Fatty Acid Oxidation Defects Flashcards
What are Fatty Acids?
- Fatty acids are a major dietary ingredient and an excellent source of energy
- Most dietary fat consists of triglycerides containing long-chain fatty acids
- The energy obtained from excess calorie intake is used for the biosynthesis of long chain fatty acids and storage as fat. Body fat is an energy dense material
- Fat is stored in adipose tissue in the form of long-chain triglycerides
What are functions of Fatty Acids?
Fatty acids can be readily mobilised in the non-fed state
- Production of ketones by hepatic β-oxidation
- Give a high yield of ATP through fatty acid oxidation and oxidative phosphorylation
They are preferentially used by some tissues as a major energy source
- Heart muscle derives 60% of its energy from long-chain fatty acid oxidation
Skeletal muscle uses fatty acid oxidation at rest but especially during extended aerobic muscle exercise
What are features of Ketone Bodies?
Liver only tissue to produce ketone bodies
- 3-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate and acetone
Liver unable to utilise ketone bodies (export only)
Ketone bodies are major fuel for peripheral tissues during fasting
Ketones “spare” glucose for the brain and other vital tissues
In prolonged fasting ketones provide >80% bodily energy
What are the effects of Fatty Acid Defects?
Usually present in infancy/early childhood often preceded by illness / poor food intake
Fatty acid oxidation defects lead to a reduced or absent ability to produce ketones leading to hypoketotic hypoglycaemia, encephalopathy, coma and death. There are also adverse effects in tissues and organs that preferentially use fatty acids for energy:
- In skeletal muscle - muscle weakness, pain and rhabdomyolysis.
- In heart muscle - cardiomyopathy and conduction defects.
- Liver function can also be compromised leading to abnormal liver function tests.
What are the effects of Short Term Fasting?
- In the non-fed state fatty acids are mobilised from adipose tissue (In neonates and infants this may occur after only a few hours, In adults it occurs from 6 to 12 hours post feeding)
- They are transported to the liver as free fatty acids (FFA) and undergo beta-oxidation in the liver to produce ketone bodies
- Ketones are used by extra-hepatic tissues during fasting, although the brain has only a limited capacity to use them for energy
How are ketones beneficial in neonates?
- Neonates and infants have an increased head/body ratio as compared to adults and therefore they have a relatively high cerebral glucose requirement.
- They also have a small liver and hence relatively low glycogen stores.
- Without the “glucose sparing” effect of ketones neonates and infants would rapidly develop hypoglycaemia.
What are effects of Long term fasting?
- On long term fasting (e.g. starvation) the body adapts by increasing use of body fat and muscle and the brain slowly switches from using glucose as its main energy source to using ketone bodies.
- Over 80% of energy requirements are met by fatty acids and muscle is slowly broken down to provide gluconeogenic substrates as some glucose is still needed.
What is the process for Fatty Acid Oxidation?
- Long chain free fatty acids enter the mitochondria as fatty acyl-CoA derivatives via the carnitine shuttle
- Short and medium chain fatty acids enter the mitochondria independently
- During ß-oxidation the fatty acyl-CoA’s are sequentially shortened by two carbon units for each turn of the cycle with the production of acetyl-CoA
- Some of the reducing equivalents (NADH, FADH) produced during ß-oxidation are fed directly into the electron transport chain (ETC) to produce ATP
- Acetyl-CoA is also fed into the citric acid cycle to generate more reducing equivalents and subsequently ATP in the ETC
- In the liver ketones are synthesised from acetyl-CoA for export to peripheral tissues for further oxidation and ATP production
How does Hypoketotic Hypoglycaemia occur?
- Due to Impaired ketogenesis leading to production of toxic metabolites
- This lead to sequestration of CoA and carnitine and inhibition of gluconeogenesis / intermediary metabolism
When should a fatty oxidation defect be suspected?
Intermittent hypoglycaemia ± acidosis
- episodic encephalopathy / Reye-like episodes
- Failure to thrive / hypotonia / poor feeding
Cardiomyopathy ± liver dysfunction
Exercise/viral induced myalgia / rhabdomyolysis
- Children - myalgia /exercise intolerance
- Adolescents / adults - episodic rhabdomyolysis
What are types of Fatty Acid Oxidation Defects?
- Medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD) deficiency (Most common)
- Carnitine cycle defects
- B oxidation defects
- Electron Transfer Defects
- Defects of Riboflavin Transport and metabolism
What is the enzymatic defect in Primary Carnitine Deficiency?
