Fathers Role Flashcards
Schaffer and Emerson date
what did Schaffer and Emerson find?
attachment between infant and caregiver varied across the infants
Schaffer and Emerson - the mother was the
primary attachment for half of the infants
Schaffer and Emerson - a third of the infants preferred
the father
Schaffer and Emerson - the rest of the children had their strongest attachment with their
grandparents or siblings
a lot of the initial research looking into caregiver-infant attachment ignores
the role of the father
Goodsell and Meldrum date
Goodsell and Meldrum - conducted a large study into the relationship between
infants and their fathers
Goodsell and Meldrum - they found that those with a secure attachment to their mother
are also likely to have a secure attachment with their father
Ross et al - date
Ross et al - showed that the number of nappies a father changed was
positively correlated to the strength of their attachment
Ross et al - the study was supported by
Caldera (2004)
Caldera date
Caldera - how many mothers and fathers did they look at
Caldera - how old are the babies?
14 months
Caldera found that when the father was involved in caregiving activities
they were much more likely to develop a strong attachment with their child