fd1_deck_1103589 Flashcards
Attention to detailsReverence for sacred objectsDeference to the ClergyDignity & decorumSmoothness of procedure
American religious funerals5 key objectives:
Funeral arrangements involve numerous detailsAll supervised by the funeral directorRequire full & undivided attention
Attention to detail:
Knowledge & respect for religious & sacred objectsEspecially those related to each religious tradition
Reverence for sacred object:
Respectful & courtesy treatment Whatever their involvement with the arrangements & services
Deference to the clergy:
Professional conduct & appearanceYou are always in the public eye
Dignity & Decorum
Be preparedAlways know what to doRelated to attention to detail
Smoothness of Procedure
- processional/recessional-use of pall and crucifer/crucifix, acolytes-casket placement-Ushering -Communion-Order of service-Vestments: ritual garments garments worn by clergy
Liturgical Funeral Service
-determined by practices of local church-architectural design of building-ushering-service procedures
Non liturgical Funeral Service
-funeral procession to cemetery aka “cortège”-lead car, clergy, casket bearers, casket coach, family, other mourners. police escorts 1 per 10 vehicles
After the Funeral Service
-active-physically carry the casket-honorary-act as escort or honor guard, can be family friends, organization groups
Casket bearers
-casket carried to grave-order of movement: –clergy and funerals directors–honorary casket bearers–casket and casket bearers–family–other mourners-format will vary by denomination-includes scripture readings and prayers-other words by family and friends-may have music or soloist-dismissal by funeral director
Protestant Committal Service
-Mormon is associated with the Book of Mormon-Book of Mormon–based on history of American Indians, Judaism, and Christianity–written by a man named Mormon–translated by Joseph Smith–published in 1830-Joseph Smith founder of the church-typically no full time professional clergy-young men at age 12 are ordained into priesthood-bishops called from the priesthood–serve without compensation–maintain full time employment outside of church–bishop also referred to as “speaker of the ward”—stake-group of wards
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Funeral Rites-aka Mormon Church (Latter-day Saints/LDS)
Considerations-no notification of clergy except to finalize service times-no requirements/restrictions regarding–removals, except for legal reasons–embalming -casket is family’s choice-clothing–members not through Temple - no requirement–members through the Temple - special clothing
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Funeral Rites-aka Mormon Church (Latter-day Saints/LDS)
Special Clothing Requirement-those who have received TEMPLE ORDINANCES–ceremonial instructions of the church–given only within Mormon Temple–to selected members
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Funeral Rites-aka Mormon Church (Latter-day Saints/LDS)Special Clothing Requirement
–men-all white, undergarments, socks, shirt, trousers, tie, moccasins, robe, sash, GREEN APRON (signifies Adam & Eve when ate of tree & covered with fig leaves), cap
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Funeral Rites-aka Mormon Church (Latter-day Saints/LDS)Special Clothing Requirement
–women-all white, undergarments, hose, slip, dress, moccasins, robe, sash, GREEN APRON, veil
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Funeral Rites-aka Mormon Church (Latter-day Saints/LDS)Special Clothing Requirement
-for men–robe placed over right shoulder–extends diagonally across chest in straight line to left ankle, front and back–sash over waist and tied on left side–green apron over waist—represent the fig leaf worn by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden—apron is in the shape of fig leaf–cap placed on head before closing casket–men dress men
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Funeral Rites-aka Mormon Church (Latter-day Saints/LDS)Special Clothing Requirement
-For Women–robed same as man except—veil draped on pillow at back of head—before closing casket—ribbon is tied under chin—veil placed over face–women dress women
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Funeral Rites-aka Mormon Church (Latter-day Saints/LDS)Special Clothing Requirement
-bishop contacted for order of worship -location of service can be at–funeral home, ward chapel, or tabernacle–never at temple-determine –seating arrangements for family &casket bearers–placement of casket and flowers (if allowed)-viewing/visitation evening before at funeral home or maybe or maybe in church (relief society room)-Officiant–bishop or speaker of the word–where deceased lived– at no time should an honorarium be offered to the bishop-no cross, crucifix, or candles allowed-“no funeral services in a Mormon Temple”
Per-service consideration of LDS
–prelude, invocation (opening prayer), eulogy or obituary, musical selection, speaker of ward/bishop, benediction (closing prayer), postlude
Per-service consideration of LDS-Order of Service
-earth burial or other mode of final disposition -determined by family preference or local customs-brief committal service, dedication of the grave-dismissal
Per-service consideration of LDSCommittal Service
-Church of Christ, Scientist is rooted in Protestant -Curch founder - Mary Baker Eddy (1879)-focuses on prayer and “spiritual healing”-text: Science and Health with Key to their Scriptures-written by Mary Baker Eddy in 1875-terms such as “dead” or “died” should not be used - “passed” more appropriate
Christian Science Funeral RitesChristianity aka Christian Science
-God is wholly good, All-Powerful and created man -eternal, spiritual, and wholly good is “reality” or is healthy-injustice, sin, sickness, or grief is “unreal” as is disease-healing is obtained by spiritual understanding-members of the Christian Science religion do not seek medical care and believe-death is one phase of man’s immortal existence -have no clergy or ministers-officiant–reader–practitioner –any member of the Mother Church from Boston-may officiate funeral services-must contact to coordinate service times
Christian Science Funeral RitesChristianity aka Christian ScienceTeachings
