FAULTS Flashcards
Puysegur subduction zone (location, plates, description, earthquakes)
location: Fiordland
plates: australian plate subducting below the pacific plate
description: near vertical in Fiordland subduction zone
earthquakes: high hazard (slips) low risk (population)
Alpine fault (description, earthquakes)
Principal plate boundary fault on the central South Island (70% plate motion)
description: oblique slip, ~25 mm/yr dextral strike slip and 10mm/yr dip-slip
earthquakes: high hazard and high risk. does not creep - proved through wall
Otago range and basin province (description, faults, earthquakes)
description: set of NNE-SSW striking reverse faults that have formed Central Otago ranges
faults: Akatore
earthquakes: Evidence of 3 earthquakes in the past 10,000 years