FCA 10 Flashcards
“Abused child” means a child less than ______________ YEARS of age whose parent or other person responsible for their care:
1.Inflicts or allows to be inflicted serious physical injury (other than accidental)
2. Creates or allows to be created a risk of physical injury (other than accidental)
3. Commits or allows to be committed any sex offense or encourages the child
to engage in any acts of prostitution or sex trafficking
“A neglected child” means a child less than ______________ of age whose
physical, mental and emotional condition has been impaired or is imminent danger of becoming impaired as a result of the failure of the parent or person responsible for his care to exercise a minimum degree of care:
- In supplying the child with adequate food, clothing, shelter or
education, or medical, dental, optometrical or
surgical care, though financially able to do so or offered financial or
other reasonable means to do so, or, in the case of an alleged failure
of the respondent to provide education to the child, notwithstanding the
efforts of the school district or local educational agency and child
protective agency to ameliorate such alleged failure prior to the filing
of the petition; or - In providing the child with proper supervision or guardianship
Or a child who has been abandoned by his parents or other person legally responsible for his care
“Aggravated circumstances” means where a child has been:
- Severely or repeatedly abused
- Found to be an abused child within _____________ after the return home
following placement in foster care - At risk for abuse or neglect from the parent who has not taken any steps to
engage in services necessary to eliminate such risk over a period of at least
_______________ from the date of removal
4.Intentionally abandoned a child ______________ OLD OR YOUNGER
“Permanency hearing” means a hearing for the purpose of reviewing the ___________ status of the child and the permanency plan developed by the social services district
foster care
1013- The family court has _________ jurisdiction over proceedings under this article alleging abuse or neglect of a child. The family court maintains jurisdiction even though the criminal court may be exercising jurisdiction over the acts alleged
exclusive original
1013- In determining jurisdiction, it is the age of the child at the time____________ that controls. The child need not be in the custody of the respondent if the court otherwise has jurisdiction over the matter.
the proceedings are initiated (not when the acts occurred)
1014- If the family court determines the process of the family court is inappropriate or insufficient, it may transfer the proceedings to the _______________ and refer the matter to the district attorney
criminal court
1014 - In any hearing under this section, the family court may grant the ______________ testimonial immunity in any subsequent criminal court proceeding
1014- There may be concurrent proceedings occurring in both Family Court and ____________
Criminal Court
1015- Proceedings under this article may be originated in the county in which the child or the person having custody of the child resides or is domiciled at the time of________________ . Residence shall include a shelter for the homeless.
the filing of the petition
1015- lf another proceeding under this act directs the filing of an abuse or neglect petition, the venue of the article under which the (ORIGINAL OR ARTICLE 10?) proceeding is brought shall apply
1016- The court (SHALL/MAY) appoint an ____________ to represent a child who has been allegedly abused or neglected upon the earliest occurrence of the court receiving notice of the emergency removal of a child, an application for an order of removal or the filing of a petition alleging abuse or neglect.
Such appointment will continue until the expiration of any court orders or procedures.
SHALL…. “attorney for the child”
1017- In any proceeding where the court determines that a child must be removed from his or her home, the court shall direct the local commissioner of social services to locate any non-respondent parent of the child and any relatives of the child, including all of the child’s grandparents, all relatives or suitable persons identified by any respondent parent or any non-respondent parent and any relative identified by a child over the age of _______ as a relative who plays or has played a significant positive role in his or her life to inform them of the proceedings and the opportunity to become foster parents or to seek custody and care of the child
1017 - (NEW)
5. (a) In any case in which an order has been issued pursuant to this
article remanding or placing a child in the custody of the local social
services district, the social services official or authorized agency
charged with custody or care of the child shall report any anticipated
change in placement to the court and the attorneys for the parties,
including the attorney for the child, forthwith, but not later than ____________ following either the decision to change the placement or
the actual date the placement change occurred, whichever is sooner.
Such notice shall indicate the date that the placement change is anticipated
to occur or the date the placement change occurred, as applicable.
