February Flashcards
Tvoje auto by malo mat volne koleso v pripade ze máš defekt.
Your car should have a spare wheel in case you have a puncture .
Zober si nejake jedlo zo sebou v pripade ze by si bola hladna .
Take some food with you in case you get hungry .
Uspat psa
Put the dog sleep
Zvážiť všetky výhody a nevýhody
Weigh up all the pros and cons
Neočakávaná reakcia
Unexpected reaction
Internet je nestabilny
The wifi connection is unstable
Daniela nebola taka stastna ako zvyčajne.
Daniela wasn’ t as chirpy as usually ( happy and active )
Ki vetted a szot a szajambol, pont ezt akartam mondani.
You took the words right out of my mouth.
Chápem tvoj uhol pohladu, ale
I understand your point of view , but
Chápem čo myslíš, ale
I see what you mean , but
Do urciteho bodu suhlasim
I agrre up to a point
Čiastočne suhlasim
I partially agree
Stará dievka
Spinster /ˈspɪn.stər/
Bol vyznamny politik.
He was a remarkable politician.