FCC Flashcards
FCC test
Where do you make an application for inspection of a ship GMDSS radio station?
To the Engineer-in-Charge of the FCC District nearest the proposed place of inspection.
When is it legal to transmit high power on Channel 13?
Failure of vessel being called to respond. In a blind situation such as rounding a bend in a river. During an emergency.
Under what circulstances may a coast guard station using telephony transmit a general call to a group of vessels?
When announcing or preceding the transmission of Distress, Urgency, Safety or other important messages.
Under what circumstances may a ship or aircraft station interfere with public coast station?
In cases of distress.
What is Distress traffic?
All messages relative to the immediate assistance required by a ship, aircraft or other vehicle threatened by grave or imminent danger, such as life and safety or persons on board, or man overboard.
What is the best way for a radio operator to minimize or prevent interference to other stations?
Determine that a frequency is not in use by monitoring the frequency before transmitting.
On what frequency should a ship station normally call a coast station when using a radio-telephony emission?
Calls should be initiated on the appropriate ship-to-shore working frequency of the coast station.
What are the highest priority communications from ships at sea?
Distress calls are highest and then communications preceded by Urgency and then Safety signals.
By international agreement, which ships must carry radio equipment for the safety of life at sea?
Cargo ships of more than 300 gross tons and vessels carrying more than 12 passengers.
The primary purpose of bridge-to-bridge communications is:
Navigational communications.
Who determines when a ship station may transmit routine traffic destined for a coast or government station in the maritime mobile service?
Ship stations must comply with instructions given by the coast or government station.
On what frequency should a ship station normally call a coast station when using a radio-telephony emission?
Calls shoul be initiated on the appropriate ship-to-shore working frequency of the coast station
What information must be included in a Distress message?
Name of vessel Location Types of distress and specifics of help requested
When may a bridge-to-bridge transmission be more than 1 watt?
When broadcasting distress messages and rounding a bend in a river or traveling in a blind spot.
Who determines when a ship station may transmit routine traffic destined for a coast or government station in the maritime mobile service?
Ship stations must comply with instructions given by the coast or government station.
What traffic management service is operated by the U.S. Coast Guard in certain designated water areas to prevent ship collisions, groundings and environmental harm?
Vessel Traffic Safety (VTS).
Ordinarily, how often would a station using a telephony emission identify?
At the beginning and end of each transmission and at 15 minute intervals
What are the highest priority communications from ships at sea?
Distress calls are highest and then communications preceded by Urgency and then Safety signals.
A ship station using VHF bridge-to-bridge Channel 13:
May be identified by the name of the ship in lieu of call sign.
The radio-telephone Distress call and message consists of:
MAYDAY spoken three times, followed by the name of the vessel and the call sign phonetics spoken three times. Particulars of its position, latitude and longitude, and other information which might facilitate rescue, such as length, color and type of vessel, and number of persons on board Nature of distress and kind of assistance required
What is required of a ship station which has established initial contact with another station on 2182 kHz or Ch-16?
The stations must change to an authorized working frequency for transmission of message.
In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the letters E, M, and S are represented by the words:
Echo, Mike, Sierra
How does a coast station notify a ship that it has a message for the ship?
The coast station may transmit, at intervals, lists of call signs in alphabetical order for which they have traffic.
What is a Distress communication?
An internationally recognized communication indicating that the sender is threatened by grave and imminent danger and requests immediate assistance.
Where must the principle radiotelephone operating position be installed in a ship station?
In the room or an adjoining room from which the ship is normally steered while at sea.
When may the operator of a ship radio station allow an unlicensed person to speak over the transmitter?
When under the supervision of the licensed operator.
What is the most actual transmitter frequency could differ from a reading of 462,100,000 hertz on a frequency counter with a time base accuracy of + or - 1.0 ppm?
462.1 Hz
At pi/3 radians,, what is the amplitude of a sine-wave having a peak value of 5 volts?
+4.3 volts.
If a resistance to which a constant voltage is applied is halved, what power dissipation will result?
What is the meaning of the term “time constant of an RL circuit”? The time required for the:
Current in the circuit to build up to 63.2% of the maximum value
What is the time constant of a circuit having a 100-microfarad capacitor and a 470 kilohm resistor in series?
47 seconds
At 150 degrees, what is the amplitude of a sine-wave having a peak value of 5 volts?
+2.5 volts.
In a circuit where AC voltage and current are out of phase, how can the true power be determined?
By multiplying the apparent power times the power factor.
After two time constants, the capacitor in an RC circuit is charged to what percentage of the supply voltage?