Provided, however, if such notice lists an anticipated date for the
placement change, the local social services district or authorized
agency shall subsequently notify the court and attorneys for the
parties, including the attorney for the child, of the date the placement
change occurred; such notice shall occur no later than ___________
following the placement change.
one business day…………. one business day
(b) When a child whose legal custody was transferred to the
commissioner of a local social services district resides in a qualified residential treatment program, and where such child’s initial placement or change in placement in such program commenced on or after September twenty-ninth, two thousand twenty-one, upon receipt of notice OF CHANGE OF PLACEMENT and motion of the local social services district, the court shall schedule a court review to make an assessment and determination of such placement. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, such court review shall occur no later than ____________ from the date the placement of the child in the qualified residential treatment program commenced.
sixty days
1021- A peace officer acting pursuant to his special duties or a police officer or an agent of a duly authorized agency, association, society or institution may temporarily remove a child from his residence with the written consent of his or her __________________ if the child is suspected of being an abused or neglected child
parent or person responsible for his or her care
1021 - The officer or agent shall along with the removal give written notice to the parent or other person responsible for the child’s care of the right to apply to the family court for the return of the child under FCA ___________ and the right to be represented by counsel
1021 - Unless the child is returned sooner, a petition shall be filed within_______________ from the date of the removal. In such a case a hearing shall be held no later than ___________ after the petition is filed
THREE (3) COURT DAYS……….. the next court day
1022- The family court (MUST/MAY?) enter an order directing the temporary removal of a child before the filing of a petition if:
- A parent or other person was absent or if present refused to consent to the
temporary removal
- The child appears to suffer from the abuse or neglect of the parent and the
immediate removal is necessary to avoid imminent danger to the child’s life or health
- There isn’t enough time file a petition and hold a preliminary hearing
1022 - When a child protective agency applies to the court for such an immediate removal, the court shall calendar the matter ________ and continue the matter until a decision is made by the court
that day
1022 - At the conclusion of the hearing where it is determined that a child should be removed,The court shall set a date certain for _________________
an initial permanency hearing
1022 - Except for good cause shown or unless the child
is sooner returned to the place where he or she was residing, a petition
shall be filed under this article within three court days of the
issuance of the order. The court shall hold a hearing pursuant to
section one thousand twenty-seven of this part no later than the __________ following the filing of the petition if the respondent was not
present, or was present and unrepresented by counsel, and has not waived
his or her right to counsel, for the hearing pursuant to this section.
next court day
1022 - If a person is not present at a child’s home at the time of the removal, a copy of the notice entitling the parent to a hearing under FCA 1028 will be affixed to the door and a copy shall be mailed to such person at his or her last known place of residence within _________________ after the removal of the child
1022a - 1022a- At the time of the hearing the court shall advise the respondent of the allegations in the application and (SHALL/MAY?) appoint counsel for the respondent where the respondent is indigent
1023- Any person who may originate a proceeding under this article may apply for, or the court on its own motion may issue an order of temporary removal or an order for the provision of services or assistance including emergency medical care.
1023- Any person who may originate a proceeding under this article may apply for, or the court on its own motion may issue an order of temporary removal or an order for the provision of services or assistance including emergency medical care.
1024 - Any physician shall notify the authorities to take custody of a child they are treating without an order of the court and without the consent of the parent, if there is reasonable cause to believe that there is an imminent danger to the child’s life or health and there is not enough time to apply for an order.
1024 - Any physician shall notify the authorities to take custody of a child they are treating without an order of the court and without the consent of the parent, if there is reasonable cause to believe that there is an imminent danger to the child’s life or health and there is not enough time to apply for an order.
