FE15 Flashcards
Deception is a common tactic in human mating behavior.
a) Drawing exclusively on the evolutionary perspectives discussed in this course, in
considering the early stages of courtship, predict
i) two functionally distinct things about which males are likely to be deceptive
a. their loyalty
i. females looking for men for exclusive parental investment in their offspring
b. their resources
i. females want men who have resources
Drawing exclusively on the evolutionary perspectives discussed in this course, in
considering the early stages of courtship, predict
two functionally distinct things about which females are likely to be deceptive. In each case, explain why (from an evolutionary perspective) people are deceptive about these things.
a. Age
b. Commitment
The problem of deception may have been a source of selective pressure shaping the
motivational system of potential suitors. Describe the behavioral consequences of limerance, explaining the possible ultimate function of this emotion in light of the aforementioned selective pressures.
- Limerance is intrusive ideation, the thoughts of the individual target intrudes on the individual’s cognition at sometimes unwanted times
- Feelings are reciprocated. Showing level of commitment
Limerance generally lasts for only a limited period of time. Provide an ultimate explanation for this pattern.
• Either the union actually forms and the sentiments are reciprocated, pair bonds form, or it doesn’t and the person is heartbroken
• Can be a fitness reducing quality because you’re not focused on other things, so it’s good that this goes away.
• What replaces limerance is “companionship love”. Bonds of affection that unite parties when they have an intensely cooperative relationship
o It’s not an emotion, it’s an attitude.
o If you’re expectation is that you’re in a limerance state your whole life, because of the cultural model, you have a recipe for unhappiness. Like “ya, we’re happy, and ya we like to see each other but we’re not like in limerance anymore”…
• Successful marriage: you’re aligned interests. You respect each other. Etc
Ancestral human societies did not have substantial material wealth. Nevertheless, the human mind is apparently able to recognize the opportunities that both laws and wealth provide for pursuing evolved proximate goals. Drawing solely upon the material presented in lecture, explain the history of the diamond engagement ring in the United States in light of the problem of the possibility of deception in courtship.
- 1920s ; deberes diamond company
- diamond is three months of salary—relative.
- They had laws that prohibited breach of marriage, but these laws started being taken away