What does the power factor equal in an R-L circuit having a 30 degree phase angle between the voltage and the current?
The second harmonic of a 380 kHz frequency is:
760 kHz
What is the time constant of a circuit having a 220-microfarad capacitor and a 1-megaohm resistor in parallel?
220 seconds
What is the second harmonic pf SSB frequency 4146 kHz?
8292 kHz
At pi/3 radians, what is the amplitude of a sine-wave having a peak value of 5 volts?
+4.3 volts
What is the term for the time required for the current in an RL circuit to build up to 63.2% of the maximum value?
One time constant.
The second harmonic of a 380 kHz frequency is:
760 kHz
What is the equivalent to the root-mean-square value of an AC voltage?
The DC voltage causing the same heating in a given resistor as the RMS AC voltage of the same value.
What does the power factor equal in an R-L circuit having a 60 degree phase angle between the voltage and the current?
Determine the phase relationship between the two signals shown in Figure 3B3.
B is lagging A by 90 degrees
What is the most actual transmit frequency could differ from a reading of 462,100,000 Hertz on a frequency counter with a time base accuracy of + or - 01 ppm?
46.32 Hz
What does the power factor equal in an R-L circuit having a 60 degree phase angle between the voltage and the current?
Which class of amplifier has the highest linearity and least distortion?
Class A
The Class B amplifier output is present for what portion of the input cycle?
180 degrees.
How can a single-sideband phone signal be generated?
By using a balanced modulator followed by a filter.
What is a pi-network?
A network consisting of one inductor and two capacitors or two inductors and one capacitor.
What is the output peak envelope power from a transmitter as measured on an oscilloscope showing 200 volts peak-to-peak across a 50-ohm load resistor?
100 watts
What class of amplifier is distinguished by the bias being set well beyond cutoff?
Class C
What is a balanced modulator?
A modulator that produces a double sideband, suppressed carrier signal.
What is a pi-L network?
A network consisting of two inductors and two capacitors.
What class of amplifier is distinguished b the presence of output throughout the entire signal cycle and the input never goes into the cutoff region?
Class A
What input-amplitude parameter is most valuable in evaluating the signal=handling capability of a Class A amplifier?
Peak voltage
How can a single-sideband phone signal be generated?
By using a balanced modulator followed by a filter.
What is an L-network?
A network consisting of an inductor and a capacitor.
What will occur when a non-linear amplifier is used with a single-sideband phone transmitter?
What class of amplifier is characterized by conduction for 180 degrees of the input wave?
Class B
What is the total bandwidth of an FM phone transmission having a 5 kHz deviation and a 3 kHz modulating frequency?
16 kHz.
Which class of amplifier provides the highest efficiency?
Class C
The class C amplifier output is present for what portion of the input cycle?
Less than 180 degrees.
What is the modulation index in an FM phone signal having a maximum frequency deviation of 3,000 Hz on either side of the carrier frequency when the modulating frequency is 1,000 Hz?
What is the output peak envelope power from a transmitter as measured on an oscilloscope showing 200 volts peak-to-peak across a 50-ohm load resistor?
100 watts.
What class of amplifier is distinguished by the presence of output throughput the entire signal cycle and the input never goes into the cutoff region?
Class A
What class of amplifier is characterized by conduction for 180 degrees of the input wave?
Class B
What is the modulation index of a FM phone transmitter producing a maximum carrier dviation of 6 kHz when modulated with a 2 kHz modulating frequency?
Which three network types are commonly used to match an amplifying device to a transmission line?
L network, pi network and pi-L network.
To produce a single-sideband suppressed carrier transmission it is necessary to ______the carrier and to ______the unwanted sideband.
Cancel, filter.
What is a balanced modulator?
A modulator that produces a double sideband, suppressed carrier signal.
What is the distinguishing feature of a Class A amplifier?
Output for the entire 360 degrees of the signal cycle.
What is the distinguishing feature of a Class A amplfier?
Output for the entire 360 degrees of the signal cycle.
What is the modulation index of an FMphone transmitter producing a maximum carrier deviation of 6 kHz when modulated with a 2 kHz modulating frequency?
What is a pi-L network?
A network consisting of two inductors and two capacitors.
What is the approximate ratio of peak envelope power to average power during normal voice modulation peak in a single-sideband phone signal?
2.5 to 1.
What would be the voltage across a 50-ohm dummy load dissipating 1,200 watts?
245 volts (sq rt of 1200x 50)
The class AB amplifier output is present for what portion of the input cycle?
More than 180 but less than 360 degrees.