Federal Laws and Acts Flashcards
Eminent domain powers are granted under which constitutional amendment
by the Fifth Amendment
Federal Highway Act of 1934
States may use up to 1.5% of a highway project’s federal fund for the planning phase of the project
Federal Highway Act of 1916
Required that each state designate a department of Transportation
Antiquities act of 1906
Allowed national monument declarations by the president without congressional approval. First law to institute federal protection for preserving historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and objects of historic or scientific interest.
First National Monument
Devils Tower, WY (Teddy Roosevelt)
First National Park
Yellowstone National Park, 1872
Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000
Requires state and local governments to prepare and adopt multi-hazard mitigation plans approved by FEMA in exchange for ability to receive hazard mitigation grants from FEMA.
Coastal Zone Management Act (1972)
Requires federal projects and activities such as federal permitting through federal consistency review, to be in essence subject to specific agreed upon state laws and regulations in exchange for the state’s adoption of Coastal Zone Management
Section 404 of the Dredge and Fill program
Federal protection of estuaries and marine systems through mandatory permitting program.
NEPA (1969)
Requires that the environmental impacts of a federal project be considered. Environmental Assessment needs to occur first, and either determine a “FONSI” (Finding of no significant impact). If not FONSI, requires a full blown EIS.
Federal Highway Act of 1956
Authorized the Interstate Highway System (Eisenhower)
Refuse Act of 1899
Widely considered the first type of environment protection legislation in the US. A section of the harbors act of 1899, it prohibited the “dumping of refuse” into navigable water, except by permit.
First Earth Day
Land Ordinance of 1785 and Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Established the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) for all lands west of Pittsburgh, dividing land into 6 mile by 6 mile townships, then further dividing into 1 square mile (640 acre subunits) called sections. Called the “largest single act of national planning efforts” in US history
Homestead Act (1862)
Opened the lands of public domain for westword expansion, by offering settlers a 1/4 section (160 acres) of land for a small filing fee, five years of residence, and demonstration of improvements. Had the impact of shifting more of the US population west of the mississippi.