FDR's New Deals were a success Flashcards
What was the CCC?
Civilian Conservation Corps
Which group did the CCC help?
Brought relief to young men between 18-25.
What did the CCC enrol young men to do?
It enrolled young men in work across the country for about $30 per month (conservation projects such as planting trees, eliminating steam pollution, etc).
How many young men took part in the CCC during the 1930s?
About 2 million.
What was the AAA?
Agricultural Adjustment Act
Which group did the AAA help?
It set out to provide economic relief to farmers.
What happened to output through the AAA?
Through this act and the Commodity Credit Corporation, a program which extended loans for crops kept in storage and off the market, output dropped.
What happened to farms between 1932 and 1935?
Farm income increased by more than 50%.
What happened after the AAA was abandoned?
Congress passed a more effective farm-relief act, which authorized the government to make payments to farmers who reduced plantings of soil-depleting crops – thereby achieving crop reduction through soil conservation practices.
Describe what had happened to nearly 6 million farmers by 1940.
By 1940 nearly 6 million farmers were receiving subsidies under the farm relief act. The prices of agricultural commodities rose, leaving the farmers with a sense of economic stability.
What strengthened African-American support for the Democratic party?
The Roosevelt Administrations accessibility to black leaders and the New Deal reforms.
What was made available to black families?
Low-cost public housing.
What enabled black youths to continue their education?
The National Youth Administration and Civilian Conservation Corps.
What did the Work Projects Administration do?
What did its Federal Writers Project support?
The Work Projects Administration gave jobs to many blacks and its Federal Writers Project supported the work of many authors (Zora Hurston, Waters Turpin).
What did the civil service triple?
The number of African Americans in its employment between 1932 and 1941.
What was the WPA?
Works Progress Administration
Describe the aim of the WPA.
It was an attempt to provide work rather than welfare.
What was constructed under the WPA?
Buildings, roads, airports and schools.
What did the Federal Theatre, Art and Writer Projects do?
Actors, painters, musicians and writers were employed through the Federal Theatre, Art and Writer Projects.
What was the NYA?
National Youth Administration
What did the NYA do?
It gave part-time employment to students, established training programs and provided aid to unemployed youth.
What happened to unemployment in 1939?
Unemployment fell due to the amendment of the 1935 Neutrality Act. This meant that belligerents could buy from the USA. Within a year there were orders for 10,800 aircraft and 13,000 aeroplane engines.
What did historian Carl Degler have to say about FDR and his New Deal?
He called the New Deal ‘a third American revolution’ because of the growth in government involvement and the break with LF.