coagulation.
- Meloxicam (0.2-0.3mg/kg SC/IV pre op then 0.1mg/kg SC or PO for 3 days), carprofen, ketoprofen
- Long term meloxicam: 0.03-0.1mg/kg PO 3x/week or up to every other day with close monitoring
- Carprofen - single dose 2-4mg/kg IM,IV,PO
- Ketoprofen: less cox 2 specific, 1.5-2mg/kg IM/IV/SC
- Others
- Ketamine - CRI during procedure at low doses (10-40mcg/kg/min) and titrated now to 3-5 at end and stopped before waking them up
- Alpha 2
- Local Anesthesia
- Local blocks: head (tooth trauma)
- Small cats: 0.1-0.3ml of 2% lidocaine or 0.5% bupivacaine
- Large cats: 1-3ml
- (A) Infraorbital nerve- rostral part of upper dental arcade, palates nose and muzzle (infraorbital foramen)
- Inferior alveolar nerve
- (B) Mental foramen - incisors, chin
- C Mandibular foramen - entire lower dental arcade
- Ophthalmic
- topical prilocaine - 2 to 3 hrs
- Retrobulbar nerve block for enucleation
- Ophthalmic block - lower risks
- Ear
- Auriculotemporal nerve - rostral caudal to vertical ear canal
- Epidural injection
- L7-S1
- Preservative free morphine 0.1-0.3mg/kg and bupivacaine 0.3mg/kg (not exceeding 6-9mL
- 8-12 hrs of analgesia, anesthesia 1-4 hrs
- If thoracic or front leg analgesia use morphine and saline
- Brachial plexus block - foreleg distal to and including elbow joint
- High brachial plexus block - proximal at spinal canal
- Distal three point block - amputations, onychectomy, etc
- Dorsomedial surface of carpus just proximal to joint (radial nerve)
- Either side of carpal pad blocks palmar and dorsal branches of ulnar nerves and median nerve
- Local blocks: head (tooth trauma)
Describe the field anesthesia of free-ranging lions.
What is the general technique to attract lions to the capture site?
How far apart should the processing site be from the capture site?
What are the four protocols discussed in the Fowler chapter and their pros and cons?
How does your approach and dosages change when darting from a helicopter?
Fowler 9, Chap 76: Update on Field Anesthesia Protocols for Free-Ranging African Lions
Chemical immobilization is fundamental for conservation (capture/translocation, treatment)
- Cyclohexylamine dissociatives (phencyclidine, ketamine, tiletamine)- TZ most common, combos w/ reversible/partially reversible
Capture Technique
- Capture at night (more active/willing to approach)- make all preparations before nightfall:
- Two sites (capture site, processing site) 25-200m apart to reduce contact
- Capture site: open, cleared of vegetation for unobstructed view, large enough for vehicle
- Processing site: large enough to accommodate personnel, lions, equipment, well lit, surrounded by vehicle barrier
- Capture with partially eviscerated carcass dragged behind vehicle to create trail and fasted to tree/stake
- Play recorded lion/hyena/dying animal sounds
- Dart from vehicle, determine depth with painful stimulus before approach, blindfold, hobble forelimbs for transport
- Monitor CV/R function, temperature, depth frequently, observe complete recovery and protect from attack
Adverse Effects
Tiletamine + Zolezepam
TZ (Zoletil, Telazol)
Cyclohexylamine + Benzodiazepine
*drug of choice*
Rapid induction
Good muscle relaxation
Gradual, predictable recovery (up to 4 hours- dose dependent)- vulnerable
More potent than ketamine= less volume
Wide safety margin
Limited CV/R effects
- Tonic convulsions*
- Hyperthermia*
Tiletamine + Zolezepam + Medetomidine
Cychlohexylamine + Benzodiazepine + Alpha-2 Agonist
Reduces TZ dose up to 75%
Smooth induction 3-10 minutes
Good muscle relaxation
Sufficient analgesia for minor procedures
Spontaneous recovery after 1 hour
-repeat IM TZM 1/3 induction dose PRN (could result in prolonged recovery)
Limited stable CV/R depression
Hg saturation >90%
May retain palpebral reflex
Partial: Atipamezole
-reduces recovery time (8-30 min if given 45 min after induction)
Ketamine + (Me)Detomidine
Cyclohexylamine + Alpha-2 Agonist
Induction 6-10 minutes
Good for short-duration procedures (radio-collaring, disease surveillance, snare removal)
Limited CV/R effects
Hg saturation 85-90%
Partial: Atipamezole
-25-32min when given 1 hour after induction
Butorphanol + Medetomidine + Midazolam
Opioid + Alpha-2 Agonist + Benzodiazepine
Rapid induction 5-10 min
45 min stable anesthesia
Sufficient for minor procedures- additional analgesia needed for surgery
Spontaneous recovery after >45 min
- administer IM BMM 1/3 induction dose after 45 min and every 30 min
- loud noise, painful stimulus- use hobbles/blindfold
Mild bradycardia (<50 bpm)
Mild metabolic acidosis
PaO2 ~ 87 mmHg
Complete: Naltrexone + Atipamezole + Flumazenil
- standing 4-8min
- can be given at any time
- no adverse effects seen when given IV
- give additional atipamezole PRN (10x medetomidine dose)
Helicopter Darting
- Capable pilot, experienced vet
- Marked sympathetic response- 2x+ TZM/BMM doses to be effective; TZ drug of choice (hyperthermia)
- Approach with caution until depth confirmed
Describe stargazing in lions.
