Federal Aviation Regulations Flashcards
To operate an aircraft under IFR, a flight plan must have been filed and an ATC clearance received prior to ?
entering controlled airspace.
When an alternate airport is required, what are the weather minimums that must be forecast at the ETA for an alternate airport that has a precision approach procedure?
600 foot ceiling and 2 statute miles visibility.
Which checks and inspections of flight instruments or instrument systems must be accomplished before an aircraft can be flown under IFR?
VOR within 30 days, altimeter systems within 24 calendar months, and transponder within 24 calendar months.
What is the minimum in-flight visibility and distance from clouds required for an airplane operating less than 1,200 feet AGL under special VFR during daylight hours?
1 mile clear of clouds
What are the minimum fuel requirements in IFR conditions, if the first airport of intended landing is forecast to have a 1,500-foot ceiling and 3 miles visibility at flight-planned ETA? Fuel to fly to the first airport of intended landing,
fly to the alternate, and fly thereafter for 45 minutes at normal cruising speed.
What are the minimum weather conditions that must be forecast to list an airport as an alternate when the airport has no approved IAP?
The ceiling and visibility at ETA must allow descent from MEA, approach, and landing, under basic VFR.
For aircraft other than helicopters, what minimum weather conditions must be forecast for your ETA at an alternate airport that has a precision approach procedure, with standard alternate minimums, in order to list it as an alternate for the IFR flight?
600-foot ceiling and 2 SM visibility at your ETA.
What standard minimums are required to list an airport as an alternate on an IFR flight plan if the airport has VOR approach only?
Ceiling and visibility at ETA, 800 feet and 2 miles, respectively.
When is an IFR flight plan required?
In Class E airspace when IMC exists or in Class A airspace.
Before beginning any flight under IFR, the pilot in command must become familiar with all available information concerning that flight including:
The runway lengths at airports of intended use, and the aircraft’s takeoff and landing data.
What is the minimum flight visibility and distance from clouds for flight at 10,500 feet with a VFR-on-Top clearance during daylight hours? (Class E airspace.)
5 SM, 1,000 feet above, 1,000 feet below, and 1 mile horizontal.
Which data must be recorded in the aircraft log or other appropriate log by a pilot making a VOR operational check for IFR operations?
Place of operational check, amount of bearing error, date of check, and signature.
Who is responsible for determining that the altimeter system has been checked and found to meet 14 CFR Part 91 requirements for a particular instrument flight?
What are the forecasted weather mins for requiring an alternate airport ?
No alternate airport is required IF the ceiling and visibility are forecast to be at or above 2,000 feet and 3 statute miles within 1 hour before to 1 hour after the ETA.
What are the IFR requirements for operating in Class B airspace ?
- An operable two-way radio,
- Mode C transponder
- Operable VOR or TACAN receiver.
What recent instrument flight experience requirements must be met before you may act as pilot in command of an airplane under IFR?
A minimum of six instrument approaches in an airplane, or an approved simulator (airplane) or ground trainer, within the preceding 6 calendar months.
The Glide Path Qualification Surface (GQS) limits the height of obstructions between what ?
Decision altitude and the runway threshold.
When may ATC request a detailed report of an emergency even though a rule has not been violated?
Each pilot in command who is given priority by ATC in an emergency (even though no Federal Aviation Regulations have been violated) shall, if requested by ATC, submit a detailed report of that emergency within 48 hr. to the manager of that ATC facility.
What minimum weather conditions must be forecast for your ETA at an alternate airport, that has only a VOR approach with standard alternate minimums, for the airport to be listed as an alternate on the IFR flight plan?
800-foot ceiling and 2 statute miles visibility.
Which data must be recorded in the aircraft log or other appropriate log by a pilot making a VOR operational check for IFR operations?
Place of operational check, amount of bearing error, date of check, and signature.
What limitation is imposed on a newly certificated commercial airplane pilot if that person does not hold an instrument pilot rating?
The carrying of passengers for hire on cross-country flights is limited to 50 NM and the carrying of passengers for hire at night is prohibited.
When a pilot elects to proceed to the selected alternate airport, which minimums apply for landing at the alternate?
The landing minimums for the approach to be used.
To meet the minimum instrument experience requirements, within the last 6 calendar months you need
Six instrument approaches, holding procedures, and intercepting and tracking courses in the appropriate category of aircraft.