Federal Regulations Flashcards
Interstate trucking came under the control of the Federal Government in_____ (year)
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What operating administrations is responsibility for ensuring that America’s roads and highways (physical infrastructure)continue to be the safest and most technologically up-to-date
Federal Highway Administration
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What operating administrations is responsibility for providing education, research, safety standards, and enforcement activity for the purpose of saving lives, preventing injuries and reducing economic costs due to traffic crashes
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
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What year was the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Created
January 1, 2000
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_____ has issued standards for safety programs, and the state regulatory bodies have, for the most part, adopted them as their own
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
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What Act is to provide U.S. DOT a more focused research organization and establish a separate operating administration for pipeline and hazardous materials transportation safety operations
Norman Y. Mineta Research and Special Programs Improvement Act of 2004
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DOT is divided into ____ operating administrations, four of which are directly related to trucking.
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Interstate trucking came under the control of the Federal Government with the passage of the Motor Carrier Act which amended Part 2 of the ____ ____ ___
Interstate Commerce Act
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Federal control over rates, routes, operation territory, and operating procedures of interstate for-hire motor carriers was vested in the ___ ___ __ which then issued its Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
Interstate Commerce Commission
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Name 4 of the 13 operating administrations that are directly related to trucking
FHWA) Federal Highway Administration
(NHTSA) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
(FMCSA) Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
(PHMSA) Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
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What was the first operating administrations created under U.S. DOT
Federal Highway Administration
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When was the Federal Highway Administration Created (M)(D)(Y)
October 15, 1966
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What year was the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration established
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Who issued the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS)
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
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What set forth minimum safety performance requirements for motor vehicles or items of motor vehicle equipment with which manufacturers must comply
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard
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Prior to 2005 hazardous materials transportation fell under the U.S. DOT’s _____ _____ ____ ___
Research and Special Programs Administration
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Research and Special Programs Administration was restructured to form _____ and the ___ ___ ___ ___
Research and Innovative Technologies
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Norman Y. Mineta Research and Special Programs Improvement Act was signed into law by President George W. Bush on ___(M) ___(D)___(Y)
November 30, 2004
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In ___(M) of ___(Y), the White House and Congress worked together to establish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
July 1970
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Federal control over rates, routes, operation territory, and operating procedures of interstate for-hire motor carriers was vested in the ICC which then issued its ______ ______ ______ ______
Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
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Prior to _____ hazardous materials transportation fell under the U.S. DOT’s Research and Special Programs Administration
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For trucking, the most recent development is that EPA has phased in ___ ___ ___ ___
Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel
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