What age groups are affected?
What are the initial signs and how do they progress?
What diagnostics should be performed and what differentials should be considered?
What levels of vitamin A are considered at risk to develop stargazing? What levels are considered adequate?
What is the theory behind how vitamin A affects the skull?
How has this been treated?
What are the lesions seen on necropsy?
How can this be prevented?
Non-Infectious Diseases: Nutritional
- Cranial malformation
- Young (<2y) African lions
- Incoordination, ataxia, head tilt, star-gazing, opisthotonus
- Low serum and hepatic vitamin A
- Unrewarding treatment but improvement with vit A in mild cases
- Genetics?
Fowler 7 Ch 61 - Stargazing in Lions
- Caused by proliferation of cranial bones with resulting compression of brain tissue in young and adolescent captive African lions
- No gender predilection
- No reports in Asian lions
- Rare historical reports in a 10-month old tiger and in leopards
Clinical Signs
- First observed in subadult lions (9 to 14 months)
- Rare cases signs observed as early as 2 months of age
- Early detection important in potential treatment during bone formation
- Can affect one littermate while the others develop normally
- Most often a combination of neurological signs
- Neuroanatomic expression of a peripheral or central vestibular disorder
- Slow progression of signs over weeks- best to take repeated video
- Initial signs-
- Ataxia, lack of coordination, and difficulty negotiating obstacles
- Affected animal eats normally, but smaller amounts
- Often smaller than unaffected littermates
- Later signs-
- Progressive ataxia, mild head tilt and cycling behavior (most often left-sided), stargazing, nystagmus, fine head tremor, staring glare, unresponsiveness to new objects.
- Animal becomes lethargic and depressed
- Ataxia worse when animal excited
- Single cases- abnormal vocalization, hypersalivation, and tongue protusion
- End stage-
- Blindness, convulsitons, inability to stand, rolling over, recumbency, death
Diagnosis and Differential Diagnoses
- Complete PE, neuro exam
- Bloodwork-
- CBC/Chem, Vit A, FIV, coronavirus, feline leukemia
- Screen for Toxoplasma gondii, Ehrlichia canis, Lyme, RMSF
- Cerebrospinal fluid sampling- virology, micro, parasitology
- PCR for canine distemper, protein and cell counts
- Imaging (rads, U/S, MRI, CT)
- Thickening of os tentorium cerebelli
- Herniation of caudal folia through foramen magnum occipitalis
- Compare max diameter of vitreous body of eye to thickest part of occipital bone and os tentorium cerbelli
- Hyperintensity of spinal cord consistent with syringohydrom yelia and secondary enlargement of lateral ventricles from stasis of CSF
- Liver biopsy for hepatic Vit A levels
- Rule out-
- Trauma, infection (coronavirus, FIV, canine distemper), otitis, space-occupying process (hematoma, abscess, neoplasia, congenital, pathologic bone)
- Serum Vitamin A Concentrations in Lions
- Liver is reservoir organ for vitamin A
- Serum vitamin A level used for diagnosis, therapy, comparison between littermates
- Congenital deficiency of lipoproteins needed for endogenous vitamin A transport therorized
- Parenteral vitamin A supplementation is limited in the short-term
- **Serum vitamin A levels below 60 ug/L are critical for development of stargazing in growing lions
- Values higher than 90 ug/L are adequate and should be maintained in captivity
Cause and Pathogenesis
- Exact cause is uncertain
- First ascribed to vitamin B deficiency
- Suggested that bony changes result from low vitamin A stores during growth
- May not see changes when hypovitaminosis A occurs later in life
- Vitamin A reported to stimulate osteoclast activity and resorb bone
- Skeletal deformity from defective remodeling of membranous bone
- Inadequate resorption of endosteal bone
- Causes asynchrony between developing CNS and bones of skull and spinal column
- Cranium-
- Bones of caudal fossa severely affected
- Cerebullum may herniate into foramen magnum
- Other membranous bones may be affected- eg. Long bones
- Endochondral bone does not appear to be directly influenced by vit A deficiency
- Hydrocephalus caused by impaired absorption of CSF is another possibility
- CSF absorption occurs in arachnoid villi located in tentorium cerebelli
- Hypovitaminosis theory refuted in a study of 149 cases of affected lions and leopards in France
- Primary genetic issue not discovered through pedigree analysis
- Infectious viral cause proposed as cause
- Glucocorticoids to reduce brain swelling and edema