1024 - If a person under this section removes or keeps custody of a child, he shall:
1. Bring the child immediately to a place approved for such purpose by
the social services department
2. Make every effort to inform the parent of the facility to which he has
brought the child
3. Give written notice to the parent of the right to apply to the family
court for the return of the child
1024 - If a person under this section removes or keeps custody of a child, he shall:
1. Bring the child immediately to a place approved for such purpose by
the social services department
2. Make every effort to inform the parent of the facility to which he has
brought the child
3. Give written notice to the parent of the right to apply to the family
court for the return of the child
1024 - Any person acting in good faith in the removal or keeping of the child shall have immunity from____________ or _____________ - “No kidnapping charge to follow”
civil or criminal liability
1026- The appropriate person or the child protective agency upon the emergency removal of a child shall make every reasonable effort to communicate with the parent and, except in cases involving ___________ , cause a child thus removed to be returned as long as there is no imminent risk to the child’s health
The return of the child may be conditioned upon a “written promise”, without security of the parent to appear in court at a specified time with the child
1026 - If the child protective agency does not return the child after an emergency removal, a petition shall be filed no later than ______________ after the child was removed. The court may order an extension for up to ___________. A hearing shall be held no later than ______________ after the petition is filed
the next court day ………. three court days…………… the next court day
1027- In any case where the child has been removed without a court order, the family court shall hold a hearing no later than____________ after the filing of a petition to determine whether the child’s interests require protection
the next court day
1027 - If the court determines that removal is necessary it shall immediately inquire as to the status of the social services district’s efforts at locating relatives of the child. The court shall inquire if the child {if over the age of ____________ ) has identified any relatives who have played a significant role in his life.
Upon completion of such inquiry the court shall remand or place the child:
- With the local commissioner of social services who upon direction of the court
will have the child reside with a relative or other suitable person who expressed
a desire to become a foster parent - To a place approved by the social services district
3.In the custody of a relative or other suitable person other than the respondent
1027 - In all cases involving abuse the court (SHALL/MAY?) order an examination of the child by a physician
In all cases involving neglect the court (SHALL/MAY?) order an examination of the child by a physician
1027 - At the conclusion of a hearing where it has been determined that the child should be removed, the court shall set a date certain for ______________
an initial permanency hearing
1027a- When a social services official removes a child, the child shall be placed with his or her siblings or half siblings unless in the judgment of the official it is not in the best interests of the child. If such placement is not immediately available, such official shall arrange for such placement within ____________
1027a- If a removed child is not placed together with his or her siblings, the child through his or her attorney or through a parent on his or her behalf, may bring a motion for placement or contact. The motion shall be served upon:
- The respondent in the proceeding
- The local social services official having the care of the child
- Other persons having care of the child
- The parents or others caring for the siblings to be visited with
- Any non-respondent parent
- Such sibling himself or herself if ___________ or older
- Such sibling’s attorney
1027a - The court can rule that the child be placed with, or have regular contact with, his or her_________ if determined it is in the best interests of the child Eff. 11/16/16
1028- Upon the application of a parent or other person responsible for care, or the child’s attorney, for the return of a child, the court shall hold a hearing within ______________ of the application and shall not be adjourned. The court shall grant the application unless the return presents an imminent risk to the child
1028a- Upon the application of a relative to become a foster parent of a child in foster care, the court shall hold a hearing to determine whether the child should be placed with a relative in foster care. Such hearing shall only be held if:
- The relative is:
(a) is related to the child through blood, marriage, or adoption; or
(b) is related to a half-sibling of the child through blood, marriage or adoption and where such person or persons is or are also the prospective or appointed relative guardian or guardians of such half-sibling; or
(c) is an adult with a positive relationship with the child, including, but not limited to, a step-parent, godparent, neighbor or family friend. - The child has been temporarily removed or placed in non relative foster care
- The relative indicates a willingness to become a foster parent
- The local social services district has refused to place the child with the relative
- The application is brought within ____________ of the relative receiving
notice of the child being removed and no later than _____________ from
that date of removal
If the court determines placement with the relative is within the best interests of the child, it shall direct the local social services official to commence an investigation of the home of the relative within _____________ to expedite approval as a foster
1029- The family court upon application of any person who may originate a proceeding may issue a temporary order of protection, before or after filing of such petition. If an order of protection is granted before a petition is filed, and a petition is not filed within ___________ , the order shall be vacated. An attorney for the child at any point can make application for a temporary order of protection
1030- A respondent (SHALL/MAY?) have the right to reasonable and regularly scheduled visitation with a child in the temporary custody of a social services official and may apply to the court for such visitation