FedEx 767 Misc Memory Gouge Flashcards
FOM 6.61 Rev 70
When “Must” the Captain make the landing?
- Vis < 1/2 mile (800m) or < RVR 1800 (550m)
- Autoland is being conducted
FOM 6.61 Rev 70
The Captain “should” make the landing…?
“3 Special Conditions for the Discrete Capt”
- Special Airports.
- Contaminated Runway
- Braking action < “good”.
- Windshear in vicinity of airport.
- Captain’s discretion
FOM 6.61 Rev 70
What is the lowest WX that a FO can fly a Cat 1 approach in?
- Vis < 1/2 mile (800m) or < RVR 1800’
FOM 6.61 - Rev 70
Define “Fail Passive”
Fail Passive - A control system which upon occurrence of any single failure should not cause: significant displacement from the approach path; altitude loss below the nominal glide path; any action of the flight control system that is not readily apparent to the pilot; or upon disconnection, involve any significant out-of-trim condition. Following any single failure the system reverts to an inactive status which does not disturb the airplane’s flight path.
FOM 6.61 - Rev 70
Define “Fail Operational”
Fail Operational - A control system which provides redundant operational capability (active backup) using two or more automatic systems. If one of the automatic systems fails below AH, the flare, touchdown, and rollout (if applicable) can be accomplished using the remaining automatic system(s). Following any single failure, the system remains in an active status (fully operational).
FOM 6.87 Rev 70
What two mechanical situations will cause a “Fail Operational” 767 to become “Fail Passive” in both landing and rollout?
- Autothrottles Inoperative.
- “LAND 2” displayed.
PRO Gouge
RNP Memory Hook…?
“MRAP” ( at FAF)
M - Map ( 10 mile)
R - RNP Value
A - Altimeters +/- 100’
P - Terrain Displayed
PRO Gouge
Divert Memory Hook:
C - Clearance limit
A - Altitude & MCP
D - Divert FMS
D - Divert ACARS
THEN… “Build, Bug, Brief”
PRO Gouge
Runway Change FMS Hook:
“DLI” (A “V” pattern on the FMS keypad):
- DEP/ARV (new RWY / SID)
- LEGS (verify PT’s and add speeds/alt)
- INIT (new takeoff speeds, etc)
PRO Gouge
Cruise Level off items to accomplish:
- Cost Index
- TCAS switch change
- Delete HUD ILS freq
MAN Gouge
What should you reject for between 80 kts and V1?
W indshear (alert or warning) U nsafe (aircraft is unsafe or unable to fly) F ire (fire or fire warning) F ailure (engine failure)
QRH - Norm 1.4
LTAET may “NOT” be conducted under the following conditions:
- Hydraulic MEL deferrals
- Electric MEL deferrals
- Braking affected by another system
- Steering inop
- Vis < 1200 RVR (350 M)
- Dry Ice Supplemental Procedures
- Slippery/ Contaminated ramp/taxiway
- Deicing
- Icing conditions
- Tight maneuvering
- 10-10 page restriction
- GW > 300k
Events requiring a maintenance inspection:
- Hard landing
- Overweight landing
- Severe turbulence
- Overspeed - flap/slat,
- MMO/VMO, gear, gear tires •
- High-energy stop
- Lightning strike
- Extreme dust
- Tail strike
FOM 8.13 Rev 70
What constitutes “Severe Windshere”..?
- airspeed changes > 15 knots
- vertical speed changes > 500 fpm
- or pitch attitude changes > 5°
QRH Back Cover - 6 Aug 2020
767 “Evacuation” Memory Hook..?
“1, 2, 5, Fire”…
- One Parking Brake - Set
- Two Altitude switches - Full Clockwise
- Five on the Pedestal
— Two Fuel Control Switches - Cutoff
— Three Fire Handles - Pull
… if any fire, rotate 1 second
FOM 3.07 - Rev 70
Currency Requirements:
- Takeoff / Landings
- Flights
- HUD Use
- EFVS Use
- 3 TOS & Landings in preceding 90 days
- 2 Legs every 90 days
- 1 HUD TO & Land in preceding 90 days
- 6 EFVS Approaches in preceding 90 days
FOM 5.23 - Rev 70
What events require the Captain to notify GOCC / Dispatch?
- Altitude +/- 4000’
- ATC Holding
- Deviation > 100 miles
- Diversion
- ETA +/- 15 minutes
- En-route Fuel Difference
- Equipment Failures
- Emergency
- Flight Safety
- Fuel Dump
FOM 3.11 - Rev 70
If FO = < 100 hrs LOFT in type act, Capt must make all T/Os and landings when…?
“6 Special Conditions at Capt’s Discretion”
- Special Qual Airport
- “VIS / RVR“
— Prevailing Vis < 3/4 mile
— RVR < 4000’ - “Contaminated Brakes”
— Contaminated Rwy
— Braking Action < GOOD - “Cross / Wind”
— Crosswinds > 15 kts
— Windshear in airport vicinity - Captain’s Discretion
QRH Rev 11 - NORM Proc 1.3
LTAET is not accomplished under the following conditions:
LTAET is not accomplished when…
- Hydraulic or electric MEL deferrals.
- A system that impacts braking or steering capability is not operative.
- Visibility = 1,200 RVR/350m.
- When FOM 10.37 Dry Ice Supplemental Procedures in effect.
- Ramp and/or taxiway slippery or contaminated.
- Aircraft to be deiced.
- During Icing conditions.
- Tight maneuvering required.
- 10-10 page restriction.