Father and Son- Quotes Flashcards
“He used to dig the garden, grow vegetables and flowers for half the street”
The garden is symbolic of the community the father was once part however since then has been destroyed.
“the weeds have taken over”
The father has become isolated. The violence is demonstrated by the weeds, they have taken over him.
Meaning and symbolism of the garden
The garden which was once thriving and was a source of sustenance and comradeship for the community has been destroyed by the weeds which represent the fear and violence of the troubles.
“black and squat, dull like a garden slug”
Like weeds, slugs destroy gardens. Simile comparing gun represents violence to slug symbolism of destroyed garden. Use of a microcosm
“My son, let me put my arms around you”
Use of dual narration lets us see what each character feels, this sad irony that he only gets to hold his son is when he is dead. Damage of lack of communication
“the sound of ambulances criss-crosses the dark”
Harsh consonance sound of “criss crosses” gives indication of violence outside. Ambulances all over the city tending injury shows the reader violent and unsafe place.
“the snap of the switch of the kettle”
Onomatopoeic “snap” and the alliteration with “switch”sounds like the cocking of gun suggests violent setting
“the doorframe shudders as he leaves”- father
Personification suggest that this violence is so extreme that even the house itself has become fearful. (perhaps of what will happen to the characters when they leave.
“I sleep with the daylight. It is safe” - son
Characterisation of son as being too scared to sleep at night because of the threats in the setting in which he lives in. Highlights the violence that is surrounding them.
“If I know what you’re doing I don’t worry as much” son replies with “shit”
the sons responds with monosyllabic responses and expletives- almost like verbal bullets, reflecting the violence of the setting.
“He takes up the paper between him and his father”
the sons uses the newspaper as a physical barrier between himself and his father. Division in society being represented as a microcosm in the home
“the boy had taken up the paper. He turns the pages nosily, crackling like fire”
Simile MacLaverty has once again used sound to represent how the violence of the setting. Shows the lack of communication of both.
“on the radio I hear he is dead. they give out his description… But he comes in for his tea”
He is certain his son has already died, father is fearful and is just waiting for his sons death. foreshadowing the death
“the news has come to my door”
the son has been shot on the front doorstep. The reader kneel feels the impact of this tragedy and MacLaverty shows the brutal nature of the setting at that time.
“because I do not sleep well I hear my father rising to go to work”
Both charcters don’t sleep. Both motivated by fear. This helps to develop the violence and division they are both anxious about the dangers posed in the setting in which they live.
“I hear him not eating anything”
characterisation of father too fearful to eat
“I hear him groan and see his eyes flicker open”
Onomatopoeia of “groan” characterisation of son- he is displeased by his father intrusion highlighting theme of division and lack of communication
“at night I hear his bare feet click as he lifts them”
Onomatopoeia of “click” mimics the sound of a gun being cocked. The violence outside has permeated their home
“there is a bang”
Anti-climax whole text built up to this however sort sentence using simple language. Onomatopoeia of death of son. The death was always inevitable and MacLaverty language is matter of fact.