- The organic cation/carnitine transport OCTN2 is responsible for carnitine uptake across the plasma membrane, particularly in heart, muscle and kidney.
- Defects lead to primary carnitine deficiency with increased renal loss of carnitine, low plasma concentrations and sufficiently low intracellular concentrations to impair fatty acid oxidation.
What is the clincial presentation of Primary Carnitine Deficiency?
- Infants: Hypoglycaemia, Liver Dysfucntion, Hyperammonaemia
- Children: Heart failure due to cardiomyopathy, often accompanied by skeletal muscle weakness.
- Adults may suffer fatigue or arrhythmias.
- Many patients remain asymptomatic
What is the diagnosis and treatment of Primary Carnitine Disorders?
- Very low free carnitine concentration in plasma
- Carnitine replacement, 100 mg/kg/day
- Outcome is Excellent with treatment
What is the enzymatic defect in Carnitine Palmitoyl Transferase Deficiency Type 2 (CPT2)?
Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase type 2
What are clinical features of Carnitine Palmitoyl Transferase Deficiency Type 2 (CPT2)?
- The severe neonatal form is often fatal and presents with hypoketotic hypoglycaemia, cardiomyopathy, hypotonia and congenital abnormalities.
- There is a milder form often presenting in older children or adults with recurrent attacks of rhabdomyolysis trigged by prolonged aerobic exercise or sometimes catabolic stress.
How is diagnosis of Carnitine Palmitoyl Transferase Deficiency Type 2 (CPT2) made?
- In the severe form the plasma acylcarnitines show increased long chain acylcarnitines with free carnitine depletion and fatty acid flux studies show reduced long chain fatty acid oxidation.
- In the mild adult forms acylcarnitines and fatty acid flux studies may be normal.
- However specific enzyme assay of CPT2 will diagnose all forms
How is Carnitine Palmitoyl Transferase Deficiency Type 2 (CPT2) managed?
- In the neonatal/infantile form treatment is by a low long-chain fat / high carbohydrate diet supplemented with medium chain triglycerides.
- It is important to avoid fasting and the patient needs an emergency regime during times of catabolism/infection/stress.
- In the adult forms medium chain triglyceride rich meals and maintenance of glycogen stores prior to exercise may help.
What is the outcome of Carnitine Palmitoyl Transferase Deficiency Type 2 (CPT2)?
- In the neonatal form there is high morbidity and mortality.
- In the adult form with repeated rhabdomyolysis attacks on exercise there is a risk of renal failure secondary to the rhabdomyolysis.
What is the enzymatic defect in MCADD?
Deficiency of Medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase which coverts fat into energy.
- Medium chain fats are 6 to 12 carbon units long
- Partially broken-down fatty acids accumulate in the blood of patients with MCADD.
- C8 (octanoyl carnitine) increased in blood, and is unique to medium chain fatty acids
- Fatty acids are an important energy reserve during periods of poor calorie intake, fasting or during infections
How does MCADD develop in neonates?
In babies, there is store of fat from the third trimester but in MCADD, this store of energy is not effectively used and if they are not feeding well, the condition can present clinically
What are some genetic factors about MCADD?
- Autosomal Recessive, MCADD gene (ACADM) found on chromosome 1
- Most common mutation is 985A>G (K304E) accounts for approximately 80-85% of clinically presenting disease
- Milder variants picked up by newborn screening
- It is thought that between 1 in 40 and 1 in 80 healthy people are carriers and do not have any symptoms
What is the clinical presentation of MCADD?
Well until decompensation (metabolic stress)
- Neonatal period (onset of breast feeding)
- Fasting
- Inter-current infection esp. gastrointestinal
Main feature is Hypoketotic Hypoglycaemia which can cause sudden death or may progress to Reye’s Syndrome.
Onset tends to be more commonly from 2 months to 4 years of age but may occur, rarely, at any time even in adulthood.
Muscle and liver problems are not a major feature of this disorder.
Sometimes there is significant ketosis.
Mean age at presentation 13/12 months
Seasonal (Autumn / Winter)
20-25% mortality, 30% survivors CNS damage
How is MCADD initially screened?
- Initial C8 (octanoyl carnitine) value > 0.4µM
- Repeat in duplicate and measure C10
- Average of all three C8 values > 0.5µM and C8/C10 ratio is >1.0 referred for clinical follow up
- Ratio helps distinguish between MCADD and other (rare) causes of increased C8
- Stressed heterozygotes, GA2 (MADD), ketosis, dead spiders…