Feedback November-February Flashcards
While thinking over a new project, I often stumble upon ideas that _ my creativity.
While thinking over a new project, I often stumble upon ideas that inspire/spark my creativity.
Welcome to the team! I look forward to _ (see) you on Monday!
Welcome to the team! I look forward to seeing you on Monday!
look forward to + v-ing
[Word formation]
We’re _ [DIE] serious about that.
We’re dead serious about that.
I can assure you that Mick Jagger is really interested in researching longevity.
[add a comma]
As a teacher you can hone your skills by giving more lessons, as practice makes perfect.
As a teacher,
you can hone your skills by giving more lessons, as practice makes perfect.
My suggestion is to b_ this _ (= discuss this) at our next meeting.
My suggestion is to bring this up (= discuss this) at our next meeting.
[add ‘this’ to the sentence]
Let’s bring up at the next meeting.
Let’s bring this up at the next meeting.
‘bring up’ is separable, so pronouns go in the middle
awkward wording: We could not invite Mr. Smith.
= We could r_ _ i_ (= воздержаться от…) Mr. Smith.
We could refrain from inviting Mr. Smith.
Let’s try and find a very disciplined dog.
So, you’re gonna try and be persuasive, and I’ll be skeptical, right?
Mnemonic: a very perssssuasssssive sssssnake
Your reasons are very compelling, but maybe we should consult someone senior on the m_ (= about that).
Your reasons are very compelling, but maybe we should consult someone senior on the matter (= about that).
I would suggest that we bring this up _ our meeting tomorrow.
I would suggest that we bring this up at our meeting tomorrow.
[during a discussion - fix something here]
I think a better decision is to get some kind of fish or a reptile, because they’re quiet.
I think a better decision would be to get some kind of fish or a reptile, because they’re quiet.
You know, goats and cows could be pretty disruptive.
When this kind of thing happens, I can be quite calm and _ (понимающая).
When this kind of thing happens, I can be quite calm and understanding.
vs всеобъемлющий - comprehensive
You need to go on a management training course.
BrE /kɔːs/
AmE /kɔːrs/
I find it _ (word formation: fury) when someone cuts in front of me while I’m driving.
I find it infuriating when someone cuts in front of me while I’m driving.
у меня не было таких ситуаций
(option 1, with ‘experience; option 2, with ‘situation’)
I haven’t had such experiences
I haven’t been in such situations.
A tailor (or, to use a somewhat old-fashioned word, a seamstress) is a woman who sews clothes.
not “подать на кого-то в суд” - sue /suː/
It’s a neat idea, but it’s not possible to _ (реализовать).
It’s a neat idea, but it’s not possible to implement.
Note the stress on the FIRST syllable.
[make a sentence]
For me / close to home / this idea.
For me, this idea hits close to home.
For me, this idea is close to home.
I think, in the wrong hands, this could go terribly wrong. I can’t help + think about Hitler.
I think, in the wrong hands, this could go terribly wrong. I can’t help thinking about Hitler.
or: I can’t help but think about Hitler.
IVF (эко) was a huge _ (прорыв).
IVF was a huge breakthrough.
I disagree with this idea.
[Gerund or infinitive?]
She failed _ (tidy up) her room.
She failed to tidy up her room.
fail + to
The teachers in my school are more _ (прямолинейные) than British people.
The teachers in my school are more straightforward than British people.
not гетеросексуальные = straight
What does ‘d’ stand for here?
I‘d better book that appointment with the dentist.
I had better book that appointment with the dentist.
‘It’s no use trying to change other people’s personalities.’
Hm, I don’t agree. I still believe that _ (the opposite of ‘no use’) change other people’s minds…
Hm, I don’t agree. I still believe that it’s worth trying to change other people’s minds…
She has been spending money left, _, and _. (= all the time, на всё подряд)
She has been spending money left, right, and centre.
It was surprising to read that an 8-hour sleep is unnatural. I _ (not hear) about this before. (= я раньше об этом не слышала)
I haven’t heard about this before.
Life experience => present perfect
I missed last time’s class, so I don’t know what the text was about.
Student B: OK, I’ll try and _ you in.
OK, I’ll try and fill you in.
Olya recommended _ (чтобы мы review) the vocabulary.
Olya recommended we review the vocabulary.
also: suggested we do something
that he (should) review
We didn’t highlight anything because we thought _ _ nothing interesting in this text.
We didn’t highlight anything because we thought there was nothing interesting in this text.
thought + past tense
there is nothing interesting
Most people don’t want to be _ (hurt >> V3) in a relationship.
Most people don’t want to be hurt in a relationship.
[fix this]
This was a bit of overreaction.
This was a bit of an overreaction.