- Vitamin A supplementation
- Start with parenteral since may have disorder of enteral vit A absorption
- Some reports of improvement, but CNS signs often recur and worsen
- Presumed that treatment started early when bones growing respond better
- Suboccipital craniectomy and laminectomy-
- Two cases reported to surgically decompress cranial fossa resulted in resolution of clinical signs
- May be the only way to cure the condition
- Individual in advanced state of disease should be euthanized immediately
Necropsy and Histopathology
- Severe thickening of osseum tentorium cerebelli and occipital bone
- Subsequent herniation of caudal cerebellar folia through foramen magnum occipitalis
- Increased thickness of all bones of the skull and mandibular bones
- Dilation of lateral ventricles and syringomyelia of cervical spinal cord
- Histo lesions of bones-
- Thickened, poorly remodeled bone tissue caused by a shift from compact to cancellous bone
Tentorium cerebelli-
- Thickening caused by growth of new periosteal woven bone containing retained cartilaginous cores
- Histo of nervous system
- Herniated cerebellar folia, compressed brainstem, and cervical spinal cord
- Cerebellar lesions-
- Thinning and rarefaction of the molecular layer, loss of Purkinje cells, granular cells associatd with proliferation of Bergmann’s glia, and disseminated punctate hemorrhages
- Varying degrees of malacia and wallerian degeneration-
- Dilated myelin sheaths, axonal swelling (spheroids), and digesting chambers associated with astrogliosis in white matter of compressed cerebellar folia, medulla oblongata, and tracts of cervical spinal cord
- Edema and syringomyelia mostly in dorsal tracts of cervical spinal cord
- Meningeal lymphoplasmacytic infiltration, fibroplasia, and hemorrhages in compressed regions
- Careful evaluation and supervision of diet of African lions, esp. growing cubs for adequate vitamin A levels
- Cases in this report received adequate vitamin A, so other factors must be considered
- Pathologic alterations in vitamin A absorption or metabolism have been considered
- Enzyme carotenase is absent in felids
- Further studies of vitamin A digestion, absorption, and metabolism in lions needed
- Daily liver feeding not recommended since could result in diarrhea or hypervitaminosis
How are Florida panthers are exposed to mercury?
Non-Infectious Diseases: Toxic
- Mercury (monomethyl and inorganic)
- Florida panthers, exposure via predation of piscivorous prey (raccoons) in the Everglades
Describe the congenital issues with felids.
Florida panthers are prone to what issues?
What about snow leopards?
What about Pallas’ cats?
Non-Infectious Diseases: Congenital/Genetic
- Atrial septal defects and cryptorchidism – pumas and Florida panther – inbreeding
- Multiple ocular colobomas (defect in one or more eye structures) – snow leopards
- Unilateral or bilateral upper eyelid
- Polycystic kidneys – Pallas’ cats
- Adults, confined to kidneys, genetics?
Spondylosis is a common issue in older felids - where are the most commonly affected sites?
Non-Infectious Diseases: Age-related/Degenerative
- Spondylosis (spondylosis deformans, ankylosing spondylosis)
- Asymptomatic or decreased activity, weakness, ataxia, paresis
- Lumbar spine and lumbosacral junction most common
Describe the following non-infectious diseases of felids.
Veno-Occlusive Disease
- What felids are prone to veno-occlusive disease?
- What is the pathophysiology of this disease?
- What does it ultimately result in?
- What is the suspected dietary component?
- Where does amyloid deposit in black-footed cats as opposed to cheetahs?
- Concurrent inflammation is reported in which species? What is the typical source of inflammation?
- What cat is predisposed to this disease? What are the lesions seen on necropsy?
Oxalate Nephrosis
- What felids are affected?
- What are the typical clinical signs and lesions?
Endometrial Hyperplasia
- What contraception is this associated with?
- How does it progress?
Non-Infectious Diseases: Miscellaneous
- Veno-occlusive disease – cheetahs and snow leopards
- Progressive collagen accumulation in perisinusoidal spaces 🡪 loss of hepatocytes 🡪 fibrosis (cirrhosis in chronic cases)
- Primary lesion is subendothelial damage
- Hepatic failure
- Dietary – phytoestrogens or elevated vitamin A?
- Amyloidosis – cheetahs and black footed cats
- Black footed cat
- Deposition in renal medulla, glomeruli, spleen, and GIT
- Amyloid associated renal failure young (~4yr)
- Not associated with chronic inflammation, genetics?
