Faults Flashcards
Quality assurance in radiography is a …… requirement
What are extra oral cassettes marked with
The letter L
What type of waste are X-ray processing chemicals
Non infectious hazardous
What is the reason for the exposure fsult elongation of the image
Collimator angulation too shallow
What is the reason for exposure fault foreshortening of image
Collimator angulation is too steep
What is the reason for exposure fault coning
Collimator not central to film
What is the reason for exposure fault blurred image
Patient of collimator moved during exposure
What is the reason for exposure fault transparent film
Film placed the wrong way around
What is the reason for exposure fault fogged film
Exposed to light before X-ray exposure
What is the reason for exposure fault blank film
X-ray machine not turned on
What is the reason for handling fault scratches or finger prints
Catching the film on the tank during immersion and not holding by the edges
What is the reason for handling fault blank spots
Splashed with fixer before developing
What is the reason for handling fault black line across film
Film bent or folded during processing
What is the reason for handling fault brown or green stains
Inadequate fixing due to old solution
What is the reason for handling fault crazed pattern on film
Dried too quickly over a strong heat source
What is the reason for handling fault crystals on film
Insufficient washing after fixing
What is the reason for equipment preparation fault dark film
Developer solution too concentrated
Temperature too high
Over developed
What is the reason for equipment preparation fault blank film
Film placed in fixer solution before developed solution so it is destroyed
What is the reason for equipment preparation fault partly blank film
Film partially immersed in developer solution
What is the reason for equipment preparation fault fogged film
Processing room is not light tight
What is the reason for equipment preparation fault faint image
Developer solution is to weak
Temperature too low
Under developed
What is the reason for equipment preparation fault fading image
Inadequate fixing time so image is not permanently held on film
What is the reason for equipment preparation fault loss of film
Film stuck in roller system due to poor cleaning and maintenance
What is the reason for equipment preparation fault visible artefacts
Film contaminated with solution spillages, in cassettes or work surfaces
Poor qualify or unreadable radiographs will be produced if ….
Old film stock is used