Feces contain various components including
undigested food, digestive by- products, human cells, secretion from digestive tract, microorganisms
rounded or angular when seen in fecal samples, no internal structures and will stain pink to purple in iodine mounts
starch granules
epithelial cells show close resemblance to amebic trophozoites in size and shape
yeast are generally harmless, but may be associated with fungal infection
pollen grains may mimic helminth larvae
false (helminth eggs)
common findings in giardiasis and other parasitic infections causing malabsorption. it appears to be round with thin circular lining
fat globules
this artifact resembles taenia and other helminth eggs, it has little to no internal structures and lacks 6-hookes oncosphere and embryo wall.
ladder-like appearance and lacks head or tail region. it may be confused with helminth larvae because of size and shape and resembles a tapeworm and cestode
Vegetable spiral
this is larger in size compared to helminth eggs, polygonal and flattened. its inner is unorganized and contain large vacuole and it resembles the hookworm ova and ancylostoma vaninum
vegetable cells
lacks internal structure and refractile inner structures
Plant hair/fiber
round to oval shape and may be confused with: crytosporidium, cyclospora spp., microsporidia, helminth eggs or protozoan cyst
protistan parasites of crayfish and resemble helminth ova
corpora parasitica or beaver bodies
round to irregular round- shaped, no internal structures or nucleus, it resembles entamoeba hartmanni and entamoeba nana, common in babies with lactose intolerance
Starch cells/granules
spherical in shape, resemble protozoan cyst and contain large amount that may indicate presence of excess fecal fat
Fat globules
if the size is less than 10um then it is called
starch granules