- Cheetahs
- Amyloid fibrils deposited in renal medulla -> papillary necrosis
- Deposits contain full serum amyloid A and fragmented AA protein
- Concurrent inflammation (gastritis) **Unlike black footed cats**
- Black footed cat
- Glomerulosclerosis – cheetahs
- Glomerular basement membranes, thickened with sclerotic glomeruli, no glomerular inflammation
- Parallels lesions in diabetic nephropathy of humans except cheetahs are not diabetic
- Oxalate nephrosis – cougars, jaguar, leopards, cheetahs
- Dead or acute renal failure with severe azotemia
- Calcium crystals in urine, basement membrane can become mineralized
- Birefringent crystals forming rosettes present in renal tubules
- Ethylene glycol toxicosis suspected in some cases but never proven
- No association between risk factors (concurrent renal disease or gastritis) and severity
- Most severe cases in young cheetahs
- Leukoencephalopathy – cheetahs
- First diagnosed 1996, no new cases since 2005
- Older, ataxia, suspected blindness, disorientation, seizures
- Suspect neurotoxin in food, drugs, or vaccines
- Cavitation within the white matter and hydrocephalus
- Myelopathy – cheetahs
- 2.5 months to 12 yrs; rapid and fatal
- Ataxia, paresis 🡪 dragging hindlimbs
- Copper deficiency?
- Endometrial hyperplasia
- More common in melengesterol acetate contracepted animals
- Develops earlier, increased risk with increased treatment duration (>72months), age increased risk, parity decreased risk
- Mild to marked expansion of endometrium with or without cysts
- Severe cases with endometrial fibrosis or stromal mineralization
- More common in melengesterol acetate contracepted animals
Describe the neruologic diseases of cheetahs and snow leopards.
What were the clinical signs of cheetah myelopathy? Where were these cases located? What were the lesions seen in the spinal cord? What were teh suspected etiologies?
What were the clinical signs of cheetah leukoencephalopathy? Where were these cases located? What were the lesions in the brain? What were the suspected etiologies?
Feline spongiform was seen in what felids?
What diseases of the spinal cord were seen in snow leopards?
Zoo Path
- Leukoencephalopathy – cheetahs
- First diagnosed 1996, no new cases since 2005
- Older, ataxia, suspected blindness, disorientation, seizures
- Suspect neurotoxin in food, drugs, or vaccines
- Cavitation within the white matter and hydrocephalus
- Myelopathy – cheetahs
- 2.5 months to 12 yrs; rapid and fatal
- Ataxia, paresis -> dragging hindlimbs
- Copper deficiency?
Fowler 6 Ch 32 - Neurologic Disorders in Cheetahs and Snow Leopards
- Captive diseases
- Don’t forget CDV, spondylosis, IVDD in your differentials
Cheetah myelopathy
- Spinal cord, degenerative lesions -> ataxia and paresis
- 60 cases; 25% of all deaths
- Course: variable. Progressive ataxia to slower development including stabilization and acute relapsing episodes
- Cubs mostly, adults too but not as common
- Onset: peracute; related to stressful event
- Herpesvirus (FHV-1) concurrent infection is typical
- Pelvic limb paresis is first; proprioceptive problems, hypermetria, ataxia, recumbency
- Disuse atrophy of hindlimbs
- Variable course of disease
- 60 cases
- Europe, United Arab Emirates
- Captive born animals; same parents will have normal litters
- No common denominator for housing, diet
- Vaccination is common, but disease occurs before vaccination in many cases
- Temporal association with Herpesvirus infection in cubs (NOT DEFINITIVE)
- Rads, myelography and MRI were WNL
- CBC/chem. WNL
- Liver copper no difference b/w normal and ataxic animals
- FIP, CDV, FPV, FCV, FeLV, FIV, Borna disease virus (BDV), EMC, tick borne encelphalitis, mucosal disease complex virus, Teschen-talfan disease virus, Listeria, Chlamydophila
- FHV-1 and toxo positive in some cases and not others
- “Classic” cheetah diseases on necropsies
- Gastritis, glomerulonephritis/sclerosis, hepatic/renal amyloidosis, myelolipoma
- NO correlation with myelopathy
- Lesions in spinal cord are rare
- White matter affected exclusively: degeneration, ballooning of myelin
- See text for greater detail
- No treatments recommended
- Many tried
- Supportive, some animals survive, recurrence is high
- NOT reported in North America; South Africa or Japan
- NOT familial, but maybe genetic
- Ddx: genetic, nutritional (esp copper), toxic, viral
Cheetah leukoencephalopathy
- North American cheetahs
- NOT Europe or So Africa
- Clinical signs: blindness, lack of response to environment, behavioral change, incoordination, convulsions
- Started in 1996, peaked in 2001, declining now
- N=70 animals
- Adults >10 y
- Path: cerebral cortex, white matter
- Unknown etiology, epidemiology suggests diet or medical management
- Diagnosis: MRI, histopath
- Irreversible
Feline spongiform encephalopathy
- Prion disease, spongiform encephalopathy related to BSE
- In other exotic felids (ocelot, tiger, lion, cougar, puma) but higher prevalence in cheetahs
- N=9
- Adults >5y
- UK, France
- Clinical signs: chronic progressive ataxia starting in hindlimbs; progresses to other neurp signs
- Diagnosis: histopath
- Etiology: BSE from food
Other neurologic disease observed
- Vitamin A deficiency
- ‘Coning’ of cerebellum
- Ischemic necrosis of spinal cord
- 2 distinct spinal cord disorders
- Finland, Switzerland, France
- Etiologies unknown; genetic suspected
- France (1 litter):
- Cubs. Parents had successful litters previously.
