Feature Nomenclature Glossary Flashcards
Account Health
On the Welcome page, this feature shows you how well your account is doing. So you can easily know your spam and bounce rates, we display your Bounce and Spam Rate.
You can add features to your ThankView campaigns, such as an endowment report. In addition, you have the option of adding different types of overlays to your videos. You can put frames or banners on a video for a variety of occasions, holidays, or season.
Add-On Video
This is a second, optional video in your campaign that is a general video that will be received by all of your recipients and cannot be personalized per recipient.
This account has all of the ThankView privileges within an organization’s portal. This is the only permission level that allows to manage other users.
Animated Format
This is an option on the Setup page of your ThankView campaign to turn the first 3 seconds of the video in your campaign into an animated gif. The gif will be the first animation that your recipients see in their email, as opposed to seeing an envelope.
Appeals & Solicitations
Day of Giving? Pledge reminders? Send potential donors a ThankView that reminds them to give and shows how their gift will impact your school or organization.
Ask Amount
One of the fields in a Recipient’s information to put the amount of donation money you are soliciting. This information can in turn, be used as a merge field within a campaign.
Birthday Campaign
This campaign category lets you send a ThankView on different dates i.e. for recipients’ birthdays. You will need to put their birth date in the recipient’s information and that date is when your ThankView will be sent. You can schedule this up to a year in advance.
Bounce Rate
The rate of emails that are considered undeliverable. This can happen for a couple reasons:
- The recipient email address does not exist.
- The recipient domain name does not exist.
- The recipient email server blocked delivery.
- The recipient’s mailbox is full.
For each common set of ThankViews you’d like to send you first start by creating a campaign. A campaign includes the list of recipients, design, page customization, video sequencing, and when you send your ThankViews. There is a “Campaign” tab on your navigation bar in a ThankView account in order to see all of the campaigns made in your account. You can measure how your campaigns perform (individually or by campaign type) in the Metrics of your account.
For each common set of ThankViews you’d like to send you first start by creating a campaign. A campaign includes the list of recipients, design, page customization, video sequencing, and when you send your ThankViews. There is a “Campaign” tab on your navigation bar in a ThankView account in order to see all of the campaigns made in your account. You can measure how your campaigns perform (individually or by campaign type) in the Metrics of your account.
Class Year
For each common set of ThankViews you’d like to send you first start by creating a campaign. A campaign includes the list of recipients, design, page customization, video sequencing, and when you send your ThankViews. There is a “Campaign” tab on your navigation bar in a ThankView account in order to see all of the campaigns made in your account. You can measure how your campaigns perform (individually or by campaign type) in the Metrics of your account.
Closed Captions
These are subtitles for the videos that you are able to add/edit on your campaign. You can purchase credits to caption your videos in the Settings tab of your account under the My Account dropdown.
Click Rate
These are subtitles for the videos that you are able to add/edit on your campaign. You can purchase credits to caption your videos in the Settings tab of your account under the My Account dropdown.
This is a page where all of your recipients in your campaigns are consolidated. You can view this page on the top navigation bar where it says, “Contacts”. Also, you can add people into a List so they can be added to the Contacts page.
Contact-Level Metrics
On the metrics page, you can click into the specific metrics categories to get a more detailed view of your metrics. For example, you can click to see which of your contacts opened your ThankView, started watching your ThankView, or finished watching your ThankView, etc.
This is a permission level that lets you create, edit and send a campaign, look at metrics, and upload contacts. (Only admins can manage users)
CSV File
We recommend that all spreadsheets be saved as a .csv file prior to uploading to ThankView. Anything that is exported from the ThankView portal will be downloaded as a .csv file including any metrics.
CTA Button
This “Call-to-Action” button is found on the landing page below the video. This button can link to a donation site, RSVP invite or any page that you want your recipient to see. ThankView measures the number of times this button is clicked per campaign. You do not have to include a CTA button in your campaign.
Custom Assets
These are your specifically branded assets (envelopes and landing pages) that are used in the ThankView portal. With your organization’s assets uploaded, your Thankviews will have more of a branded experience for your ThankView recipients. Please refer to your Settings option on the My Account to see if you are eligible for this. You can reach out to support@thankview.com for more information if you would like this to your package.
Custom Music
If this feature is part of your package, you can add your own music onto your ThankView campaign. The music has to be royalty-free. Contact your Customer Success Manager or support@thankview.com to get started.
Client Success
This is the dedicated team that is there to help you! The ThankView Customer Success team answers any questions you may have and makes sure that our partners are able to seamlessly use the platform. You can contact the Customer Success team at support@thankview.com or on the blue chat button on at the bottom right hand corner of your ThankView portal.
On the metrics page, you can view how many of your ThankViews were successfully sent to your contacts.
This is a half-hour demonstration of the ThankView platform. Go to www.thankview.com/demo to schedule a demo with us and see how ThankView can be used in your organization.
This is a half-hour demonstration of the ThankView platform. Go to www.thankview.com/demo to schedule a demo with us and see how ThankView can be used in your organization.
This is a permission level that has access to select and customize the theme and envelope.
DNS Implementation
This feature includes the ability to send your ThankViews to any @YourDomain.com email address. All we need is an internal email address to get started. After you send that to a member of the Customer Success team, you will be sent a set of instructions to be sent to your IT department to be implemented. Once the DNS is verified on our end, your ThankViews will be able to be sent from your organization’s domain email, which adds a personal touch to your ThankViews.
Dynamic Personalization
we can take a single video and make it truly unique by creatively inserting the recipient’s name, gift amount, designation and more directly into a ThankView tailored just for them.