feb26 - feb26 (2) Flashcards
once upon a timeOnce upon a time, people were so fat that something called UN had to establish the international SALAD DAY” might be said by our descendnts.. *UN international salad day
confusedSome UN officials are CONFUSED about which kind of METAL bowls to use for the INTERNATIONAL SALAD DAY, and eventually a big quarrel between METAL bowl producers arises. The whole SALAD DAY comes to a CONFUSION
borrowSomeone goes out in the newspaper saying “ONCE UPON A TIME, I think it was on SALAD DAY, ARNOLD borrowed a few bucks from me. I never got it back. And he’s a politician?
pitySomeone’s STATE OF MIND is in a PITY mode, as they didn’t participate in the SALAD DAY and now are so so fat. “It’s a pity I didn’t participate. Better turn off the MIND switch now”
set asideEven ogres SETS ASIDE human FINGERS in faor for the UN SALAD DAY
scatterAs we would expect, the TASKMASTER doesn’t care about any UN SALAD DAYS, and brings some meat that he SCaTTERS into the salad
twentyTHe two TENS joined at the bottom by a short line is actually the old character for TWENTY, which we might as well learn since we need its primitive form. It is written the same as SALAD, except for the shorter final stroke.
commonerWhile the lords are living in luxury, the COMMONRS have to live in groups by TWENTY down in a CAVERN. Here they are gathered around the OVEN FIRE.
interceptThis must be a police INTERCEPTOR on the ROAD to help the COMMONERS
seatAs apposed to the cave, where one can sit on the ground, the CAVERN is so humid and greasy that you’d btter bring a TOWEL to sit on.
degreesThese scientists are working on something rather strange: they measure to which degree CROTCHES are hanging when inside a CAVERN and compares this to normal hanging CROTCHES outside
transitIn the TRANSIT hall of Cairo airport, you’d better bring some WATER as it can get up to forty DEGREES inside (twenty degrees more than normal if that helps)
bustleThe hustle and BUSTLE of this character is depicted by a ST. BERNARD DOG and a HAYSTACK.
eruptSomeone ERUPTS some omit from their MOUTH onto a HAYSTACK after having eaten bad CLAMS at a farm party
tombThis is mayber the tomb of St. Clementina of the St. Peter Basilica. As other tombs, it’s not under the GROUND, but overseen by a SHELL-like window. And inside? Probably just something looking like a HAYSTACK.
arousedSomeone with a special interest for tombs have to reach for his MIND switch to avoid getting AROUSED when he sees the tomb of St. Clementina (CLAM LIKE WINDOW)
bakeThe STRAW MAN argument is something a person makes if they want to more easily attack an opponent.. “you need fire to BAKE bread” - “no, how did they BAKE bread before? They didn’t have fire
daybreak”you can always see the SUN at DAYBREAK” “No you can’t. What about from the other side of the earth?”
halfAlthough the writing order is different, one can remember the appearance of this character by seeing it as a LITTLE NEEDLE- the kind used for splitting hairs in HALF. (again, according to rule, LITTLE taks a stroke bneath it in order to b placed over an element that has no hoizontal line at the top.)
consortARNOLD’S better HALF is his CONSORT. (litterally)
paddy-ridgeThis RICE FIELD has a PADDY RIDGE that is HALF as high as the plants
judgmentKong Salomon’s famous JUDGEMENT was to cut the baby into HALF with his SABER if the woman wouldn’t agree
ticketHere you pay a quarter (25 cents)” to get into som kind of DAGGER show. Even the TICKET clerk cuts off your ticket with a DAGGER
scrollYou brought a SCROLL home from Egypt.. When opening it just a QUARTER or so, a small SNAKE creeps out.
sphereYou have now opened the SCROLL from EGYPT more than a QUARTER, and can see that the scroll describes the situation in which the author felt. He was PENT IN (maybe in a pyramid) and describes his own sphere inside the PENT. This scroll should have been PENT IN inside a museum.
mimeograph/facsimile*an exact copy, esp. of written or printed material* During moonlight, only a QUARTER of the WORDS in this FACSIMILE is visible
victoryThe FLESH and POWER of this QUARTER back should assure VICTORY
wisteriaThe secret behind the healthy FLESH of this QUARTERback is the WISTERIA-FLOWER he mixes with his RICE GRAINS
one-sidedThis one who you can see is currently proposing, says “without you, I am nothing but ONE-SIDED”
printing blockWell… On this ONE-SIDED PRINTING BLOCK the letters ANTI are printed. It is used by a government who likes to stamp ANTI in the forehead of those who are against their governance (the ANTI stamp will make people lawless)
ofThis character is now used chiefly in proper names, and is best learned as the character closest to the hiragana え, though in fact it has no relation to it. *in order to give this kanji a more concrete meaning when it is used as a primitive element, think of it as referring to BUILDING BLOCKS with the hiragana written on them, much the same as A-B-C blocks you played with as a child.
destitutionPeople living in DESTITUTION, particularly kids, would be happy just having DROPS OF some BUILDING BLOCKS.
turfSomeone has laid new TURF, and is now going to mow the lawn.. Between the FLOWERS some kids have left some BUILDING BLOCKS, ready to destroy the motorised lawn mower
negativeYou may play with the primitives of this kanji as you wish (ceiling…person…a drop of), BUT you will probably find that its simplicity, and its frequency, make it easy to remember.
negateA NEGATIVE mouth will NEGATE anything positive it can find (imagine the MOUTH going into the room of a cancer patient and NEGATE the weak chances.
cupfulsThis WOODEN cup is NEGATIVE to CUPFULS, as it’s full of holes and furrows