fce12 Flashcards
con‧vince / kənvɪns / verb [ transitive ]
1:convince somebody (that)
Baker had to convince jurors that his client had been nowhere near the scene of the murder.
2:convince somebody of something
The officials were eager to convince us of the safety of the nuclear reactors.
3:convince somebody to do something
I’ve been trying to convince Jean to come with me.
rite / raɪt / noun [ countable ]
a ceremony that is always performed in the same way, usually for religious purposes → ritual :
funeral rites
ancient fertility rites
These traditional rites are performed only by the women of the village.
rite of passage
a special ceremony or action that is a sign of a new stage in someone’s life, especially when a boy starts to become a man → coming of age
3 last rites final prayers or religious ceremonies for someone who is dying :
A priest came to give him the last rites .
de‧lin‧quen‧cy / dɪlɪŋkwənsi / noun ( plural delinquencies ) [ uncountable and countable ]
illegal or immoral behaviour or actions, especially by young people :
the ever-rising statistics of delinquency and crime
ju‧ve‧nile / dʒuvənaɪl $ -n ə l, -naɪl / adjective
[ only before noun ] law relating to young people who are not yet adults :
juvenile crime
a juvenile court
straighten something ↔ out
to deal with problems or a confused situation and make it better, especially by organizing things SYN sort out :
There are several financial problems that need to be straightened out quickly.
role model noun [ countable ]
someone whose behaviour, attitudes etc people try to copy because they admire them :
I want to be a positive role model for my sister.
pro‧ba‧tion / prəbeɪʃ ə n $ proʊ- / noun [ uncountable ]
a system that allows some criminals not to go to prison or to leave prison, if they behave well and see a probation officer regularly, for a particular period of time :
The judge sentenced Jennings to three years’ probation.
(put/place somebody) on probation
He pleaded guilty and was placed on probation.
pro‧ba‧tion / prəbeɪʃ ə n $ proʊ- / noun [ uncountable ]
a period of time, during which an employer can see if a new worker is suitable :
a three month probation period
on probation
Some people are appointed on probation
pass sentence
formal (= officially say what someone’s punishment will be ) It is now my duty to pass sentence.
in‧fant 1 W3 / ɪnfənt / noun
1 [ countable ] formal a baby or very young child :
An infant’s skin is very sensitive. → Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
2 infants [ plural ] children in school in Britain between the ages of four and eight
viv‧id / vɪvəd, vɪvɪd / adjective
vivid memories, dreams, descriptions etc are so clear that they seem real OPP vague :
I’ve got vivid memories of that summer.
He had a vivid picture of her in his mind.
de‧ten‧tion / dɪtenʃ ə n / noun
[ uncountable ] the state of being kept in prison
in detention
Willis was held in detention for five years.
cus‧to‧dy / kʌstədi / noun [ uncountable ]
the right to take care of a child, given to one of their parents when they have divorced
custody of
He got custody of his son after the divorce.
The mother is usually awarded custody (= legally allowed to have custody ) .
a dispute over who should have custody of the children
The couple will retain joint custody (= they will both have custody ) of their daughters.
Allen is fighting a bitter custody battle over his three children.
cus‧to‧dy / kʌstədi / noun [ uncountable ]
when someone is kept in prison until they go to court, because the police think they have committed a crime :
The committee is looking at alternatives to custody.
in custody
the death of a man in custody