- Tremors/swaying gait, paresis.
- Histo: myelin sheath dilation, axonal dilation
- France/Switzerland/Finland (3 litters):
- Cubs
- swaying gait, hypermetria, hindlimb weakness.
- No gross lesions.
- Histo: loss of myelin.
Describe the care of geriatric felids.
What are some of the renal and musculoskeletal processes you’d expect to see? How are they managed?
What are the most common reproductive issues of aged felids?
What type of dental disese is reported?
What ocular disease occurs in older felids?
Fowler 7 Ch 60 - Aging in Large Felids
Table 60-1- good chart listing effects of anesthetic agents on aged felids
Table 60-2- List of common complications in chronic renal failure and possible treatments
- Aging likely combination of evolution, genetics, metabolic damage, cellular senescence, and toxin accumulation
- Phenotypic changes seen with aging- pelage, skin, or body condition
- Internal physiologic changes- less obvious
- Free-ranging animals- alterations frequently result in individual succumbing to disease, predation, or starvation
- Captive animals- protected, but therefore see more degenerative age-related diseases
- Jaguar study- increase in incidence and variability of disease processes w/aging
- Vague signs of illness (e.g., reduced appetite, weight loss) may be noted in age-related diseases
- Early detection/treatment will improve, possibly prolong, quality of life for certain conditions
- Dental disease, osteoarthritis, chronic renal failure
- AAHA guidelines for senior domestic cats can be applied to large felids
- Routine PEs, sample collection, imaging should be performed as part of preventative medicine
- Training for voluntary sampling helps avoids risk of anesthesia
- Aged individuals more likely to have underlying chronic disease or degenerative organ dysfunction that may increase risk
- Training for voluntary sampling helps avoids risk of anesthesia
- Renal system and urinary tract
- Chronic renal disease significant cause of morbidity/mortality in old exotic felids
- Common causes: chronic pyelonephritis, glomerulosclerosis, amyloidosis
- Clinical signs: PU/PD, anorexia, poor pelage, salivation, oral ulceration, wt loss, emesis
- Diagnosis: blood and urine analysis
- Prognosis: poor long-term b/c changes usually irreversible
- Treatment: slow down progression and alleviate clinical signs
- Musculoskeletal
- Osteoarthritis
- Vertebral, elbow, stifle joints most common
- Concrete substrate increase susceptibility
- Degenerative spinal disease
- Clinical signs: reduced activity, chronic intermittent hind limb paresis, ataxia
- C/s show up 10-19y of age
- Diagnosis: radiography (also CT/MRI, but not in textbook)
- Intervertebral disc mineralization or herniation, spondylosis, spinal cord damage
- Clinical signs: reduced activity, chronic intermittent hind limb paresis, ataxia
- Treatment to optimize quality of life
- Pain control (NSAIDs), weight reduction, nutritional supplements, environmental manipulation
- NSAIDs contraindications- renal or hepatic insufficiency, dehydration, hypotension, conditions affecting circulatory volume (such as congestive heart failure or ascites), moderate or severe pulmonary disease, and gastric ulceration
- Side effects- GI ulcerations, nephropathies, and impaired coagulation
- Pain control (NSAIDs), weight reduction, nutritional supplements, environmental manipulation
- Osteoarthritis
- Reproductive
- High prevalence of leiomyomas and leimyosarcomas
- MGA or repeated sterile matings w/pseudopregnancies lead to uterine changes
- Can lead to endometrial hyperplasia, uterine carcinomas, mammary neoplasia, pyometra, ovarian cysts
- Mammary carcinoma rapidly metastasizes (lymph nodes, lung, liver)
- Ovariectomy protects from mammary carcinoma but not benign tumors
- Cardiovascular and respiratory disorders
- Important if older animal is too be anesthetized, but nothing specific to large cats
- Chronic bronchial disease, pulmonary neoplasia, myocardial and degenerative valvular disease and systemic diseases (e.g., hypertension w/hyperthyroidism or chronic renal disease) all reported
- Neurologic disorders
- Senescence can increase physiologic and behavioral susceptibility to environmental stressors
- Behavior can change in older large felids, just like in older domestic cats
- Beta-amyloid and abnormalities of tau phosphorylation seen in aged large felid brains
- Leukoencephalopathy in cheetahs
- Slowly progressive, degeneration and necrosis of cerebral cortical white matter
- Most affected animals >10y old
- Irreversible, supportive treatment only
- MRI may be helpful for antemortem diagnosis of neurologic conditions, but most often postmortem
- Neoplasia
- Common in older animals in general
- Benign conditions can progress to malignancy (e.g., viral papillomatosis and SCC in snow leopards)
- Nutritional disorders
- Obesity- genetics, lack of physical acitivity, diet, and female contraception
- Exacerbates musculoskeletal problems, predisposes to neoplasia, metabolic derangements (diabetes, hepatic lipidosis)
- Protein, phosphate restrictions increase median survival time of cats with chronic renal disease
- Dental disease
- Significant cause of morbidity
- Captive get calculus and abscesses (wild get attrition and fractures)
- Other conditions
- Thyroid adenocarcinoma, but no reports of hyperthyroidism
- Inflammatory GI diseases
- Chronic liver disease (e.g., neoplasia, cirrhosis, toxic degeneration)
- Supportive treatment and prognosis is poor
- Ocular disease frequent (due to e.g., chronic dz, neoplasia, degeneration, systemic dz)
- Retinal detachment/hemorrhage from hypertension
- Insular amyloidosis (maybe assoc. w/type II diabetes)
- Oral eosinophilic granulomas in tigers 8-16 yrs old
- Feline spongiform encephalopathy- develops over several years and pathology and clinical signs not present until animals are older
What are some of the most common neoplasms of felids?
