February Revolution Flashcards
What happened in January 1917 which preempted the events to come?
There was a demonstration by 150,000 workers in Petrograd on the anniversary of Bloody Sunday.
Contributing factors to the February revolution
Tsarina and Rasputin
Nicholas’ personality
Lack of government national control
Evidence of protests contributing to the February revolution?
Rise in protest culture in Russia as a response to the Tsar’s failings
e.g. 10s of 1000s of Putilov steel workers’ protested on the 18th of February 1917
Revolution sparked by International Women’s Day Protest
Evidence of politics contributing to the February revolution?
Progressive Bloc formed by Milyukov in 1915, which began to put pressure on the Tsar to introduce reforms.
Around half of Duma members were members of the Progressive Bloc - when the Tsar refused to make reforms, he then lost the support of the Duma
Evidence of the Tsarina and Rasputin contributing to the February revolution?
The fact that the Tsarina was left in charge was very unpopular due to her German heritage.
Rasputin’s influence over the Tsarina was subject to a great deal of scepticism - e.g. he was blamed for the ‘ministerial leapfrog’ seen during the war period (12 ministers sacked in 1916)
Evidence of the Tsar’s personality contributing to the February revolution?
He believed completely in his divine right to rule (he had been brought up to adhere to the values of autocracy by his tutor Pobedonostsev).
He was stubborn and saw advice as criticism. His attitude led to him making the disastrous decision to become Commander-in-Chief
Evidence of the Duma contributing to the February revolution?
TN2 lost support of the Duma due to his dismissal of the Progressive bloc.
On the 26th of February, the Tsar ignored Rodzianko’s warning (‘Again that fat-bellied Rodzianko has written me a lot of nonsense, which I won’t even bother to answer’) and ordered the dissolution of the Duma. 12 rebellious Duma members don’t leave and instead form the Provisional Committee to defy the Tsar.
Evidence of the lack of government national control contributing to the February revolution?
TN2 lost the confidence of the Zemgor and War Industry Committee as they became frustrated that he would not let them deal with supply issues, instead choosing to use expensive imports.
Key chronology of the February revolution
19th Feb - Bread rationing announced by government
23rd Feb - International Women’s Day
25th Feb - General strike begins
26th Feb - Duma ordered to disband, Rodzianko’s warning ignored
27th Feb - Tsar ordered General Khabalov to restore order by force, mutiny began in the Volynskii regiment, Provisional Commitee set up, the army’s high command switched support this Committee, Petrograd Soviet set up
28th Feb - TN2 made his way back to Petrograd, but his offer to share power with the Duma was denied
2nd March - TN2 abdicates
How many people protested on International Women’s Day?
How many people joined the general strike?
Around 250,000 - paralysed the city
Why did violence erupt in Petrograd?
25th Feb - The chief of police, Shalfeev, tried to control the masses, but was killed
Why were demonstrations not put down effectively?
General Khabalov failed to organise troops to keep the city in order. Furthermore, garrison troops defect to join the protesting crowd
Details of the Volynskii mutiny
66,000 soldiers mutinied and armed them with 40,000 rifles. Police headquarters were attacked and prisons were opened
What did Rodzianko say to the Tsar’s offer to share power with the Duma?
‘The measures you propose are too late. The time for them has gone. There is no return.’
Why was there a lack of leadership behind the Febrev?
Lenin and Martov were in Zurich and Trotsky was in New York
How many casualties were there during the Febrev?
1500-2000 killed/wounded
What was established after the Febrev?
Dual authority - Provisional Government/Petrograd Soviet