Feast of God - Part 1 (Prophecy) Flashcards
“God planned to save his people through the Passover.”
Exodus 11:4-8
“This is the first time God gave the regulation of the Passover to protect his people from the last plague.”
Exodus 12:1-6
“So God gave them the Passover regulation through Moses. On the 14th day of the 1st month they sacrifice the lamb at twilight. The lamb had to be male, without defect, its bones could not be broken.”
Exodus 12:7-13
“They had to eat the meat of the lamb.”
Exodus 12:46
“The reason God commanded to put blood on the door is that when the destroyer come, he will see the blood and pass over.”
Exodus 12:22-23
“God struck down Egypt”
Exodus 12:27-30
“Since they left in hurry, they only prepare bread without yeast, which is the unleavened bread”
Exodus 12:31-34
“Finally the Israelites left Egypt”
Exodus 12:37
“They left Egypt the 15th day of the first month.”
Numbers 33:34
How many scriptures are used in “Feast of God - Part 1 (Prophecy)”?
What scripture is the first to be used in “Feast of God - Part 1 (Prophecy)”? Why?
Exodus 11:4-8
“God sent 9 plagues to Egypt; the tenth plague God sent to strike down the firstborn in Egypt but God planned to protect his own people through the truth of the Passover.”
In the sermon of the Feast of God, what scripture is to be shown after Exodus 11:4-8?
Exodus 12:1-6
In the sermon of the Feast of God, what scripture is to be shown after Exodus 12:1-6?
Exodus 12:7-13
In the sermon of the Feast of God, what scripture is to be shown after Exodus 12:7-13?
Exodus 12:46
In the sermon of the Feast of God, what scripture is to be shown after Exodus 12:46?
Exodus 12:22-23