Federalism Negative Flashcards
2NC/1NR - Uniqueness
They say: Non-unique – education
Essa and rect regulatory rollbacks have increased state control of education. Goelzhauser and Rose 17
Relying to heavily on standardized tests effectively leaves it up to states to find ways to enforce protections for at-risk students.
2NC/1NR - Uniqueness
They say: Non-unique – education
Trump has revitalized federalism – state control of education policy is key. Roberts 17
Renewing federalism. And how fitting that it do so in the policy area where revitalized state power is most needed: education. And that is precisely how our system should work. Though we are all familiar with the legitimate claims based on state sovereignty and the Tenth Amendment.
2NC/1NR - Uniqueness
They say: Non-unique – education
the ESSA reverses the federal role moves away from bad NCLB practices. Dulgerian 16
Not only is the substance of federal education low out of touch with the reality in rural districts, but administrative logistics and procedures are beyond the scope and financial capabilities of most rural schools and districts. The most recent reauthorization of ESEA was the Every Student Succeeds Act. Offer state education agencies and local education agencies flexibility in defining their standards controlling their assessments, and adjusting their penalization of failing schools. ESSA is an improvement from NCLB for rural schools.
2NC/1NR - Uniqueness
They say: Non-unique – education
The USSA returned control of education to the local level. Gross and Hill 16
Congress enacted a new version of ESEA called Every Student Succeeds Act. ESEA eliminates the AYP requirement and does not specify what states must dow when schools and groups of students fall behind.
2NC/1NR - Uniqueness
They say: Non-unique - Trump
The election of Trump guarantees a return to state control of education. Miller 17
Trump signed an executive order to return school control to state officials. Creates a review for identifying those areas and make clear her mandate from the president to take action. Trump appears to be making good on his promise to send power back to the states. We can do even better by cutting federal taxes and letting states determine now best to fund the programs they design.
2NC/1NR - Uniqueness
They say: Past education laws make not-unique
Education remains the responsibility of the states despite previous incursions.
Robinson 16
Education is the responsibility of state and local governments. State has an education clause in constitution. The federal government is not the biggest investor in elementary and secondary public schools. The increase in federal spending has NOT resulted in improved student achievement.
2NC/1NR - Uniqueness
They say: Past education laws make not-unique
Trump is a functional reset button - states will continue to win across the board. AP 17
States will get more power under President Trump’s administration.
2NC/1NR - Uniqueness
They say: Past education laws make not-unique
Republican control of the government has created an opportunity to return to federalism, but there is much uncertainty. Goelhauser and Rose 17
Federalism is characterized by transition and uncertainty following the presidential handover to Trump.
2NC/1NR - Uniqueness
They say: Past education laws make not-unique
Federalism is on the brink - decision now will echo for an eternity. Blackman 17
The mission of reining in the federal government’s powers, and restoring the Constitution’s separation of powers, should continue beyond.
2NC/1NR - Links
Link - Title I
Title I is a federal intrusion on state education authority. Lips 8
Widespread greatness in America’s public schools continues to prove elusive. New requirement came with increases in both federal funding and regulation including significant increases int he amount of resources. Title I has grown increasingly complex and bureaucratic over time.
2NC/1NR - Links
Link - Hazelwood
Plan destroys education federalism - federal courts would replace important judgement of states and local school boards.
Speech decisions are recognized to be reserved for, local control.
2NC/1NR - Links
Link - Hazelwood
The Hazelwood decision itself cites federalism - overturning it decimates state and local control.
Educators do not offend the First Amendment by exercising control over student speech.
2NC/1NR - Links
Link - Hazelwood
Free speech in schools is a local issue - the plan hurts federalism in education. Brownstein 9
School-sponsored activities are intrinsically and pervasively expressive and that for important federalism the regulation of speech in school-sponsored activities should not be subject to Free Speech Clause review.
2NC/1NR - Links
Link - Constitution
The constitution leaves control over education policy to the states. Hornbeck 17
This leaves power to create schools and a system for education in the hands of individual states, rather than the central national government. Today, all 50 states provide public schooling to their young people - with 50 approaches to education within the borders of one nation.
2NC/1NR - Links
Link - Constitution
Federal control of education is not legally valid. Kleven 10
The tenth Amendment’s protection of states’ rights to forbid the federal government from ordering states to pass laws or implement federal programs. Consequently, the federal government could not simply mandate states and localities to run their educational systems in accordance with federal standards.
2NC/1NR - Links
Link - Constitution
The constitution prohibits federal intervention in education. Vance 16
The Constitution nowhere authorizes the federal government to have anything to do with education or even mentions education. The Constitution is clear: the federal government should have nothing to do with schools