For each of the following felids, what are the most common neoplasm(s)?
- Cheetahs
- Fishing Cats
- Pheochromocytomas
- Snow Leopards
- Jaguar
- African Lion
Non-Infectious Diseases: Neoplastic
- Splenic myelolipomas – cheetahs
- Mature adipose with hematopoietic cells, incidental and benign
- Transitional cell carcinomas – fishing cats
- Pheochromocytomas – clouded leopards
- Squamous cell carcinomas – snow leopards
- Associated with papillomavirus infection
- Leiomyomas
- Older females; predisposed to hydrometra and pyometra
- Uterine and mammary carcinomas
- Progestin-based contraceptives (MGA)
Common Neoplasms in Felids
- Biliary cyst
- African and Asian lions
- Single, multiple and mulilocular
- Cysts in the kidney, mutations in polycystic kidney disease 1 not identified
- Majority do not have concurrent renal cysts
- Biliary adenomas and adenocarcinoma less common; lions and leopards
- Lymphoma
- Older (>14yr) African lions
- T cell predominately
- Not associated with FeLV or FIV in lions
- Cheetah with FeLV and multicentric T cell lymphoma
- Multiple myeloma
- African lion, jaguar, snow leopard
- Similar disease in domestic animals
- Spreads to extramedullary sites
- Leiomyomas and leiomyosarcoma
- Common in female genital tract
- More common in uterus than ovary or broad ligament
- Leiomyomas can occur in cervix
- Leiomyosarcoma less common than leiomyomas
- Common in female genital tract
- Progestin contraception (long-term treatment) with MGA associated with mammary gland carcinogenesis
- Non-significant association with leiomyosarcoma and MGA treatment
- Transitional cell carcinoma
- Fishing cats (10.8yrs old, no sex predilection)
- Trigone of the urinary bladder
- Treatment with COX-2 inhibitors may slow progression
- Captive cats fed beef & little fish, increased saturated fatty acids, dietary?
- Recommend decrease beef and increase fish in diets
- Ovarian papillary cystadenocarcinoma
- Jaguar
- Significant mortality in females affecting breeding age and geriatric
- Diagnosis is common at necropsy
- Multiple cystic masses, bilateral, spread along uterine horns and abdominal carcinomatosis
- Differential: peritoneal mesothelioma
- No correlation with progestin (MGA) contraception
- Pheochromocytoma
- Clouded leopards; uncommon
- Splenic myelolipoma
- Cheetahs
- Mammary gland carcinoma
- Many species; jaguars overrepresented (genetics?)
- Older animals, aggressive, metastasis
- More commonly positive for progesterone receptors than estrogen
- Increased incidence with long term (>3 yr) MGA contraception
- Concurrent exposure to estrogen and progestin as predisposing factor
- Felids are seasonally polyestrus, induced ovulators; if not bred peaks of estrogen and progestin as a factor for carcinogenesis
- May be associated with hypercalcemia or anemia
- Endometrial hyperplasia
- Spontaneous or MGA associated (most common in MGA treated animals)
Describe the management of chronic kidney disease in nondomestic felids.
What is the typical workup?
How can fluids be supplemented?
What changes to diet can be made?
How can proteinuria nd hypertension be managed?
