Feb 5 Flashcards
I can’t hear
No oigo
daily life
vida diaria
It bothers me a lot
me molesta much
Forget it
I saw
It was the first time I did it
Fue la primera vez que lo hice
high season
temporada alta
it was very uncomfortable
era muy incomodo
Were you sick at all
Estiviste enferma algún vez?
you remind me of my friend
Me recuerdo a mi amigo
How long is the pelicula
Cuanto tiempo dura la pelicula
Its worth less than when I bought it
Se vale menos que cuando lo compre
Not at all
para nada
ITs been a ing time since I racticed my Japanese
Hace mucho tiempo que no practico mi Japonese
Its been more than 15 years
Hace mas que 15 anos
time zone
zona horario
the dance that I like the least
el baile que me gusta menos
I don’t want to live there anymore
ya no quiero vivir alli
Its looks delicious
Se ve muy rico
It looks delicious to me
Lo veo muy rico
I used to like it
Me gustaba
I don’t drink too much
No bebo tanto
Is it eaten in ….
Se lo come en….
qualquier coasa
Its easy to find
Es fácil le encontrar
I didn’t notice
No me di cuenta
Its similar
es parecido
I am tired of
Me canso de (inf)
party bus
chiva rumbera
What did you do there?
Que hacías ahí?
It was cold
Hacía frío
She was about 80 years old
Tenía unos 80 años
I didn’t know many words
No sabia muchas palabras
To take advantage of
It’s not too cold
No hace tanto frio
the dawn
del amanacer
its was a great experience
fue una buena experiencia
very excited
muy emocionada
I only stayed one week
Solo me quede una semana
I’m good at……verb
Soy buena …..bailando, cocinando, manejando
I used to