Fayol Management Theory Flashcards
Define Planning (Function)
Planning is the starting point for management. It creates a framework for future decisions. Planning involves setting clear objectives and devising strategies, policies, programmes and procedures to achieve those objectives.
Define Organising (Function)
Organising involves getting the right resources together and creating an appropriate organisational structure to divide up the tasks.
Managers must train and recruit the right people for the job to secure an efficient and effective workforce.
Define Commanding / Staffing (Function)
Commanding refers to the giving of instructions in order to ensure that the necessary tasks are carried out.
Tasks could be carried out either individually or by delegation to others.
Define Co-ordinating / Leading (Function)
The coordination / staffing role of a manager involves finding and training staff for the task to be carried out and ensuring that the staff are motivated to perform the tasks and that all are working to the same goals.
Define Controlling (Function)
Controlling involves maintaining performance levels by monitoring and evaluating, for example collecting and analysing key management information, comparing actual vs planned performance and critically reviewing plans.
Define Division of Labour / Work (Principle)
Employees should be trained in one area and build expertise in that task.
Specialisation results in increases in efficiency and output levels.
Define Authority (Principle)
Authority is correlated to responsibility. Managers must be able to give instructions and exercise authority to ensure these orders are carried out.
Define Discipline (Principle)
Employees must comply with the rules and regulations of the firm. Company policy must be adhered to and consequences must be in place for those who would disobey
Define Unity of Command (Principle)
Each employee should have only one direct supervisor from whom they receive their orders.
Define Unity of Direction (Principle)
To minimise confusion and conflict, teams with the same task should be working for the same manager and towards the same goals.
Define Subordination of Individual Interest to the General Interest (Principle)
The interests and intentions of one employee (or a group) must not take control over the direction of the entire team. Company objectives provide navigation for steering the firm, not the personal agenda of an employee or group.
Define Remuneration (Principle)
Rewarding employees for their work through financial and non-financial incentives.
A fair salary should be awarded as well as perks and bonuses if targets are met.
Define Centralisation (Principle)
The involvement of employees in core decision making. Involving employees through the use of quality circles will minimise their resistance to change.
Define Scalar Chain (Principle)
The line of authority from top management to the lowest ranks represents the scalar chain.
Communications should follow this chain. Employees should be aware of their position in the chain of command.
Define Order (Principle)
The systematic arrangement of resources, people, machinery, and finances. The workplace must be clean, tidy, organised, and efficient to achieve maximum effectiveness.