Corn silage
Category: roughage
% of DM
Dry matter 19-25
Crude Protein 6.5-11
Crude Fiber 19-38
Sugar 0-0.5
Starch 19-31
Ether Extract 2-5
**Notable characteristics: **Lighter color. Note presence of corn grain, piecess of stalk around corn husk (THINK TAMALES)
Sugar Beets Tuber, Fresh
Category: energy concentrate
% of DM
Dry matter 15-25
Crude Protein 7-10
Crude Fiber 3-8
Sugar 63-68
Starch 0-0.5
Ether Extract 0.5-0.7
Notable characterics:
Almond hulls
Category: Energy concentrate
% of DM
Dry matter 78-96
Crude Protein 4.5-8.0
Crude Fiber 10-28
Sugar 24-34
Starch 1.5-3
Ether Extract 0.5-8
**Notable Characteristics: **soft, fluffly outer hull of the almond nut. Frequently contains tracess of the almondss and shells as well
Citrus Pulp Fresh
Category: Energy concentrate
% of DM
Dry matter 17-27
Crude Protein 4-11
Crude Fiber7.5-23
Ether Extract 0.5-8
Notable characteristics - can contain any citrus or combination thereof - orange, lemon and lime
Corn distillers grain, wet
Category: protein concentrate
% of DM
Dry matter 28 - 46
Crude Protein 25 - 40
Crude Fiber 7 - 9
Sugar 1.5 - 4.5
Starch 3.5 - 6
Ether Extract 8.5 - 15
Notable characteristics -
Wheat Silage
Category: roughage
% of DM
Dry matter 22 - 42
Crude Protein 7 -13
Crude Fiber 22 - 34
Sugar** 8 - 12**
Starch 6 - 9
Ether Extract 2-4
Notable characteristics - darkisg color. Note pressence of wheat grain
Whole cottonseed fluffy
Category: energy concentrate
% of DM
Dry matter 89 - 97
Crude Protein 20 - 28
Crude Fiber 22 - 32
Sugar 1 - 4
Starch 1 - 4
Ether Extract 19 - 25
Notable characteristics -
Cottonseed hulls
Category: roughage
% of DM
Dry matter 87 - 94
Crude Protein 2.5 - 10
Crude Fiber 35 - 65
Sugar** 0 **
Starch **2 - 5 **
Ether Extract 2.5 - 4
Notable characteristics - fine cracked pieces if cottonseed with bits of lint as well
Canola meal MASH
Category: protein concentrate
% of DM
Dry matter 87 - 91
Crude Protein 37 - 44
Crude Fiber 11-15
Sugar 9 - 12
Starch 6 - 9
Ether Extract 3 - 5
Notable characteristics - darkish color. Disttinctt toasty smell
Canola meal PELLET
Category: protein concentrate
% of DM
Dry matter 87 - 91
Crude Protein 37 - 44
Crude Fiber 11-15
Sugar 9 - 12
Starch 6 - 9
Ether Extract 3 - 5
Notable characteristics - darkish color. Distinct toasty smell
Mineral premix
Category: mineral, supplement
% of DM
Dry matter 99 - 100
Crude Protein 0
Crude Fiber 0
Sugar 0
Starch 0
Ether Extract 0
Fish meal
Category: protein concentrate
% of DM
Dry matter 90 - 94
Crude Protein 65 - 80
Crude Fiber 0
Sugar 0
Starch 0
Ether Extract 7.5 - 13.5
Notable characteristics - distinct smell
Wheat Straw
Category: roughage
% of DM
Dry matter 87 - 94
Crude Protein 2.5 - 6
Crude Fiber 37 - 46
Sugar 0.5 - 6
Starch 0.1 - 2.5
Ether Extract 0.5 - 3
Notable characteristics - straw is golden/yellowish in color. Tougher - since it is harvested at later maturity. thus lower quality (digestibility)
Alfalfa hay
Category: roughage
% of DM
Dry matter 76 - 95
Crude Protein 11 - 26
Crude Fiber 19 - 38
Sugar 2 - 6
Starch **1 - 3 **
Ether Extract ** 1 - 3.5 **
Notable characteristics - nice green color. Distinct smell. Prescence of alfalfa leaves
Soybean meal
Category: protein concentrate
% of DM
Dry matter ** 86 - 96 **
Crude Protein ** 49 - 59 **
Crude Fiber ** 1.5 - 6 **
Sugar ** 8.5 - 12.5 **
Starch ** 3.5 - 10 **
Ether Extract ** 0.5 - 4 **
Corn ground
Category: energy concentrate
% of DM
Dry matter 85 - 91
Crude Protein 8 - 11
Crude Fiber 2 - 3
Sugar ** 2 - 4 **
Starch ** 69 - 75**
Ether Extract ** 3 -5**
Corn steam flaked
Category: energy concentrate
% of DM
Dry matter 85 - 91
Crude Protein 8 - 11
Crude Fiber 2 - 3
Sugar ** 2 - 4 **
Starch ** 69 - 75**
Ether Extract ** 3 -5**
Corn whole shelled
Category: energy concentrate
% of DM
Dry matter 85 - 91
Crude Protein 8 - 11
Crude Fiber 2 - 3
Sugar ** 2 - 4 **
Starch ** 69 - 75**
Ether Extract ** 3 -5**
Barley, Rolled
Category: energy concentrate
% of DM
Dry matter 83 - 92
Crude Protein ** 8-16 **
Crude Fiber ** 3 - 8 **
Sugar 1.5 - 4.5
Starch 52 - 67
Ether Extract 1 - 3
Notable Characteristics - on plantt, coarse bristles extend form ears, growing in splkes. Kernel is pale, oval, smooth, and naked
Oat hay
Category: roughage
% of DM
Dry matter 80 - 95
Crude Protein 5 -15
Crude Fiber 29 - 44
Sugar ** 12 - 16**
Starch ** 17 - 19 **
Ether Extract ** 1 - 4 **
Notable characteristics - hay is greener in color. Not so tough - since it is havrested at earlier maturity. Thus higher quality (digestibility)
Oats Whole
Category: Energy concentrate
% of DM
Dry matter 84-92
Crude Protein 8-15
Crude Fiber 9-19
Sugar 1-2 **
Starch 29 - 52
Ether Extract ** 3.2 - 7.5
Notable Characteristics - plant has loose branched clusters of florets. Darker kernel still containing hull/husk
Wheat Middlings
Category: roughage
% of DM
Dry matter 85-91
Crude Protein 14-21
Crude Fiber 3-12
Sugar 4.5 - 11.5
Starch ** 20- 59**
Ether Extract 2 -6