Federal Legislation Flashcards
1949 Housing Act
The first comprehensive housing bill, was focused on slum clearance, and had a goal of creating 800,000 units.
The Ordinance of 1785
Is the largest national act of planning in US history. It provided for the rectangular land survey (PLSS - Township, Range, Section) of the old Northwest in a 36-square-mile grid - virtually all land west of Appalachian Mtns. It also established a minimum price for this land.
Homestead Act, 1862
Enacted in 1862, this opened the lands of the public domain to settlers for a nominal fee and 5 years of residence. The Free-Soil Party involved in this saw it as a means of stopping spread of slavery to territories.
General Land Law Revision Act, 1891
Enacted in 1891, this gave the president power to create forest preserves by proclamation.
Morrill Act, 1862
Enacted in 1862, this authorized the proceeds of land sales to be used to found land grant colleges.
1st Amendment of US Constitution
Freedom of speech, peaceably assemble
5th Amendment of the US Constitution
no shall by deprived of life, liberty of property without due process of law, nor shall private property be taken for public us, without just compensation.
14th Amendment of the US Constitution
State shall not deprive any person of life, liberty of property without due process of law, nor deny to any person the equal protection of laws.
RLUIPA, 2000
Enacted in 2000, this Act places strict limits on local governments’ power to regulate religious land uses. Declares that no gov may implement land use regs that impose a substantial burden on religious assembly.
Telecommunications Act of 1996
This Act added provisions entitled “Preservation
of Local Zoning Authority” to the principal federal
telecommunications statute, the Communications Act of 1934. It basically preserves local zoning while adding
some additional federal requirements. It creates
procedural and shot clock requirements (90 or 150 days) for cell tower zoning applications.
CERCLA, 1980
AKA Superfund Bill. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, enacted in 1980, requires secondary containment for hazardous substances.
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 1984
RCRA provided EPA with the ability to control hazardous waste from the “cradle-to-grave.”
ARRA ,2009
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, enacted in 2009 and signed by pres Obama to create jobs, invest in infrastructure, education, health and renewable energy.
Indian Reorganization Act , 1934
Enacted in 1934, this Act is often referred to as the “Indian New Deal.” It increased Tribal self-governance by restoring land management and mineral rights. Remains basic legislation concerning Indian Affairs.
Americans with Disabilities Act
Coastal Zone Management Act, 1972
Enacted in 1972, the CZMA established the Coastal Zone Management Program and the National Estuarine Research Reserve System.
Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) 1978
PURPA promotes alternative energy sources, energy efficiency, and reduced dependence on foreign oil. It also created a market for non-utility power producers and requires competition in the utility industry.
1937 Housing Act
Provided for subsidies to be paid from the U.S. government to local public housing agencies (LHAs) to improve living conditions for low-income families. Also known as Wagner-Steagall Act.
1934 Housing Act
This piece of New Deal legislation established the Federal Housing Authority (FHA) Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC) in order to make the cost of housing and mortgages more affordable.
1954 Housing Act
Provided funding for 140,000 units of public housing, giving preferential treatment to families that would be relocated for slum eradication or revitalization. Required Cities to develop comprehensive plans.
HOPE VI, 1993
This HUD program meant to revitalized the worst public housing development into mixed-income developments.
UDAG (Urban Dev Action Grant)
Urban Development Action Grant program provides funds to physically and economically distressed cities and urban counties, and was eliminated by congress in 1988
Established in 1974, Community Development Block Grant program funds local community development activities such as affordable housing, anti-poverty programs, and infrastructure.
HOME Program
Established in 1990, this program provides grant funds to develop low- and very low-income housing.
Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act, 1966
Enacted during LBJ’s Great Society and War on Poverty, this act started the Model Cities program and included an historic preservation component.
CCA, 2002
The Community Character Act provided incentives for states and localities to implement smart growth planning.
ISTEA, 1991
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act, passed in 1991, established a new approach to highway and transit funding with collaborative planning requirements, giving significant additional powers to metropolitan planning organizations.
TEA-21, 1998
The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century authorized federal funding for transportation investment over the 6 year period between 1998-2003.
The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act - A Legacy for Users was a funding bill for transportation investments for the period from 2005-2009.
MAP-21, 2012
Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century was a funding bill for transportation investments that required a performance-based approach by States and MPOs
Secretary’s Standards for Historic Rehabilitation
Outlines federal guidelines for the renovation of National Register-listed properties, and is a benchmark for what can/can’t be done to receive tax credits for historic rehab.
Clean Water Act, 1972
Also known as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act.
Antiquities Act of 1906
First law to institute federal protections for preserving archaeological sites, and establishing National Monuments.
New Communities Act of 1968
Provided funding for private development of new towns (Reston, VA; Columbia, MD)
Standard State Zoning Enabling Act, 1926
Model zoning legistlation that laid the basic foundation for land development controls in the U.S. Established the rezoning process
Standard City Planning Enabling Act, 1928
Model planning enabling legislation that established a process for local zoning predicated on a plan and police power.
1901 NY State Tenement Housing Law
Outlawed dumbell tenements, led by Lawrence Veiller.
Federal Aid Highway Act, 1962
Created Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) by tying federal transportation funding to them.
1879 NY State Tenement Housing Law
Required windows in tenements to face a source of fresh air and light
Forest Management Act, 1897
Authorized some control by the Secretary of Interior over use and occupancy of forest preserves.
US Reclamation Act, 1902
Created fund from sale of public land in arid states to supply water there through the construction of water storage and irrigation works.
Tenessee Valley Authority, 1933
created to provide for unified rehab and redev of the Tennessee Valley.
Taylor Grazing Act, 1934
Regulates the use of the range in the West for conservation purposes.
Social Security Act, 1935
Safety net for elderly - promoted by Frances Perkins Secretary of Labor.
GI Bill, 1934
Guaranteed loads for homes to veterans
Civil Rights Act, 1964
Outlaws discrimination on race, creed, and national origin
HUD, 1965
preceded by the Housing and Home Finance Agency. First Secretary is Robert Weaver.
Appalachian Regional Planning Act, 1965
Established a region comprising all of West Virginia and parts of 12 other states, plus a planning commission with power to frame plans and allocate resources.
NAFTA, 1994
North American Free Trade Agreement among US, Mexico and Canada.
The Federal Aid Highway Act, 1956
The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 was the largest public works project in US history at the time. It created the highway system that links state capitals and most large cities, and allocated funds from automobile sales for road construction
Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899
prohibited construction of any bridge, dam, dike, or causeway over any navigable waterway in the U.S. without Congressional approval. same for all wharfs, piers, or jetties, and the excavation or fill of navigable waters.
Which federal agency is tasked with disposal of excess federal property?
General Services Administration
What is Gross National Product (GNP)?
GNP is the market value of all the products and services produced in one year by labor and property supplied by the citizens of a country. (Differs from GDP by allocating production based on location of ownership, not location of production)
What is the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ)?
The CEQA coordinates federal environmental efforts and works with federal agencies on the development of environmental policies and initiatives.