Feed Part 3 Study Guide Flashcards
What are clouds ™?
-Factories make fake clouds from air generators. Controlled by the government.
The government cut down trees to make oxygen factories. → Ironic because the trees would
give them oxygen.
-“I remember as the last forest fell…people walked outside more” (Anderson 94).
-People were more active, but now they’re lazier.
-Temperatures never really got above 100. Making an inference that global warming
made the temperature now, in Titus’s time, the temperature is typically over 100.
-They live in bubbles. They don’t live “outdoors” anymore. They walk in tunnels to bubbles in
their houses, School ™, and they drive in tubes. They never go outside and experience the
environment. That’s why they have fake trees and Clouds ™ because they make their own
temperatures, etc.
-School is trademarked because it is owned by a corporation. The corporation controls what
the people learn and only teach the students how to work the feed. The students don’t really
know how to read, write, or speak properly. They only learn “the way of the world”, but it’s
really just how to use the feed. 73% of the population uses the feed.
-Violet didn’t get a feed until she was 7. Everyone else got their feeds as babies. Her brain
developed for 7 years without a feed.
-On page 145, Violet talks about death. Is the feed not compatible to her brain? Is she dying?
-Someone got into Violet and Tyson’s feed. Nina, the feed tech assistant, knew Violet’s first
and last name, as well as her address.
-Violet tried to trick the feed, but the feed was trying to “help” her and get her to help.
-The Feed tech assistant was trying to fix her rather than her “chip” or “feed”
-The government is trying to cover up that the hacker was killed, but there was A LOT of time
between the hacking and death.
-The Feed is in the brain, and connected to their nervous system. It grows around the nervous
-Violet’s theory of waiting. “Everything is better if you delay it”. Instant gratification vs. not.
Violet’s Father
-He speaks differently than everyone else. He talks in a way no one else can understand so no
one could take his voice. Once Violet’s mom left, her dad was acting weirder. Violet’s mom and
dad never got married. Violet’s dad is fearful of the government and the government
controlling his brain. He teaches “basic”
Titus’s Brain
-Titus was upset that he didn’t know the hacker died. Titus and his father got into a fight about
it, but the feed was trying to move Titus’s brain from anything violent, and was showing him
cars. The feed was trying to distract him.
-When Titus gets his upcar is it safe for him to drive it? It doesn’t matter, the upcar drives
-The khakis are $150. Inflation is at an all time high. Economic disparity is upon the society.
Khakis are for the rich, and everyone else wears plastic. Some guy who was wearing shorts,
they were $800.
Three types of irony: situational, dramatic, and verbal (define and be able to identify)
Situational-Opposite happens than what is expected
Dramatic-readers/viewers know something the charcters do not
Verbal-saying the opposite of what is meant
Define “utopia”. What is the literal reason as to why this section would be titled “Utopia” and the greater significance as well.
Utopia-A perfect society that under neath is a dystopian where a society appears to be perfect but isn’t.
The reason this section is titled Utopia because we start seeing some flaws in this society, like Violets Maun function with her feeds.
Choose a theme. Provide textual evidence to support the theme.
Theme-Technology influences and controls people
Boring, dull, empty (Feed definition)
:Having no legal or binding force; invalid
: A state of confused and noisy disturbance
: Make a physical attack on
: Having or showing no pity or compassion for others
: An act of violent or open resistance to an established government or ruler
A person sent on a religious mission to promote their religion in a foreign country
: Chaos, tragic event, turmoilBending and moving easily and gracefully; flexible
Bending and moving easily and gracefully; flexible
: An elaborate and spectacular entertainment or production
: Divide (something) by passing or lying across it
: Makes you do an action, something that causes a response
: The twisting force that tends to cause rotation.
:A measure of how much a force action on an object causes that object to rotate.
: An individual think or person regarded as single and complete but which can also form an individual component of a larger or more complex whole
The dissident objected towards the new policy
: An act/incident involving excitement, danger, or adventure
To comply with the rules or laws
Related to the immediate surroundings of something
Strict or persice
Quality of being honest and having strong moral principles
A story/statement with doubtful authenticity, although widely believed to be true
petty, worthless
-Obsessed with Link
-Jealous of Calista
-Not hacked in Night club