Treatment of Chronic Renal Failure in Nondomestic Felids (Fowler 6 Chapter 57)
- significant cause of morb/mort
- caused by chronic pyelonephritis, glomerulosclerosis, amyloidosis
- treatment aimed at slowing progression and improving quality of life
- clinical signs: PU/PD, decreased appetite, wt loss, poor pelage, ptyalism, oral ulceration, emesis, dehydration
- work up: PE, CBC, chem, UA, kidney biopsy, fractional clearance, urine culture, +/- coag panel
- clin path
- mild nonregenerative anemia +/- neutrophilia
- increased BUN, creat, P, chol
- decreased Ca, K, alb, TP
- normal USG or not
- UPC 0.4-0.5, >1 is significant proteinuria
- fractional excretion of K, Ca, P, Na
- these and UPC change before significant increases in BUN and creat
- directed against primary cause, if possible
- discontinue nephrotoxic drugs
- rule out other dz conditions
- fluid therapy
- more likely to drink if water is filled frequently and kept cool
- ice cubes with meat juice or chicken broth in water
- add water to diet (e.g., in whole prey)
- training/conditioning for SQ fluids
- nutritional support
- decreased protein diet, but make sure adequate calories and protein
- omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids à decrease BP, +/- renal protective effect
- introduce commercial feline renal diets (nondomestics rarely will eat this as 100% of diet)
- keep cat eating (goal: 70 kcal/kg/day) and monitor wt
- try to stabilize wt, creat, alb
- potassium supplementation
- PU and tubular acidosis increase excretion, anorexia decreases intake
- avoid hyperkalemia (rare if cat is PU)
- phosphorus binding
- decreased renal excretion
- metastatic calcification when Ca-P exceeds 70 mg/dL
- reducing dietary intake difficult
- e.g., Epakitin, Ampojel
- pulse antibiotics
- 2-3wk quarterly for pyelonephritis
- monitor microalbuminuria/microproteinuria as well
- ACE inhibitors à vasodilation in nephron à reduced hydrostatic pressure à less protein forced thru
- see all the above
- add beta blocker if ACE inhibitor not enough
- see all the above
- metaclopramide for emesis
- H2-blocker or PPI plus sucralfate for gastric erosion and small ulcers
Cats are susceptible to what herpesvirus?
What are the typical clinical signs?
How progress more severely in Pallas’ cats and cheetahs?
- Herpesvirus
- Mild signs – sneezing, nasal discharge, inappetence, ocular lesion
- Vaccination with modified live vaccine may induce disease
- Severe disease with corneal ulcers & keratitis in Pallas’ cats and cheetahs
- Cheetahs develop unusual skin lesions due to feline herpesvirus 1
- Ulcerations and plaque like proliferative lesions on face, forelimbs, or sites in contact with lacrimal and salivary glands
- Ineffective immune responses may play a role in susceptibility
- Biopsy needed to rule out neoplasia
- Feline rhinotracheitis virus (Feline herpesvirus 1)
- Highly contagious, shed in salvia, ocular, and nasal secretions, spread on fomites
- High morbidity, low mortality, self-limiting, co-infections common
- CS: ocular discharge, conjunctivitis, blepharospasm, sneezing, nasal discharge, keratitis, ulcerative dermatitis in cheetahs.
- May become chronic carriers
What parvoviruses are felids susceptilbe to?
What are the clinical signs of parvovirus?
How is it transmitted?
What lesions occur in the intestines?
- Parvovirus
- Single stranded
- Susceptible to both feline panleukopenia virus and canine parvovirus 2
- Breeding or housing facilities particularly prone despite vaccination in late pregnancy using an inactivated vaccine
- Hardy virus in cool, moist, shaded environments
- Reduced litter size, severe lymphoid depletion with or without cerebellar or intestinal lesions (necrohemorrhagic enteritis)
- Diagnosis: fecal electron microscopy, IHC, or VI
- Disease via canine parvovirus may be milder than feline panleukopenia
- Feline Panleukopenia virus (Parvovirus)
- Highly contagious, shed in all secretions
- CS: fever, depression, anorexia, dehydration, vomiting, diarrhea, causes panleukopenia
- Virus resistant to inactivation, can survive >1 year in environment
What felids are prone to papillomaviruses?
What are the common sites of infection?
What secondary masses can develop?
- Papillomavirus
- Non-enveloped, circular, family Papillomaviridae
- Most are species specific and specific tissue tropism
- Development role of oral and cutaneous papillomas > SCC and sarcoids
- Basilar epithelial cells as primary site of infection
- Oral papillomas – snow leopards, ventral tongue
- Sharp line of demarcation between lesion and non-lesion
- Rare inclusions; confirm disease via IHC, ISH, EM, or PCR
- Squamous cell carcinoma
- Common in slow leopards
- Oral SCC may be due to papillomavirus
- Sublingual tumors
- Sarcoids
- African lions – perioral masses; pumas – between lip and nasal planum
What are the lesions associated with canine distemper vaccination in nondomestic felids?
How are animals exposed?
Canine distemper virus
- Bronchointerstitial pneumonia and non-suppurative encephalitis
- Disease in wild felids due to unvaccinated domestic dogs
- Exposure and infection is widespread in wild felids
What felid is particularly susceptible to feline enteric coronavirus?
What are the clinical signs associated with disease?
How is this transmitted?
Feline enteric coronavirus
- Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP)
- High protein effusions, pyogranulomatous inflammation
- Epidemic in captive cheetahs in 1983 (>60% mortality)
- Feline Coronavirus (coronavirus group 1)
- Enteric coronavirus (infects intestines) & feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIP)
- Highly contagious, shed in feces, fecal-oral route,
- CS: (FIP) fever, vomiting, diarrhea, effusions with high protein content
- Not considered directly transmissible from cat to cat, depends on virus mutation and low immunity.
What are the clinical signs associated with feline calicivirus?
How is it transmitted?
Has vaccine-induced disease been documented?
