FCEA - The Four Nets Flashcards
The progressed Sun changing sign or house.
Net One
The progressed Moon passing over the Ascendant or Descendant.
Net One
Any progressed planet (except the Moon) making a conjunction
or hard aspect to the Angles, Sun, Moon, or nodal axis.
Net One
Transiting Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto making a conjunction
or hard aspect to the natal Sun, Moon, Angles, or nodal axis.
Net One
Any Saturn Return or Lunar Return.
Net One
The Uranian Opposition.
Net One
The progressed Sun making a conjunction or hard aspect
to any natal planet, Angle, or the nodal axis.
Net One
The progressed New Moon.
Net One
The Progressed Moon going Out of Bounds.
Net One
The progressed Sun trine or sextile any sensitive point.
Net Two
Any progressed planet or Angle (except the Sun or Moon)
conjunct, square, or opposed to any sensitive point (other than Sun, Moon, Angles, or nodes).
Net Two
Any progressed planet or point (except the Moon) changing sign or house.
Net Two
Transiting Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto conjunct, square or opposed to any sensitive point other than Sun, Moon, Angles, or nodal axis.
Net Two
Transiting Jupiter conjunct, square, or opposed to the
natal Sun, Moon, Angles, or nodal axis.
Net Two
Transiting Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto changing houses.
Net Two