-removal usually under jurisdiction of a coroner/medical examiner/Justice of the Peace-death certificates certified by Medical examiner/Justice of the Peace/Coroner-no restrictions regarding:–embalming, casket selection, or clothing-family preferences
Christian Science Funeral RitesChristianity aka Christian ScienceRemoval, Embalming, & Dressing
-service similar to other Protestant-can be at any location except the church-officiant determines order of service-any method of final disposition is acceptable
Christian Science Funeral RitesChristianity aka Christian ScienceFuneral Service & Committal
-developed after time of Jesus-believe Jesus Christ was the founder-because he brought salvation-central administrative facility in Vatican City (Rome, Italy)-largest Christian denomination in the world-nearly one billion members world wide-55 million in the U.S.-Catholic is derived from Greek term meaning “universal”-refers to the whole ness of the church-many centuries believed to be the only Christian Church
Roman Catholic Church
Roman Catholic ChurchEcclesiastical (Church) structure
-local church or congregation
-grouping of parishes
Order of Hierarchy-priest. -archbishop -Monsignor. -cardinal-bishop. -pope
Roman Catholic ChurchEcclesiastical (Church) structure
Ordained clergyHead of a local parish”Father”
Ordained by clergyHonorary title given a priestAlso head of a local parish
Ordained clergyHead of a diocese
Ordained clergyHead of an archdiocese
Prince of the churchCollege of Cardinals Serve the Pope Handle administration duties Elect a new Pope
Head of the Roman Catholic ChurchBishop of Rome”His Holiness the Pope”
DeaconNunBrotherEucharistic minister
Other Functionaries
Ordained Clergy below a priestTransitional DeaconsPermanent Deacons”Deacon”Cannot hear confessions or concencrate bead & wine
A woman who is a member of a religious order,Bound by vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience Live in a covenant “Sister”
Male member of a religious orderBound by vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience Live in a monastery”Brother”
Layperson who administers Holy CommunionCan be male & female
Eucharistic Ministers
A cross with a figure or image representing the body of Christ (Corpus Christi)
Kneeling rail for saying prayersprayer rail, kneeler
Set of two candles that may be placed, one at he head and one at the foot of the casket”Used only during visitation and chapel services”At the funeral home
Chain of beads and crucifix used as a aid in recitation of prayersIn casket left hand over right hand & beads wrapped around hand
A document indicating the offering of a Mass for a specific intention
Tray for Mass cards
A card with the name of decedent and a prayer or verse, which may or may not include the dates of birth and death
A sacrament given to those seriously ill or in danger of death to prepare their soul for eternityLast Sacrament
A prayer and scripture service held at the funeral home the evening before the funeral liturgyRosary service, Vigil service
Is the formal name for the Roman Catholic funeral serviceFormerly referred to as the -“Mass of Christian Burial -Funeral mass
Ending prayer of the Funeral Liturgy
Letter from a priestStating eligibility for funeral rites and burial in a Roman Catholic cemeteryAlso known as: Christian Burial Certificate Priestly Lines
Visitation and funeral rites Christian Burial Certificate
Orderly movement at the beginning of a service
Orderly movement at the end of the service
Officiant who celebrates the Mass
Conducts a religious service or ceremony
Person that carries the crucifix during religious ceremonies”Cross bearer”
Altar attendant
Blessed or consecrated waterUsed to bless the remains & graves
HOLY WATER aka Asperges
Consecrated elements of Holy Communion
Signifying the “everlasting light of Christ”
Piece of cloth or medal worn around the neck
SCAPULAR aka Amice
Symbolic cloth placed over the casket in the vestibule (narthex) of the church prior to the processional
Signifies in the eyes of God all people are created equal
Robe of Baptism
Bending right knee in reverence, at the beginning & end of service
Symbolic cross made with right hand
First 3 letters in the Greek word JesusUsed as a Vhristian symbol and monogram for “Jesus”
IHS (Greek)
An abbreviation for the Latin term”Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews”
INRI (Latin)
“entry way into the church
the seating or auditorium section
an elevated place on which sacrifices are offered or religious rites are performedTable where the Eucharist or Holy Communion is offered
Area surrounding the altar, inside the Chancel
Area behind the communion railSurrounds the sanctuary and encloses the clergy
Notification of the PriestDepends on circumstances Always confirm with Priest regarding funeral arrangements -funeral liturgy-vigil/wake
Removal of RemainsNo restrictions regarding removal at time of deathMay be some delay for priest, nun, or brother-recitation of special prayers by members of their order
Preparation of RemainsNo restrictions on embalming for laypersonsMay be some restrictions regarding priest, nun, or brother-may request embalming at rectory, convent, or monastery
Dressing and CasketingLayperson in any clothingPriest, nun, brother in robes (vestments) of station/position-may be dressed by designated members of the religious orderUse of religious objects
Pre-Service ConsiderationsPlacement of funeral paraphernaliaPrior to wake -crucifixes. -register book-per dieu. -mass card-rosary beads. -mass card stand-vigil lights. -prayer cards
Crucifix (two)Small crucifix: Inside head panel (opened casket)Outside on head cap (closed casket)Large crucifix:Behind foot end of casket
Hands of decedentInside head panel
Rosary Beads:
In front of casketAt the foot end
Pre Dieu: kneeing rug
Head and foot end of casket
Vigil Lights:
Head end of casketTo left of vigil light and family floral tributeInclude blank Mass cards
Mass Card Stand:
Prayer cardsNear register book
Wake Service (sitting with decease just in case they wake up)Usually in the funeral homeEvening before the funeral liturgyLed by:-priest, deacon-layperson -family member-funeral director
Per-Mass Considerations Day of FuneralFamily often meets at funeral homePrayersFinal viewingFuneral director removes crucifix from head panel & closes casketPlaces crucifix on head capAssembles processionProcesses to the church
The Prayers”Our Father”“Hail Mary”Funeral director should know and be able to recite these prayers