Feline calicivirus
- Self-limiting infection; highly contagious
- Vesicles and ulcer on tongue, oral and nasal mucosa
- Disease occurred after vaccination with modified-live vaccines
- Feline calicivirus (calicivirus)
- Highly contagious, shed in salvia, ocular, and nasal secretions, spread on fomites
- Sneezing, ocular and nasal discharge, oral ulcers of the gingiva and tongue
- Animals that recover may shed virus for months to years
What felids developed high-path avian influenza after being fed infected chicken and quail?
What were the clincial signs?
How is AI typically transmitted?
- Influenza type A virus
- Avian influenza, Orthomyxoviridae family
- Aerosolized respiratory secretions and feces
- Clouded leopards, leopards, and tigers died of high-path AI in 2003-2004 after being fed infected chicken and quail
- High fever, respiratory distress
Describe FIV and FeLV infections in nondomestic cats.
Which nondomestic species is FIV most studied in? How is it spread? What are the typical clinical signs?
Mortality in what felid species has been linked to FeLV? How is it spread? What are the clinical signs? Associated lymphoma has been documented in what nondomestic species?
Feline immunodeficiency virus
- Most extensively studied in African lions
- Controversy if disease is associated with infection
- One FIV-associated lymphoma case described
- Different subtypes associated with different mortality rates
- Feline immunodeficiency (Lentivirus)
- Shed in saliva, transmission through bites, endemic in certain lion populations
- CS: often asymptomatic, can include oral cavity disease, anemia, skin infections, weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea or neurologic disease.
- Easily inactivated by common disinfectants
- Feline leukemia virus (Retrovirus)
- Shed in saliva, tears, urine, semen, vaginal fluids, and feces
- Oronasal contact with saliva or urine most common mode of transmission, vertical transmission possible
- Contact with or ingestion of feral cats (Cheetah, Iberian lynx, cougar)
- CS: immunosuppression, anemia, chronic inflammatory conditions, enlarged lymph nodes, persistent fever, lymphoid or myeloid tumors, repro problems.
- Some cats remain persistently viremic
- Unstable outside host
Feline leukemia virus
- Endemic in free-ranging wildcats
- Increased contact with domestic cats?
- Mortality in Iberian lynx, Florida panthers, and a mountain lion; lymphoma in a cheetah
- Viremia linked to anemia, lymphopenia, lymphadenopathy, sepsis, death
- Endemic in free-ranging wildcats
Bluetongue virus has been documented in which felid species?
How did they acquire it?
What were the associated lesions?
Bluetongue virus serotype 8
- Eurasian lynx fed stillborn or aborted fetuses with BT infections
- Anemia, SQ hematomas, petechiation, pulmonary congestion, and edema
- Biting midges transmission?
Mycobacterium bovis has been documented affecting which felid species?
What species are the maintenance host? What species are spillover hosts?
How is it acquired?
What are teh clinical signs of affected cats?
Mycobacterium bovis
- African lions, leopards, cheetah, Iberian lynx, and bobcat
- Cheetah, leopards, lynx – spillover hosts
- Lions – maintenance hosts
- PPE during necropsy (seroconversion of staff and keepers)
- Infection from prey
- African animals - buffalo; lynx - cattle, boar, or fallow deer
- Concurrent FIV infection plays no role in pathogenesis in lions or lynx
- Increased susceptibility or recrudescence related to in-breeding in lions
- Signs: Emaciation, decubital ulcers, cutaneous alopecia, corneal opacity, poorly healed bite wounds, elbow/hock hygromas
- Acid-fast bacteria common in airways, lungs, and joints; rare in pulmonary macrophages
- Non-tuberculous mycobacteria: oropharynx of Argentinian healthy pumas
How do felids acquire anthrax?
Is exposure seasonal?
What species are susceptible? Which are more resistant?
What are the clincial signs?
How is it diagnosed?
- Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis)
- Gram positive, endospore forming, OIE reportable, zoonotic
- Ingestion of infected prey
- Titers in lions correlated with high rainfall
- Cheetahs highly susceptible to fatal disease; exposure in lions may be protective (high mortality after periods of low incidence)
- Infection through skin defects, ingestion, or inhalation of spores
- Death due to edema, shock, acute renal failure, and CNS anoxia
- Mild and transient disease in felids – head and neck swelling
- Differential: cytotoxic snake bite
- Disposal: incinerated, rendered, or buried
- Stain slides with Giemsa stain – basophilic blunt ended rods with well developed capsules
- Positive silver stain
- Culture bacteria from unstained blood, tissue, or exudates
What felid is particularly prone to helicobacter gastritis?
What type of inflammation occurs?
What are the typical clinical signs?
What secondary lesion occurs as a result?
- Heicobacter sp.
- Stomach incidental finding; rare gastritis in most felids (except cheetah)
- Cheetahs >95% associated with lymphoplasmacytic gastritis
- Stomach thickened, reddened, cobblestone, loss of rugae
- Signs: weight loss to chronic vomiting
- Develop secondary amyloidosis